Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 126 Conspiracy

Chapter 126 Conspiracy
As soon as the words were finished, the man disappeared into the night quickly. He was walking faster than ordinary people even though he was on crutches.

Huo Chen's expression froze at Liu Lan's words. He really guessed right, but how did Chen Wei contact that person, and how did he transfer all his property to that person's name? I have no idea.

It really wasn't as simple as he imagined.

As soon as the matters here were dealt with, Huo Chen drove back. As long as he thought that there was still someone waiting for him at home, his heart would be warm, as if drinking a cup of boiling water. It was so warm.

Hurrying to the house, as soon as he reached the living room, Lin Li greeted him: "President, Ms. Ye has gone back, and said that she will make an appointment with you to have a good chat some other day."

"When did you leave?" As soon as Lin Li finished speaking, the smile on Huo Chen's face disappeared instantly, and he handed him the coat expressionlessly, with a flat tone and paused, before going inside.

"Miss Ye woke up before it was dark and left. She said that she was afraid that her family would be worried, and we couldn't stop her, so..." Lin Li looked a little unhappy because he didn't keep anyone.

"It's okay, did you find someone to give it to you?" It's okay to go home. When I met her during the day, she looked like she had encountered something, and she was wronged and went straight into her arms. Now I'm afraid I will be shy when I see her. It's not bad to be calm at home.

"President, don't worry, I found a driver to send it back, and now I have arrived home safely." Nodding, Lin Li said.

"Take me to the hospital." Since the person he misses is no longer here, it doesn't make sense for him to stay. On the contrary, there is no news of his grandfather waking up. It has been such a long time, and he is a little worried. , might as well guard in the past.

"Yes, President." Nodding, Lin Li just wanted to turn around, but suddenly stopped, turned and bent over, and said: "President, I received the news that Chen Wei and Chen Yi will go abroad tomorrow, probably It will take about three days."

Just now I was only thinking about Ye Shi, but this matter was forgotten, but fortunately it is not too late to think about it now.

"Find out where to go, what are you going to do?" Huo Chen was going to go abroad suddenly at this juncture, fearing that there was some conspiracy, Huo Chen frowned, unable to guess what kind of tricks this father and son wanted to play.

"It's not clear yet, but it should have something to do with a supplier. The news we got is that the largest supplier of the Chen family wanted to terminate the contract. Chen Wei didn't want to give up on this person, so he decided to go there in person." Just got the news. Lin Li was really taken aback when he was in the middle of the night. He was still able to go abroad after a while. It seemed that Chen Wei didn't want the Chen family at all.

"If that's the case, why take Chen Yi and keep a close eye on the father and son, and leave to report any abnormalities." I always feel that their purpose is not so simple, and there may be a bigger conspiracy behind it.

"I've ordered someone to watch over it, President, don't worry." Nodding in response, the emotion in Lin Li's eyes flashed as he stood beside him.

At this moment, in the study room of the Ye family's villa, Sheng Xingnan was sitting on the sofa, and Ye Chuan was sitting not far away, both of them were frowning with serious expressions on their faces.

"Brother Chuan, it's a rare opportunity. Don't you want to find out about Chen Wei? We went to see it before, and Chen Wei changed the layout of the villa so completely that he wanted to protect something. Brother Chuan, Chen Wei's handle is likely to be there."

"Don't talk about it, I won't agree, Xingnan, even if there is an internal problem in the Chen family, Chen Wei has to go abroad to solve it, what he does with Chen Yi, this is obviously a trap, I can't agree , I will think of a way for the things in the villa."

He obviously couldn't be in an obvious trap. If it was just him, he would still be able to protect himself if he went to Tantan, but if he added Sheng Xingnan, it would be almost impossible to get out of his body, and he couldn't take risks.

"Brother Chuan, this opportunity is rare. I also know that this is a trap, but we can do whatever we want. There is still room for maneuver. If we plan well, it doesn't necessarily mean failure."

The room I saw last time, Sheng Xingnan always felt gloomy, maybe there was something bad hidden, Chen Wei is getting more and more arrogant now, Huo Chen can still stand in front now, but what if Huo's top I can't help it, it's the Ye family's turn next, he will never allow such a thing to happen, he couldn't help the Ye family's affairs back then, the guilt and regret in his heart almost drowned him, No matter what, he had to do something this time.

"Sheng Xingnan, nothing is absolute, how do you know that Chen Wei is just waiting for us to plan, now all the news is unreliable, only Xiao Shi and I are left in the Ye family, if we fall into the trap, I will not be here, Xiao Shi What about poetry? Have you thought about it?"

It is because of his weakness that he looks forward and backward when doing things. If Xiaoshi is hurt, he will never forgive himself in his life.

"Brother Chuan, I know what you said, but I still hope you can think about it. If it doesn't work, I will go in and you will meet me outside. If you have any problems, you will retreat immediately. What do you think? After all, there is an entire group behind me. Even if the Sheng family was caught on the spot, Chen Wei wouldn't dare to do anything to me, at most I'd be beaten up, and I'd be fine with paying me something."

There must be something hidden in the Chen family's villa. If Chen Wei wants to contact the people behind it, he must use some means. As long as he can find a little bit of evidence, the Chen family will have nothing to fear. This opportunity is really rare. Nan didn't want to give up.

"I don't agree, Xingnan, you go back. I won't say anything if you want to go with me in the future, absolutely not this time." It was like playing with his life, Ye Chuan was full of anger, and stared at Shengnan with his eyes slightly squinted, loudly Said.

"Brother Chuan."

"Okay! Go back now, or I don't mind locking you up here for two days!" He stood up and interrupted his words with no expression on his face. He was trembling with anger, and he didn't listen to what he said, Ye Chuan I can't wait to open Shengxingnan's head and see what is inside, which makes him so stubborn.

"I see, I'm leaving now, Brother Chuan, if you change your mind, remember to come to me, sister Shi has suffered so much these years because of the Chen family, and I will definitely help her avenge her, Brother Chuan Remember to contact me if you have a plan, I will be on call!"

Knowing that this would not work, Sheng Xingnan didn't stalk him, so he smiled and stood up and walked outside.

Smiling all the way back to the car, the expression on his face became serious. The enmity ten years ago, and the hardships Shimei has endured in the past ten years, someone must pay the bill. Let Chen Wei pay the price.

Finally, he glanced at the villa surrounded by a layer of soft light, Shengxing Nan raised his mouth slightly, and drove away.

After the person left, Ye Chuan always felt a little uneasy in his heart. The incident this time was really too radical.

(End of this chapter)

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