Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 185 Child, I Have No Hostility towards You

Chapter 185 Child, I Have No Hostility towards You
Facing such a devil, how could Chen Yi be grateful to him.

I'm afraid I wish I could replace it with Chen Wei.

"Yes, master, don't worry." He may not be able to handle other things well. He has done a lot of things like helping secretly. Master Huo nodded.

Although all the projects under his hands have been shut down now, the Huo Group does not rely solely on this, the Huo Group also has a lot of industries, and these projects that have been stopped are just to reduce the number of documents on Mr. Huo's desk. Just a few.

In the middle of the night, I went to Chen Ya's room to find the compartment. Chen Yi didn't dare to turn on the light. After searching for half the night, he finally found what Chen Ya said when the sky was slightly bright. He ran back to the room first in his arms.

After searching carefully, there are many things recorded on it, and even some things about Jintang. It seems that Shen Yayu was not ignorant of the cooperation between Chen Wei and Jintang at the beginning, but why did she pretend to be ignorant in the end? No one knows, after all, people are gone now, and some things can only be a mystery after all.

Patiently flipping through it little by little, a thick diary spanning almost more than ten years, the densely packed small characters on the paper are neatly arranged, and the slightly delicate characters, looking at it, I feel that the person who wrote it Probably a gentle person too!

While flipping through the pages, he memorized the important information in his mind. He didn't even bother to eat lunch. He finally found what he wanted to know before dusk. His eyes glowed with gold, and he always felt that he had finished reading a book in less than a day. A book thicker than a dictionary, Chen Yi patted his head and calmed down, but he was able to find what he wanted, and it was worth his hard work.

Just as he was about to look for an opportunity to try it out at night, the opportunity suddenly came to him.

"Bang bang bang!" When the knock on the door sounded, Chen Yi felt that God was about to start caring for him. With a decent smile on his face, he opened the door gracefully.

"Young master, the master told you to go to the study immediately, he is waiting for you in the study." The servant standing at the door looked flattered, subconsciously took two steps back, and then stabilized his body indiscriminately, suppressing the trembling in his heart, Said.

"Understood, you go down first!" With the urge hidden in his eyes, Chen Yi barely suppressed his excitement, changed into simpler clothes, and walked towards the study.

"Bang bang bang, father, call me!" Chen Yi stepped back two steps, stood a little farther away, and shouted loudly as he knocked on the door gently, unlike the irritable ones in the past.

"Come in!" His tone sounded a bit unpleasant, but Chen Yi didn't care, he pushed open the door and strode in.

"What happened to the things I asked you to do before?" Jintang suddenly went crazy. The two of them are now grasshoppers on the same rope. If he falls, Jintang may still help him up, but if Jintang falls, all There is no hope, he has that self-knowledge, it is difficult enough to deal with Huo Chen, let alone Ye Chuan, it is impossible for him to win.

"Father, don't worry, everything has been done. All the projects of the Huo family have been stopped. The hotel and catering may be a little slower, but it should be effective tomorrow. With the support of that person, within seven days, All the industries under the Huo Corporation will be subject to rectification and investigation." These things have already been done, and now they are all exposed at once, and Huo Chen is not around, otherwise these things would not be so smooth. exposed.

"Has that old man from the Huo family figured out a solution?" Huo Chen couldn't get up in the hospital, and even Ye Chuan came out to jump less frequently in the past two days.
"The old thing in the Huo family has a heart attack. The frequency of accidents in the Huo Group is slightly higher. He can kill himself without us. Father, do you need to speed up?"

The fact that Mr. Huo has a heart attack is already known to everyone in the entire forest city. He was sent to the hospital twice because of anger. Now that he is getting older, he might be mad at himself to death at some point!
The tails of his eyes were raised slightly, Chen Yi licked his back molars, his expression was a bit ferocious.

"It's up to you. I'm going to go abroad in five days. Before that, I'll take care of the Huo Group. YS will let him linger for a while, and I'll do it myself when I come back!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to indicate that Chen Yi could leave. Chen Wei faced the bookshelf with an unbelievably gentle expression.

Chen Yi saw it, and believed in the contents of the notebook more and more. The secret room was indeed behind the bookshelf.
Leaving the room little by little, Chen Yi glanced at the bookshelf the moment the door was closed, and when the time was right, he would always go in to see what was inside, and there was something inside that he had to take out.

When the study room quieted down, Chen Wei's eyes showed madness, and he was lying on the bookshelf with a ferocious expression. He was almost at his limit. Even if he kept keeping the ice cold, Shen Yayu's body would inevitably start to have problems. After all, no matter how good the freezer is, the temperature is not It can't be kept below zero all the time, not to mention that he has to open it occasionally. These days, he even smells a little smell. He has to find a better place to store the corpse properly.

There is no institution in China that can take her in for a long time, and he found the one abroad with great effort. When everything is arranged properly, he will take her out of this filthy place.
At the same time, in the ward, Mr. Huo was sitting on the sofa exhausted all over his body. Huo Chen hadn't woken up yet. Ye Shi rarely made a cup of tea and brought it over. He sat quietly by the bed without talking or looking around.

"Son, I have no hostility towards you. You don't have to be so trembling. Relax. Ah Chen has slept so much these two days, did the doctor say what's the problem?" He came several times, and the only time he saw him was Those who are awake, and the rest are sleeping. I don’t know how many hours a day they sleep. Is it really no problem to sleep like this?
"The doctor said it's because Ah Chen's body is very weak now. Sleeping is just a function of the body's protection to make him recover faster. It's a normal phenomenon, so don't worry!" Ye Shi took a deep breath, the smile on his face stiffened, his body Like a machine that hasn't been lubricated for a long time, it's very stiff and jerky.

"Thanks to having you take care of Ah Chen these days, please accompany him well, I'll go back to rest first, I can't stay up late like you young people when I'm old!" After talking to Ye Chuan, Huo The old man's last prejudice against Ye Shi has completely disappeared. He has seen the big children since he was a child, and he knows everything. He is at ease when he is with Huo Chen.

Standing up and about to go out, the door was suddenly pushed open with a "bang".

(End of this chapter)

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