Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 131 Give It To Him

Chapter 131 Give It To Him
Sheng Xingnan also took advantage of the situation and sat up straight, leaning against Ye Chuan's legs, and looked towards the door with an unfriendly expression.

"Boss Ye, you're awake now? How are you resting?" Chen Wei said, walking towards him with a smile on his face.

He was dressed in a simple and decent suit, his hair was neatly combed, and his face was radiant. He seemed to be well rested.

"It's okay, but I don't know when Mr. Chen will let the two outside go away." After being tied up with a rope for so long, Ye Chuan's hands and feet have long been numb, and even moving now feels like being pricked by a needle, and it hurts again And itchy, very uncomfortable.

"That can't be done. It took me so much effort to invite Mr. Ye over. I have to meet my request before I can start to consider your request." Sitting on the only chair here with his head down, Chen Wei Sighing lightly, he continued, "Boss Ye, do you think I'm being unreasonable, not to mention that my villa has been ruined by you in such a state, you must ask me to ask for some interest!"

"Mr. Chen can tell you what you want. My sister is still waiting for me to go back. She will be worried if I haven't gone back for so long." Even though he knows that Chen Wei has bad intentions, there is nothing he can do now. He and Sheng Xingnan are now other people. The meat in the mouth has no ability to resist.

"Mr. Ye, don't you know what I want? YS has developed very well over the years." Chen Wei put his hands on his stomach, leaned on the chair with a relaxed expression, raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Mr. Chen is interested in YS, so I have no problem offering it with both hands." People are the swords and I am the fish. For the present plan, I can only go out first, take a step back and say, if I want to swallow YS whole, I have to look at Chen Wei Have such a big appetite.

"As expected of Ye Chuan, if this is the case, let's sign the equity transfer book!" As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the bodyguards who followed him walked over, put the document in front of Ye Chuan, and motioned him to take a look.

Without looking at it, Ye Chuan sneered, "Mr. Chen, if you don't let go, how can I sign?"

"It was my negligence. Hurry up and loosen our Mr. Ye's rope!" Chen Wei sat on the chair with his legs crossed, with a strong smile on his face, but his eyes were full of sarcasm.

The rope was tied tightly, and it took a lot of effort to untie it. Ye Chuan shook his wrist, lowered his head and untied the rope on his leg first, and squatted down to untie Sheng Xingnan's rope.

"What is Mr. Ye doing? I don't think Mr. Sheng's signature is required for the transfer of YS's equity?" Chen Wei said with a grim expression, without a smile on his face, and said with a cold snort.

"Mr. Chen, why worry, you have so many bodyguards with you, even if I untie Sheng Xingnan, I won't be able to leave." Ye Chuan said with a cold voice and expressionless face while lowering his head and continuing with the matter at hand.

"That's true, so let Mr. Ye hurry up." Chen Wei rolled his eyes, and then laughed again, surrounded by his people, even if Ye Chuan and Sheng Xingnan were three-headed and six-armed, they would definitely not be able to leave. It's just that this Ye Chuan has always been cunning, so he still has to be careful.

"Brother Chuan, do you really want to give YS to this old man?" Sheng Xingnan turned his head and looked at Ye Chuan who was untying him behind him, feeling more and more regretful.

YS was established by him watching Ye Chuan. How much pain and effort he endured at the beginning cannot be summed up in two words. Now, because of his short-term difference, all the original regret and pain have been buried. Getting deeper.

"It's good if I can go back alive. If I can create a YS with my belongings, I will naturally have the ability to create a second one. It's only five years. I still have the courage to start all over again." Knowing that Sheng Xingnan is probably guilty and regretting his death now, Ye Chuan sipped With a smile on his lips, he threw away the piece of rope that was untied from Shengxing Nan's hand, rubbed his sore arms, and slowly stood up.

"Boss Ye, let's sign it!" It's easy to get a company, and it can make Huo Chen use the mouse. Sure enough, all the problems of catching Ye Chuan can be easily solved. Chen Wei leaned on the chair with a smile, and he was in a very good mood at the moment!

Glancing at Chen Wei, Ye Chuan took the paper and pen handed over by the bodyguard without saying a word, happily signed and threw them over.

"Since we've already signed the contract, when will Mr. Chen plan to let us go?" I'm afraid it's not that simple to leave here, and Chen Wei may have other plans. YS is just collecting interest by the way.

"I still need to think about it carefully. When I am in a good mood, I will naturally let Mr. Ye go." After taking the document and checking it to make sure there is no problem, Chen Wei's smile deepened, and he handed the document to the standing office. Chen Yi on the side continued, "However, I can take a sentence home for you. I don't know if you have anything else to say?"

Lin Cheng might have been turned upside down a long time ago. It would be impossible to hide Ye Chuan here without the knowledge of Huo Chen. It would not take long for Huo Chen to find this place. Chen Wei knew it in his heart. very.

"Boss Chen, please tell my sister." Knowing that he couldn't get out for the time being, Ye Chuan simply sat on the bed. His body was still a little stiff, and he didn't even feel comfortable moving. His wrists and ankles were even more constricted It's too tight, it hurts so badly, he frowned tightly, and then said: "It's just that Mr. Chen can help me to report that I'm safe."

After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he lowered his head, and his eyes flashed. At this time, Huo Chen must have discovered that he and Sheng Xingnan hadn't seen each other. As long as Chen Wei asked Da and Ye's family to contact him, Huo Chen would definitely be able to pass through Chen Wei's channel. find here.

"Mr. Ye is very happy. If you want, Chen will naturally bring it for you. Since Mr. Sheng has nothing to say, then you should have a good rest!" The interest has already been obtained, and Lin Cheng is probably already in a panic now. It's time to send some news back.

Chen Wei's words were about to fall, so he stood up, turned around and left. He didn't say that he would continue to tie up the two of them, but he seemed to be extremely confident about this place, which made Ye Chuan a little puzzled. Lin Cheng is no longer there.

"Brother Chuan, can we just be so passive? Although there are a lot of bodyguards here, the two of us teamed up, and if one of us got away, we definitely didn't ask."

"Run away one? Have you ever thought about how the other one will be treated? Everyone thinks about it! Another point, I suspect that we are no longer in Lincheng, look around and find out where we are now Let's go!" Interrupting Sheng Xingnan's words, Ye Chuan gritted his teeth and looked at the person who was still sitting on the ground, wishing he could beat him to death on the spot.

Prevailing South: "."

"Father, we worked so hard to catch Ye Chuan, so we only need one YS?" Chen Yi couldn't understand Chen Wei's approach, and when he walked a little farther, Chen Yi asked calmly and doubtfully.

"YS is just an interest. Send the news back to the country and bring Ye Shi what Ye Chuan said. Huo Chen will come to us when he finds out." Chen Wei turned cold, turned and stood still, looking at Chen Yi and said.

"But like this, have we exposed ourselves soon?" He tried his best to get the two of them abroad, but only got a YS.

(End of this chapter)

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