Chapter 133 Sleeping Together
Huo Chen hugged her soft body, closed his eyes, and his breathing soon became long and slow.

I haven't had a good rest for more than a month, and I have been working overnight these days, and now I can't stand it anymore. This time, I originally wanted to coax the little woman in my arms to sleep. I didn't expect it to be too reassuring. I fell asleep first.

At first, she was still struggling a little, but when she felt that Huo Chen had fallen asleep, Ye Shi felt a sudden pain in her heart. She fell asleep so quickly, probably because she hadn't had a good rest for many days. The Chen family has been pressing harder and harder these days. She should have thought earlier that her brother was only targeted by the way and was already busy leaving early and returning late. He was clearly in the same house, but he couldn't even see him face to face. As the president of the Huo Corporation, he could resist Chen The main force of family pressure, he is probably more busy than his brother.

Unable to bear it, Ye Shi carefully got out of his arms, raised her head and touched his chin, although she was still very anxious, but for some reason, she felt relieved a lot, a smile came out of her eyes unconsciously, She got more and more into his arms, rubbed her tender cheeks against his chest, yawned, and soon fell asleep.

Huo Chen was woken up, feeling something in his arms was pushing him, he subconsciously stretched out his hands to control the things in his arms with sleepy eyes, and pulled the quilt to cover it up.

"Uncle, why are you sleeping with your mother?"

The next moment, a childish voice came from the ear, with a serious tone, as if asking a very important question!
Huo Chen opened his eyes suddenly, turned his head and saw Ye Youan's serious little face in front of his eyes, tender and full of anger, with a bit of baby fat on his little face, trembling slightly with his body, saying no It's cute.

Why is he here, what time is it, and the child hasn't slept yet?
Huo Chen looked indifferent, hugged his daughter-in-law who had finally been abducted, and muttered in his heart.

After thinking about it carefully, it was clear that the previous procedures were correct and the door was closed. How did this kid Youyou get in? Besides, it might be early in the morning at this moment. What do you want to do here?
In summary, the child Youyou won't do useless things, and Huo Chen didn't get angry. He took the child to the bed with one free hand and put it beside Ye Shi, and carefully covered him with the quilt. He propped his head up and looked at the child lying flat.

As soon as there was a movement, Ye Shi, who was lying obediently in his arms, twisted her body, and her whole body was wrapped around him like an octopus. She used both hands and feet, and murmured What to say, the small appearance is very attractive.

"Uncle, you haven't answered me yet, why are you with my mother?" Seeing her mother take the initiative to get into his arms, Ye You'an shriveled her mouth a little aggrieved, covered her eyes and said coldly.

"Because I will be your mother's husband in the future, and I will soon be your father. Of course, I will share the bed with my daughter-in-law." After finally recovering, it is natural to rush to swear sovereignty, although the timing is not right now , but in fact, it does not prevent him from announcing it to the world, but he has not made a statement because he is afraid of Ye Shi's disagreement. Now that he has a ready audience, he is naturally impolite, not to mention that this kid is his son in the first place. Say it sooner and later. Saying it makes no difference.

Ye Shi was enthusiastic, her ears were buzzing all the time, and she felt as if she was covered with a thick layer of quilt, with a thick layer of mattress underneath, she just wanted to take the cup off her body with sleepy eyes , suddenly felt that something was wrong with the touch.

The one held in her arms didn't seem to be a cup at all, it was hot and elastic, and it wasn't that child Youyou, but rather Huo Chen.
"Wake up!"

Just about to roll down from him quietly and stay away, a low and gentle voice came from next to my ear.

Ye Shi was shocked violently, his eyes opened uncontrollably, and what caught his eyes was Huo Chen's enchantingly handsome face. He looked over without smiling, with one arm around her waist, and the other on her face.

"Mom, why did uncle say he would be my father? Mom, don't you want Youyou, are you going to get married? Woooooo!"

Before she could react from Huo Chen's face, Ye You'an's voice came from behind her, with a small accusing tone, which made her froze. She didn't even hear what he said just now, and her mind was completely screwed. words.

Why is Yuyou here?He obviously didn't come before going to bed?What happened? Could it be that she didn't close the door?Still...someone opened the door for Youyou!

"Mom, you haven't answered my question yet. Do you really want this uncle?" Ye Youan's eyes flashed sadly. He always felt that this uncle was here to strengthen his mother, and it was very likely that he would success.

"How could it be, how could Mom not want Youyou? Your Uncle Huo was sleepy and talking nonsense. Mom and your Uncle Huo were too tired. They fell asleep accidentally while talking about things, so they were on the same bed. You You, why did you come to your mother?" He slapped Huo Chen's hand on his waist, glared at him, and turned around to Ye You'an's small body, feeling extremely distressed. He's more sensitive, he didn't answer his question for so long just now, he might feel wronged right now, if he doesn't coax him well, he might have prejudice against Huo Chen in the future.

"I asked the housekeeper to open the door for me. I didn't see my mother coming out for dinner that night, and my uncle was not there. I was worried that my mother would be sad. I thought that my mother might be happier seeing me. I didn't expect it." The small eyes of resentment glanced at Behind Huo Chen, Ye Youan, Ye Shi's neck, continued, "I just walked in and saw my mother and uncle hugging each other and falling asleep."

"Okay, okay, it's all mom's fault. Mom asked your Uncle Huo to help find uncle. He was tired from busy work for the past two days and couldn't hold on, that's why he fell asleep here." He stammered. Just finished speaking, regardless of whether Ye Youan believed it or not, Ye Shi smiled awkwardly, glanced at the time on his hand, and quickly changed the subject: "But it's already 01:30 in the morning, Youyou is so late, Why don't you go back to sleep?"

"I want to sleep with my mother, but my mother keeps hugging him. I'm afraid that there will be a lot of noise in bed and disturb my mother's sleep!" The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged. In my arms, pitiful.

The child fell asleep quickly, and fell asleep in Ye Shi's arms not long after.

"Sleep a little longer?" Seeing that Ye Youan was also asleep, Huo Chen stretched out his hand, reached around her waist, and brought her back together with the child.

Huo Chen hugged her tightly, as if deliberately playing a rogue, rubbing against her neck, his warm breath hitting the collarbone.

(End of this chapter)

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