Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 650 Questioning

Chapter 650 Questioning
"Escape is not the way to solve the problem, Ah Chuan, I know you just care about me, but I also want to find out some things, why they abandoned me, why they gave me to Liu Zhesu." Speaking of this, Ye Susu paused After a while, after a long time, he pinched his own palm, pursed his lips and took a deep look at Ye Chuan before continuing to speak:
"It's even possible that I wasn't given to Liu Zhesu by them, but was abandoned near Liu Zhesu. It's just that I was lucky enough to be picked up by her, so I can live until now. A Chuan, where do you think it is? What kind of result?"

Ye Susu suddenly smiled with the corners of her mouth pulled, but quickly regained her composure, turned her head and looked out the window.

She really didn't want Ye Chuan to see those bad emotions and negative things. Ye Susu tightly clutched the hem of her clothes, holding back the tears that were about to well up in her eyes, only feeling that the darkness in her heart was Devour yourself bit by bit!
Ye Chuan raised his hand and wanted to hug her into his arms, but seeing her slightly trembling shoulders, he finally resisted his urge.

It is useless for him to persuade him about some things. Only when he sees it clearly and walks out can he really get better, and it is good to figure it out. At the very least, let her be a little bit resistant to her illusory biological parents, so as not to get hurt. In the end, it was always her who was hurt!It just happened to give him time so that he could free up his hands to deal with those people or things that might be in her hands!

The hospital is very close to the villa. It didn't take long before the car stopped at the bottom of the villa. Ye Susu quietly leaned against the car door, looking up at a certain direction upstairs. Pursing his lips, he retracted his gaze, opened the car door and got out.

"I have separated the three people in three rooms. Susu, who do you want to meet first, or do you want to meet the three together?"

When Ye Chuan saw him push the door to go out, he immediately opened the car door and walked down, standing beside her and asked cautiously.

"Meet Ye Sheng first, I still have a lot of things I want to ask him, Achuan, can you stay outside later, I want to talk to him alone!" The matter between her and Ye Sheng, Ye Susu She didn't want Ye Chuan to be involved. She had no way to force that kind of rotten person before, but now that she clearly knows that she has no blood relationship with him, there is no need to accommodate him!
"I don't need to listen, but you have to let me watch from the sidelines. If you don't watch in person, I don't feel at ease. Or if you ask me to tie up Ye Sheng, I can let you talk alone, but you must not His rope is untied, otherwise I don't feel relieved."

Ye Sheng is a person who can use any means to achieve his goals. From the way he got along with him before, he can even use Ye Susu for his own benefit, even for the benefit of an invisible result. He is really cruel. sharp!
Even if it's not biological, after getting along for so many years, even if it's a dog, it should have some feelings!

"Then you go in with me, it won't be interesting to tie him up." The closer you get to this place, the paler Ye Susu's complexion becomes. It's obvious that she remembered something bad, which made her fall. Mood swings are so violent.

"Sir, it's right here. The room might be a little dirty." The servant led the two of them to the door of the room. Seeing Ye Susu's kind face, who seemed to be easy to talk, he boldly whispered, Immediately lowered his head.

"It's okay, let's go down first, I will call you if necessary." Ye Susu didn't care at all, it's okay to be messy, and it's not like she hasn't lived in worse places before. In winter, there is only a thin quilt. I have survived the times like this in the attic, and now life is getting better and better, and there is no reason why I can't stand a little bit of mess.

Ye Susu said and pushed open the door. Ye Sheng sat on the sofa with his back facing the door. Looking from his back, he seemed to be more than ten years old, bent slightly, and his hair was graying a lot. That feeling of vicissitudes cannot be concealed.

"If you want to ask anything, just ask. I have already said what I should say yesterday, and I have said what I don't know. If you want to know more, I don't know. It's better to ask Liu Zhesu, Ye Susu's affairs are all handled by her."

He didn't turn his head, only heard the sound of the door opening, Ye Sheng was like a machine gun, "Got it!" He said a lot,
"I'm afraid you have misidentified the person. I did come to you to find out some things, but they are just ordinary things."

Reassuring Ye Chuan and asking him to wait at the door, Ye Susu took a few steps forward by herself, opened to the edge of the window, bent slightly, looked at the familiar person in front of her who made her a little strange, and felt a wave of The feeling of sore nose rushed up, and the urge to cry came up, but he couldn't let it go. In the end, he still shed two tears, and then he barely held back and looked at him with a smile.

"So it was you who came, and I can answer your question. Ye Chuan should have told you that I am not your biological father. You have occupied the identity of my daughter for so many years and stayed in Ye's house. I don't think I owe you anything, why bother to face me with such a pretentious and aggrieved look, I will feed and clothe you, and I did something wrong!"

Ye Sheng didn't feel guilty at all, and sneered at Ye Susu.

"You did provide me with food and clothing to make me grow up, but I returned all these things to you when I grew up. Since you knew that I was not your biological daughter and you didn't like me, why? Instead of throwing me out, it's acquiesced. Since it has been acquiesced to be raised, why should I be treated like that? I grew up worse than the servants at home. I bathed in cold water in winter and shivered from the cold. You guys were laughing and eating while blowing on the air conditioner, I was so cold that I couldn’t sleep at night, I was huddled in the attic, there was almost no place to sleep, but you were blowing on the air conditioner, and I was sweating even in my sleep.”

As long as Ye Susu thinks of these things, Ye Susu only feels chills all over her body. She is not a person who has been dull since she was a child. She has never known whether to laugh or cry. .
"How are you worthy of being human! I would rather die outside at that time, than be taken back to be raised by you!" Those various unfair treatment and the environment that almost made her die, Ye Sheng couldn't do it. He didn't know anything about it, but he just didn't want to care about it. Since he didn't treat her as a human being, why did he take her back then!

"It's good to have a place to live. Do you know how much I like my Susu? She was delayed by Liu Zhesu's life and death. Just because I was not at home for a day, my Susu was gone. She just wanted to make room for you and bring you back, so she took my Susu. My Susu is only a little over a year old! You are a murderer, why should I be nice to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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