Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 150: The Bamboo Basket Draws Water 1 Game

Chapter 150
At the beginning, they really took it lightly, but they didn't expect that Ye Chuan would give all the equity to his sister, and it's still a waste of water!

"Then what should we do now?" Unexpectedly, Ye Chuan also learned to use fakes. Chen Yi leaned on the chair, tilted his head and stared straight at Chen Wei, with a creepy smile on his face.

"The most important thing now is to take care of the Sheng family first. Remember to hurry up before Huo Chen comes back, otherwise everything will be useless!" Chen Wei sneered, holding a small knife with a cold light in his hand, his face The smile is weird.

With confidence in his mind, the smile on Chen Yi's face became more and more wanton. Huo Chen and Ye Chuan probably started a crazy revenge attack on Chen Wei before returning to China. But that's exactly what he wanted to see.

It is not easy for Chen Wei to do interesting things on his own without fighting with them.

Thoughts were going back and forth in his head, Chen Yi simply supported his head with his hands, leaned on the chair with his eyes closed, and had been highly concentrated for such a long time. Now that he relaxed a little bit, he felt a little tired and couldn't bear it anymore. He returned home There are still a lot of things to do, and I want to have a good rest. I guess I will only be on the plane for this little time. Chen Yi thought clearly, and he felt less burdened when he slept.

Chen Wei shook his head, glanced at Chen Yi and didn't pay much attention to him, how could he not know what was going on in the mind of the person he taught, but he could still use it now He doesn't care about his little thoughts.

The progress on Chen Ya's side is pretty good, and I think he will be able to come back to help him after a while. It's nothing for a man to be ruthless when a woman is. As long as Chen Ya uses the knife properly, Huo Chen can't think of it.

All the enemies have not been wiped out, he is not ashamed to go down to see Yayu for the time being, Chen Wei took out the only photo with Shen Yayu from his pocket, caressing the unwilling woman on it, Smiling brightly and happily.

At this moment, Ye Chuan was sitting down slowly with his legs propped up. The pain in the bend of his legs was unbearable. Fortunately, he was still able to move. Obviously, his bones were fine.

He didn't pay much attention to it, but looked at the turbulent sea in the distance with his eyes blank, his hands trembling.

"Xingnan." Ye Chuan's eyes were slightly red, his body was blown so that he couldn't sit still, and he wobbled as if he was about to fall. After a long time, he took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry for you, you I will definitely avenge you, wait for me to come back."

Thousands of words can't be said, there are some things he has to do now, the back, the pain, and tormenting himself will only make the enemy happier. After so many years of ups and downs in the business world, some things have long been learned from the bottom of his heart buried.

"Go to Huo Chen." Putting his hands on the ground, he barely got up and stood up. Ye Chuan beckoned for the bodyguards to drive the car over. He opened the car door with difficulty and climbed up. By the time he sat down on the chair, he was sweating profusely. up.

"Yes, Mr. Ye." The bodyguard glanced at Ye Chuan secretly, and happened to meet his eyes. He panicked, swallowed, and turned his eyes back to concentrate on driving.

The hospital is relatively close, but it took more than half an hour to arrive at the hospital. When Ye Chuan waited for the car to stop, when he got out of the car, his clothes were already soaked, as if he had been fished out of the water. , the figure has been tortured for such a long time, and it is not easy to persist until now. Finally, I struggled to get out of the car, my eyes darkened, and I fell to the ground unconscious.

The bodyguard turned pale with fright, and rushed into the hospital with Ye Chuan on his shoulders. He didn't rush to report the situation to Huo Chen until he was pushed into the operating room.

The bodyguard rushed all the way to the door of the ward, tried to calm down, and knocked on the door: "President, it's not good!"

"Speak!" Ye Shi was unconscious due to high fever, and Huo Chen was so distressed that he had no time to worry about other things.

"Mr. Ye's leg was seriously injured. The doctor has already pushed him into the operating room, but a signature is required for the operation, you see"

After the bodyguard finished speaking in one breath, he waited at the door, his heart was still beating non-stop until now, and he couldn't stop at all.

"Lead the way!" At this juncture, one or two of them can't do it anymore. He had to stay there just now, if Shishi hadn't lost his mind at that time, how could he have brought people to the hospital so easily.

After closing the door of the ward and letting someone stand guard outside, Huo Chen frowned, and waited anxiously to walk behind the bodyguard.

"Are the family members here? Hurry up and sign when you're here!" The nurse had already been waiting outside the operating room, and when she saw the bodyguard bringing Huo Chen, she walked over without saying a word, handed him the document in her hand, and signaled He is faster.

"What is the specific condition of the patient, and will there be any sequelae from the operation?" After carefully reading the document and confirming that there was no problem, Huo Chen signed his name in a few strokes and looked up at the nurse.

"Don't worry, this gentleman. The gentleman inside just arrived a little late, so he needed surgery to fix it. He didn't hurt any bones, and there will be no sequelae in the future. He is in good condition. He should have fainted from the pain just now." .”

After getting the things, the nurse smiled at Huo Chen, turned around and went back to the operating room.

Ye Chuan was worried. He originally planned to sign and leave, but now he leaned against the wall, put his hands in his pockets, and waited with his head down.

It didn't take long for the light in the operating room to return to green, and the door opened. Ye Chuan lay on the bed and watched with his eyes closed. He looked fine, but his complexion was still a little pale. Cliffside is much better.

The operation time was beyond Huo Chen's expectation, it was very fast, but thinking about it, there should be nothing wrong, it's just that
Seeing Ye Chuan, he suddenly thought of Sheng Xingnan. When they came, they were alone, but when they went back, only Ye Chuan went back. It is estimated that the three of them would not be able to cross this hurdle in this lifetime, especially Ye Chuan.

"Set him up properly." Although the operation did not take long, there was still two hours. Huo Chen watched Ye Chuan go, then turned around and walked to the ward. He didn't know how Shishi was doing now. Are people afraid.
Returning to the room with a heavy complexion, as soon as he walked in, he saw Ye Shi kneeling on the bed, with a heartbroken face, and murmured:

"Brother Nan! It's our Ye family who's sorry for you! In this life, what I owe you is not cleared. In the next life, I will definitely not let you suffer like this!"

Ye Shi hugged the pillow and cried bitterly.Tears welled up in my eyes, fell down my cheeks, and wet the pillow and quilt.

Thinking of Sheng Xingnan, the sadness and pain in her heart suddenly rushed to her heart, she hugged the pillow in her arms tightly, as if this could really trap Sheng Xingnan, as if Sheng Xingnan was still there!
(End of this chapter)

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