Chapter 603
What he has to do now is to find a way to do some tricks first. Once the twenty people are discovered, he has to make a false impression that his own people were knocked out and held hostage, otherwise they will not be able to convince them. everyone.

The two of them are busy with their own affairs now, the specific result can only wait for tomorrow.

After Abel left here, he changed the car three times and took a big circle around the road. After making sure that no one was following him, he calmly came to a small, slightly remote yard, knocked on the door and waited for a while. After that, a slightly hoarse female voice came from inside, "Who's outside? I'm the only old woman here. What's the matter?"

Abel listened attentively, but did not answer. He just knocked on the door four more times and waited with his hands behind his back.

The bodyguard who followed was standing in the distance, looking baffled, the door suddenly opened, and a stooped old woman who looked to be eight or ninety years old came out, with a bent waist, wrinkled face and expressionless face On the contrary, it was a little scary.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Tao He, Mr. Tao, can the old lady lead the way?" Different from the ease when he saw Du Xianghua, Abel's attitude this time is much better than before, and his smiling face is much more kind than before.

"Sir, come in with me. Mr. Tao hasn't seen outsiders very much these years." After looking up at Abel for a while, the old lady bent down again, lowered her head, and led him inside, her tone slightly stiff.

Abel didn't say much, and followed behind the old man in silence. All the bodyguards who followed were stopped outside.

After walking for about 10 minutes, the old lady slowed down a bit. After walking for 5 minutes, she stopped and pointed to a small house in front of her and said, "Mr. Tao is inside, go in by yourself." , I will call you in half an hour."

For a person who lives in seclusion, half an hour is quite a lot of time to see guests. After the old lady finished speaking, she didn't care what the duck neck was thinking, she turned around and left directly, walking like flying, It doesn't look like an old man.

When he met Tao He for the first time, Abel was less than ten years old. At that time, he came here with Duke Otto. The Tao family was still very prosperous back then, much stronger than the Otto family. It’s just that I don’t know why and what happened in the middle. Taohe’s reputation plummeted overnight, and within a few days, problems appeared in the company. It was at that time that he emerged and gradually stood out.

Although the Tao family seems to have declined a lot, this does not mean that everyone can step up and step on him without guarding against him. The wealth accumulated by the Tao family over the years is simply unbelievable. Many people Guess, what happened overnight was just because the Tao family wanted to keep a low profile, so as long as Tao He is willing to take action, Abel believes that many things can be easily solved, and it is even possible to help him avenge directly, and he suspects that the previous bodyguard The disappearance is also done by the family.

After all, except for the old guy, only the Tao family can have such a generous person.

"Since you're already here, why stand outside in a daze and come in and talk." Seeing the person standing at the door in a daze, not knowing how to come in, Tao He sighed and said loudly, he doesn't have so many people. The time is used to delay.

"Mr. Tao." When he called out, Abel suddenly came back to his senses, and walked in with a serious expression. When he got in front of him, he cupped his hands and continued in a solemn tone: "I'll come You should have already investigated what you want to do here, and the Otto family has stood on your head for so many years, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

If Tao He wants to get involved, just relying on some petty incidents won't make him act. If he wants to end, there must be enough interests to make him tempted. Otherwise, no matter how much he talks, That can only be in vain.

"I'm not interested in the Otto family, and I'm not interested in who is the boss. If I were interested in things outside of me, I wouldn't have done such a thing back then." There are not a few people who have come to him over the years. But Tao He did not meet at all. This time, he agreed to meet with Abel because of Duke Otto's face, and because he was in a good mood, he reluctantly let him go.

Money touches people's hearts, even if you don't want to deal with the Otto family, Mr. Tao, there is no guarantee that no one will covet your wealth. My father used to be in charge of the Otto family, but now it is my nephew. He is not as easy to talk to as his father, You want to live here in a low-key and peaceful way, but I don't know if my nephew will be willing
These words are actually somewhat ambiguous. No one knows how things will develop in the future. Whether Ye Chuan will be detrimental to the Tao family or not, no one knows this kind of thing and it is impossible to predict it. Naturally, it is the person who said it. Calculated.

"I haven't been out for many years. How is your father all these years?" Tao He is older than Duke Otto, and he should be in his 80s now, but judging by his appearance, actions and speech, he unexpectedly Looks younger than Duke Otto.

Originally, there was not much time, so Abel naturally didn’t want to waste this kind of problem, but it’s hard to say, within half an hour, if he wanted to persuade Tao He to help him deal with the Otto family, the success rate was too low
"Father's health has not been very good these years, so some time ago, he passed on the position of Patriarch to my nephew—Ye Chuan. Mr. Tao should have heard of his name." For a person in his 80s , War or snatching, this kind of intense thing is no longer suitable for his age, so if you want him to take action, you have to find another way.

"A few days ago, I received an invitation card brought by Otto. Since Otto is not in good health, I should go and see him." It happened that he hadn't been out of the house for nearly ten years. Tao He stood by the window Looking at the sky in front of him, he was slightly dazed.

When Abel heard this, his expression changed a lot. He thought it would take some effort to get people out, but he didn't expect him to obediently follow him out before he said anything. What a waste of effort!
"Since Mr. Tao wants to go to the wedding, you might as well let me stay by your side. After all, you haven't been out for ten years. Many things in the outside world, including personnel, have undergone great changes. Let me stay by your side. You're trying to figure it out."

As long as he can stay by Tao He's side, Ren Yechuan and Huo Chen will not be able to directly attack him no matter how they arrange it. In this way, his personal safety will be greatly guaranteed. This is why Abel wants to invite him out. one of the reasons.

"If you want to be together, you can go together. Of course, I have no objection."

(End of this chapter)

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