Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 113 Ye Chuan Visits

Chapter 113 Ye Chuan Visits
"I'm really fine, brother, hurry up and leave!" Knowing that Ye Chuan was worried about herself, Ye Shi pushed him away with a smile, stood aside and patted her stiff little face, and said softly.

Although he still had doubts about Ye Shi's words, Ye Chuan didn't say much after all, he took a deep look at her, turned and left.

Seeing the back of Ye Chuan walking out, the smile on Ye Shi's face gradually disappeared, until the door was closed, she sat slumped on the sofa beside her, her eyes were empty, looking at the bright sunlight outside the window, her heart skipped a beat. pain.

I didn't expect that after only coming back for so many days, everything would be discovered, and I thought I could hide it for a while longer.

Leaning on the chair in a daze, not knowing what to do in such a mess, she just wanted to take Youyou out of here immediately, but obviously this is not the right time at all, Ye Shi curled up, holding her legs tightly with both hands, Sobbing and crying.

Coming down from upstairs with a gloomy face, Ye Chuan thought for a while and said to the butler: "In the future, no one can be put in the villa without my consent." After speaking, he pursed his lips and walked outside. He had to solve it quickly. Finish everything, and then leave with a little poem.

Huo Chen, who had returned to the Huo Group, was standing in front of the window in a daze. At the beginning, Xiaoshi said that he lost his memory and got married and had a child. He thought of thousands of possibilities, but he never thought that all of them were fake. of. ,

Thinking of Youyou and Ye Shi, Huo Chen's deep eyes were full of blessings and doting, looking at the bright sunlight outside the window, he was in a good mood for no reason, he still had a chance, everything was still in time.

"President, Mr. Ye is here."

Lin Li walked in and interrupted all Huo Chen's thoughts with a word. Sure enough, what should come still has to come, and there is no way to hide.

Sighing, Huo Chen turned around, went to the sofa and sat down: "Bring it in, and make two cups of tea."

"Yes, President." Lin Li bowed, answered blankly, turned around and backed out.

When Ye Chuan came in, the expression on Huo Chen's face became more serious, and he stretched out his hand to him, signaling Ye Chuan to sit down.

"Boss Huo has nothing to explain about today's incident." Ye Chuan said straight to the point, not wanting to pay any attention to Huo Chen.

"It's true that I did something wrong today, but Mr. Ye, since Youyou is my child, it's time for him to recognize his ancestors. After all, Youyou's surname should be Huo." Stand up and walk to Ye Chuan Beside him, Huo Chen smiled and said politely.

"His name is Ye You'an, he is a child of our Ye family, what does he have to do with you, Huo Chen!" Turning his head and looking at him with sharp eyes, Ye Chuan's face was gloomy, his hands were behind his back, and his terrifying aura was ready to go. .

"Whether Youyou is my child or not, you should be very clear that what happened back then was indeed my fault, but don't you think about the future of Xiaoshi and Youyou?" Looking directly at Ye Chuan, his aura was comparable to his.

His brows were slightly frowned, although he didn't want to admit it, but he, as an uncle, couldn't replace his father's identity. Although the child didn't say anything, he could feel that Youyou had always longed for his father.

"Ye Chuan, don't you just have the heart for Xiaoshi to live in the past and not be able to get out?" Seeing Ye Chuan's appearance, Huo Chen's eyes flashed. Sure enough, no matter how much he said, as long as it related to Youyou and Xiaoshi He will definitely think about his happiness.

"During this period of time, I don't want you to appear near Xiaoshi and Youyou. I really hope that my own sister will live a happy life, but if the current life is what she wants, I will definitely not let others Disturbing her!" Looking up at Huo Chen, Ye Chuan's eyes were sharp, he really wanted Youyou to have a father, but in the final analysis, Ye Shi should be the first in everything.

"Since you have said that, then I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient, but you can help me give Xiaoshi a sentence." Knowing that he will definitely not be able to surpass Ye Chuan in a while, Huo Chen agreed to him straightforwardly. conditions of.

"Speak." After all, Huo Chen grew up behind him, and he still has a certain understanding of his character and temperament. Although he did many unforgivable things, it was hard for him to say anything because of the situation at the time. In other words, Huo Chen is a good candidate.

"Help me tell Xiaoshi that since we already have Youyou, I hope she will give me another chance. This time, I will definitely live up to her." Xiaoshi was forced to jump into the sea five years ago, which was the most desperate thing in his life. He didn't want to suffer this kind of pain again, so no matter what method he used this time, he would definitely keep Xiaoshi by his side, and he would keep Xiaoshi by his side by whatever means.

"I will convey it to you, but the result depends on her own decision." Ye Chuan nodded and agreed.

"Since you're here, let's settle the Chen family's affairs by the way. According to Chen Wei's current power, if he dares to oppose us so blatantly, I'm afraid that there are others behind him to support him." Huo Chen's face was serious, He looked very serious.

Ye Chuan glanced at Huo Chen, his face flashed with ruthlessness, and he walked over and sat on the sofa: "Indeed, although the current Chen family has grown a lot, there is still a certain distance from the Huo family, not to mention Or deal with the three companies together."

He also thought about this matter at the time, but he had no idea at all. You guys who were defeated by the Ye family back then should have something to do with the Chen family. bankruptcy.

"I have checked over the years. At the time, most of Ye's assets were collected by the Chen family, and only a small part was robbed by other families. However, when the Chen family took such a large amount of assets, it did not It didn’t grow immediately, but it seemed to grow stronger over the years, so where did such a large amount of assets go?” At the time of the investigation, he only focused on finding the murderer, and didn’t think much about it. Now that he thinks about it, the behind-the-scenes The person probably stood behind Chen Wei as early as ten years ago.

Huo Chen looked at Ye Chuan, he had only found out a little bit about Ye's matter in the past five years, and it would be very difficult for more.

"It's hard to check the flow of funds ten years ago." Ye Chuan frowned. It's been so long, it might be difficult to even start from where to start, but the people behind the scenes can make Chen Wei so arrogant, probably not Ordinary people.

"Did Mrs. Ye offend anyone in the past? Someone from a wealthy family or someone in the officialdom?" A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. It is very likely that officials and businessmen are acting to swallow up Mrs. Ye's property so silently.

"I'm not very clear about Ye Chuan's affairs at that time. I still need to find out who the specific enemies are." The words of Huo Chen, a member of the officialdom, reminded Ye Chuan of some things, but before they are confirmed, those things are temporarily can not say.

"Let me know in time if there is any news, I will continue to investigate here, and I am going to start suppressing the Chen family, you should prepare yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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