Chapter 50

He looks like her, with a strong body and a handsome young man. Was she ever so ugly when she was a child!

This is her brother's definition of good looking!From then on, we have to wait for her to check on the matter of finding my sister-in-law.

After Ye Chuan saw the red and wrinkled child in the swaddle, like a little old man, he fell silent for an instant.

He only had a quick glance in the delivery room, and he remembered that his younger sister was also white and tender when she was a child, and she was extremely cute. He thought it was just a little bit worse at most, who knew that a newborn child could be so ugly.

According to his description just now, it seems that the difference is a little big.

Ye Chuan paused for a moment, then calmly smoothed things over for himself: "Our little poet is pretty, and Huo Chen is still passable, no matter how long he is, he won't be disabled, whether it's like you or Huo Chen Chen, the child will not be ugly when he grows up, and it will be a matter of time before he grows up to be good-looking. Of course, my brother still hopes to look a little like our Xiaoshi."

In front of the child, Ye Shi finally held back, "Yes, brother is right."

I'm afraid that from the time the child was born until now, no one has seen it.It was also thanks to her brother's thick skin that he could tell her that the child looked good without changing his face, and even described it to her.

Ye Chuan's adaptability is quite good, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all when he touched his nose.He let Ye Shi look at the child for a while, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sheng Xingnan scratching his ears and cheeks, as if he was in a hurry, raised his eyebrows, took the child away, sent him back to the nursery, and turned around, Sheng Xingnan was still there. that pose.

Ye Chuan didn't want to take care of him either, he came in with warm and nourishing medicinal food himself, and was going to let Ye Shi drink some to rest, since childbirth bleeds a lot, it's time to make up for it during confinement.

Ye Shi was indeed very tired. She woke up so early because she was worried about the child. She was really hungry at the moment, and the medicinal food in Ye Chuan's hand was about to be put into her mouth.

"Hey, wait a minute." Seeing that he was about to eat it, Sheng Xingnan was shocked, and quickly grabbed the spoon from Ye Shi's hand, holding the medicinal food, and put it far away, "You can't eat it now These things can barely drink two sips of water."

Tang was taken away, Ye Chuan and Ye Shi stared at Sheng Xingnan eagerly.Shengxing Nandui smiled, turned around and explained to the strong man: "It's okay to drink a small amount of water within six hours after the cesarean section. If you want to eat, you have to wait at least three days later. During this period, millet porridge and other foods You can drink a little, but you have to wait until you have exhausted your breath."

I didn't feel this kind of thing when I told other patients in the past, but when I said it here, the embarrassment prevailed. He was beaten to death by Ye Chuan.

Ye Shi didn't react for a while, she sat on the bed in a daze, her hands were still in the air, "Exhaust, what do you mean by exhaust!"

Ye Chuan sat on the side, pretending that he didn't hear it. His younger sister knew that if she vented about this kind of thing in front of two big men, maybe neither of them would be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Sheng Xingnan's face turned red, and he stood a little further away, "That's right, it's the exhaust you think, sister Shi, I'll go out first, basically you will exhaust within a day, and then you can eat some liquid food Now, after a few days, you can eat normal meals."

While talking, he ran outside, how long would it be if he didn't run at this time, he still didn't forget to look back at Ye Chuan sympathetically.

Ye Shi was no longer in the mood to listen to the rest of the conversation. She thought that after the child was born, she would be able to feel comfortable, but she didn't expect that life would give her a head-on blow. She wanted to put the child back in the first hurdle. in the stomach.

The beautiful room seemed to be in winter for a moment, Ye Chuan moved away silently, feeling a little proud in his heart, his sister is amazing, she is only a few years old, and her aura is so powerful.

"Brother, do you think the pig is better steamed or deep-fried?" Ye Shi gritted his teeth as he looked at where Sheng Xingnan left.

Silently mourning for Shengnan in his heart for three seconds, Ye Chuan raised his head without hesitation: "Of course it is steamed and delicious, not greasy." Yes, if there is a chance, he will find a way to make up for it.

"I think so too. When I can eat meat, my brother must help me. Don't be soft-hearted."

Looking at Ye Chuan with faint eyes, Ye Chuan was so distressed by Ye Shi's resentful little expression, he stepped forward to hug his younger sister, and comforted her carefully, Sheng Xingnan didn't know where he was being kicked.

The child was wrinkled and red when he was just in a trance, but after a few days, he immediately became white and fat as if he was blown out of breath, which was a bit close to what Ye Chuan described at the beginning.

Although there is still some light red on the body, the injuries that have been counted are very good-looking.

Ye Shi has been able to eat delicious food in the past few days. Except for some resentment when facing Sheng Xingnan, there is no other problem. She has a rosy face and hugs the child every day, wishing to be with the child 24 hours a day stick together.

Sometimes Ye Chuan would feel jealous when he saw it, but because he had taken off a lot of business with Ye Shi before, and now he is very busy, it is not bad to come to the hospital every day to have a look.

Today, as usual, it was time for the child to take a bath, and Ye Shi was able to get out of bed by herself. Outside the nursery, watching the nurse pour water on the child's little arms and legs like lotus root joints, her heart melted.

If she hadn't been able to touch the water yet, she would have rushed to do it herself.

In fact, the child's body is still very clean, and still has a faint milky smell, but he just takes a bath every day and checks his body by the way.After the nurse washed him with warm water, he put on a swimming ring and let him jump in the water by himself.

His chubby little arms and legs kicked and stroked in the water, and the water splashed everywhere, but he was having a good time playing.

The child grows up so fast, it changes every day, if the child grows up under her nose, Ye Shi can't believe that the red and wrinkled child can grow so beautiful.

Just like the little boy in the New Year pictures, he is chubby, white and tender, and looks like a little angel when he smiles.

She has recovered well now, and today is the day to be discharged from the hospital. Ye Chuan is busy running around the United States, and in the end, he can only ask Shengxing Nan to take her out of the hospital.

The journey home was safe and sound, during which Ye Chuan called three more times, and in the end Ye Shi was too annoying. After taking the phone and talking, Ye Chuan calmed down a little.

As if they were stuck, the two got out of the car and settled down the sleeping baby. They were resting in the living room when Ye Chuan called again, "Didn't you let Xiaoshi and the child blow the wind on the way back?"

(End of this chapter)

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