Chapter 597

"Don't worry, sir, the young master is still young, and the time you spend together is shorter, and the time is longer, he will always know how good you are." Wang shook his head and comforted twice softly, but he no longer spoke with confidence like before. Speak from your heart!
Abel just didn't talk to him, he just waved his hand coldly, indicating that he is not talking anymore, he is going to the airport soon, and he is going to leave this place to go to the battlefield soon, whether he can come back depends on his luck this time It used to be so good.

The car was only quiet for a while, and then it stopped steadily. Looking through the window, it was very lively outside.

"Go back and help me take care of Ye An and his mother." After speaking, Abel opened the car door and walked down by himself.

Aaron was in the car in front of him. When they got off, they bumped into each other, but they turned their faces away without saying a word, as if they were two people who didn't know each other at all. The bodyguards present Somewhat strange.

"I'm only responsible for sending you there safely. I'm not sure if I can bring you back with all your beard and tail. I can only do my best." How could Aaron not know how tense the situation is now, with a deadpan expression on his face? Let's put the ugly words first.

"I know, just do your best. If I can't come back, just help me take care of Ye An. He will find a way to avenge me." Abel never counted on Aaron, the words he said in the past , he never took it seriously.

"That's good. The plane is about to take off. Big brother, get ready. Ye Chuan and the others should receive the news the moment it lands. The next few days are not within my protection. When you go back, remember to tell me I'll be fine!"

After a few days of preparation and investigation, Aaron actually saw it much more clearly than Abel. If he wanted to escape from Ye Chuan and Huo Chen's base camp, he probably had to have supernatural abilities, or else they had foreign aid. Now there is nothing.

Wanting to escape would be tantamount to dreaming, and let alone Abel, I'm afraid even he would be implicated by then.

"You don't need to take action on the rest of the matter, only on the last day, you can find a way to get me out of the banquet venue." He didn't plan to come out alive, and he just hoped that the plan could be successfully completed in exchange for such a promise. .

But now, with Ye An here, his plan has undergone a slight modification. The originally planned exchanging will be useless in the end. If he wants to leave, he must cooperate with Abel, otherwise he Even if you are capable, you can't get away.

"Have you ever thought about asking your father for help? The mysterious man has been searching for so many days, but there is still no news at all. Who do you think is capable of helping you without telling everyone?" The two went inside side by side. Go, originally said well, Aaron suddenly changed his tone, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Abel next to him, and said with a somewhat unkind expression.

"It can't be the old man. He is afraid that he wants me to die outside. How can he help me? If I really want to say it, I would rather believe that you are helping me behind!" Abel snorted coldly, let alone the old man, even if It's him himself, and he will never forgive the other party in this life. It's not bad if he doesn't kill him, so how can he expect that old man to help him!
"There is no absolute, but I think the person who helped you this time is probably the old man!" Aaron said softly with a smile on his face.

This statement is actually not without grounds. After all, everyone knows very well that people who can do such a thing, except for those old immortals who don't show up often, no one else can do it. And among these people, Only Duke Otto would get involved. If others had the leisure to intervene, most of them would just sit on the sidelines with their hands folded.

"You don't need to worry about these things. You just need to remember what you promised me." It's useless to talk too much. Abel didn't want to talk about this with Aaron. something else.

Aaron didn't want to make fun of himself either. Seeing that he was not talking, he stopped talking and went to the plane with a cold face.

This time in the past, for the sake of safety, instead of using a private jet, they booked a flight ticket. When they came over, they registered a series of things, and it was just the time to board the plane. The two of them sat in the lounge the whole time. These things Naturally, it was very convenient to have someone else to help with the process. After waiting for a while, I boarded the plane directly from another road!
After the plane took off, the two remained silent without saying a word. For Abel, who usually travels by private jet, this kind of experience of waiting and then boarding the plane is relatively rare, and he is not used to it!
A group of people here have boarded the plane, and Ye Chuan has naturally received the news. The wedding photos are almost all taken, and the photos will be released tomorrow. Ye Chuan is quite satisfied with this speed, and brought the two of them. back home.

As soon as I arrived at the villa, I immediately went to the study to find Huo Chen who was still busy. I just knocked on the door and went in. The first thing I saw was Huo Chen, who was full of resentment, standing in front of the window, turning his head to look at with him.

How could Ye Chuan fail to guess why he put on such an appearance, and couldn't hold back a chuckle: "Next time I'll bring you with me, if it's inconvenient for you, I won't let Xiaoshi go out together, if you can accept it, hurry up Discuss with me what's next!"

"Brother said you will do it. Next time I don't know, you must not take Shishi out of the house behind my back." Waiting at home, he didn't care about dealing with things. Huo Chen walked quickly to the edge of the table and sat down with his face There is also a touch of darkness.

"I didn't think carefully this time, and I definitely won't do it next time. Well, you should have heard about Abel's coming!" He rubbed his head with a headache, and Ye Chuan couldn't care less about making fun of it when he was talking about business. After he sat down, he tapped on the table with one hand.

"I have received the news, but the whereabouts have not been investigated for the time being. It is initially estimated that he and Aaron should live in the villa not far away, but it is not ruled out that he will find another place to hide and wait for the wedding. It's time to come."

Abel is cunning and scheming. Before there is no conclusive evidence, no one can guess what he will do. What's more, this time is different from the past. This kind of person must come over knowing that they have already set a trap and waiting for him to come. This kind of behavior is not something that ordinary people can do. People with a little lower psychological endurance have already avoided it far away, and they will come over if they take it!
"Let's go to the airport and watch it first. For safety's sake, he probably won't take the VIP passage, but will come out through the ordinary passage outside. Even if we set up a net, we may not be able to catch him. Those ordinary people will be his best cover." Huo Chen propped his hands on the table, and when he talked about the business, his expression was serious, gloomy and terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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