Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 124 Misunderstanding Resolved

Chapter 124 Misunderstanding Resolved
There were countless people who condemned the Huo family for a while, those who asked the Chen family to give an explanation, and those who brought up the Chen family's tax evasion again.

The more Ye Shi looked at her face, the more excited she became. She didn't expect that she just fell asleep, and things turned around so quickly. She was smiling, as if she suddenly thought of something. She blushed, dropped her phone and rushed to the bathroom to check carefully Dressed up.

Although the events of that year are still buried deep in my heart, there are some things that I can't help but have to do, and I can't control what I think in my heart. It's rare to be dressed up, Ye Shi raised her hand and asked the driver to take her to the hospital.

Mr. Huo hadn't woken up yet, and only the butler was in the room. After arriving at the hospital, she realized how impulsive she really was. What's more, Mr. Huo was still ill, and she even dressed so brightly and directly. Just ran over.

Just as she was thinking about leaving first, the housekeeper saw her.

"Miss Ye, come in and sit down. If the master knows that you came to see him, he might be very happy." He also knows what happened back then, but no matter how many difficulties he has, it is not worth mentioning now, let alone after seeing him. Seeing the master lying unconscious on the bed and frowning tightly, the housekeeper sighed and welcomed Ye Shi in.

"Grandpa Butler, is Grandpa Huo feeling better? What did the doctor say?" You've already come, and if you don't go in, it seems a little disrespectful to the elders. Ye Shi embarrassed the housekeeper, went in and sat on the chair on the other side.

"Sheng Ershao has invited a famous professor of cardiology to check it. There is no major problem. It's just that the master should not get angry and don't worry. It will be fine if he takes good care of him." The kindness smiling at her is because the relationship is no longer what it used to be. The cuteness she was when she was a child is not much worn down now.

"That's good. Since Grandpa Huo hasn't woken up yet, I won't bother you for the time being." Feeling a little embarrassed, I don't know what to say, Huo Chen is not here at the moment, Ye Shi laughed a few times, and was about to get up and leave .

"Miss Ye, I have a few words that I don't know what to say." The housekeeper sighed, after all, he couldn't bear it. After all these years, the young master is already in his 30s, and he still has no idea of ​​starting a family. Wait. Everyone knows who the person is, but ten years ago when the Ye family had an accident, the Huo family avoided seeing it. It hurt her too much, so please help as much as you can.

"Grandpa housekeeper, what do you want to say?" Her heart trembled, Ye Shi sat down again, her big wet eyes were full of curiosity.

"When you came to the Huo family to ask for help ten years ago, the young master was not there. At the beginning, the master was only interested in the Huo Group, and he didn't want to let the Huo family be dragged down by the Ye family, so he sent the young master overnight before the matter broke out. abroad."

"The young master was imprisoned abroad for a year by the master in the name of studying. He didn't know that something happened to Ye's family until a chance. At that time, the young master and the master had quarreled for a long time before he ran back secretly. When he found you The whole person almost collapsed, resisted all the pressure from the master, and just brought you out of that place and hid you."

"So, Huo Chen didn't know that I went to the Huo family's old house to beg him?" He stared blankly at Mr. Huo who was lying on the bed, and the tears in Ye Shi's eyes dripped onto his skirt. In fact, she always thought it was Huo Chen's heartlessness that happened back then, but she never thought that the most heartless person turned out to be Mr. Huo.
"One more thing, Miss Ye, the young master agreed to be engaged to Miss Chen at that time because the master found your hiding place and threatened the young master with your name to agree to this matter. After so many years, the young master still misses you. Back then Most of the misunderstandings are caused by the master, the young master loves you very much, you might as well try to forgive him!" After explaining all the things in his heart in one breath, the housekeeper heaved a sigh of relief, and his face became much better.

"So, Huo Chen has been protecting me. It's Grandpa Huo who doesn't want me to be with him, right?" It's a joke, all the faults were not on Huo Chen's body. After so many years, how much did she miss?
"Miss Ye, the master is also doing it for the young master's good, I hope you"

"Grandpa housekeeper, I don't want to hear these things now, I, I'm going back first, don't tell Ah Chen that I've been here!" He stood up with sobs, interrupted the housekeeper's words, and ran out of the ward in a panic.

All her persistence, all the resentment, all the regrets these years, turned out to be a joke until recently. The unfeeling she thought was just her own wishful thinking. She could have happiness, but it was all ruined.
Tears swarmed out, blurring her realization, and she stumbled and ran out. Ye Shi's face was full of despair, and even Huo Chen who was not far away didn't notice it until she was hugged into that familiar embrace. All vented out.

Holding his neck, Ye Shi cried uncontrollably, looking aggrieved and cute out of breath.

Not knowing what's going on right now, Huo Chen half hugged and half hugged him and put him in the car, told the driver to drive the car to a more secluded place, let him get out, and turned around to comfort the little crying bag in his arms.

"What's the matter? Xiaoshi, Shishi, why did you run out of the hospital? Did grandpa bully you? Or was someone else bullying you?" He had never seen Ye Shi crying so wronged and crying The little appearance of drilling straight into his arms is very distressing.

"Huo Chen, I misunderstood you back then, and I have always misunderstood you, why didn't you explain to me woohoo, back then, back then... why were you so stupid, you, wouldn't you explain to me?" Almost out of breath, Ye Shi raised her head, pursed her mouth, and spoke intermittently.

"What happened back then? Shishi, I shouldn't have put you in danger. I was the one who was sorry for you. Can you forgive me? I miss you very much, and I miss Youyou very much. I will draw a clear line with Chen Ya, but I haven't fully grasped the Huo family in those few years, and many things are beyond my control, I promise I will use my life to protect you in the future, forgive me, okay?"

Rubbing Ye Shi's wet little face, Huo Chen didn't dislike it, and wiped away the tears on her face little by little. His black pupils, dark and deep, looked into Ye Shi's eyes.

"Ten years ago, I went to the Huo family's old house to beg you to save Mrs. Ye and my brother, do you know?" Although she already knew the truth from the housekeeper, she still wanted to ask him personally.

"When did it happen? I was sent abroad by my grandfather back then. Many things are not very clear, especially about the Ye family at that time. Grandpa didn't even let me ask. I only learned about it by accident later, so I ran away back."

(End of this chapter)

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