Chapter 670 Questioning
Ye Chuan didn't intend to come with him for those vain things, so he straightforwardly explained the purpose of his visit. Although he was sitting on the chair with a smile on his face, his whole body was tense.

"What do you want to ask him?" Tao He frowned, and his whole body tensed up. He turned his head to look at him not indifferently, but on the contrary, he raised a little vigilance, as if he was afraid of Ye Chuan. will do the same thing.

"To tell the truth, Mr. Tao, I learned something about my wife a few days ago. I accidentally learned that she is not a child of the Ye family. The child's biological mother is likely to be taken away by Guihu, so I want to ask him for details. In this situation, all the clues have been broken on him, and I am also helpless, otherwise I would not bother Mr. Tao at this time."

Ye Chuan spoke sincerely, and even handed some of the documents he brought out to Tao He for review. Now that the situation is special, if there are fewer things to do, he doesn’t want to get too entangled with Tao He. At hand, he is not good at Mingqiang, he has already done it.

Tao He took the document with some doubts, and browsed through it at a glance. There is no problem with the news, and it is indeed related to Guihu. In addition, Ye Chuan has also dealt with his affairs. Tao He agreed after thinking for a while, and waved his hand. Let someone take him down.

After being angry for a while, Guihu was locked in the basement. In order to know the result earlier, Tao He didn't care how the people under him interrogated him. When Ye Chuan went down, he saw a man covered in blood .

"If there is any other way, you can use it. Anyway, I don't want to get out alive. I am very happy to have Tao Xiaotao and her mother buried with me. If you tell Tao He, I will die here. Even if life is worse than death, I will definitely not tell him Tao Xiaotao's whereabouts, let him not waste his efforts, people will die sooner or later!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Chuan frowned first. What this person said was indeed very unpleasant, but it had nothing to do with him. Ye Chuan didn't show any emotion, walked in front of him expressionlessly, and raised his head. Look at this man.

"About 20 years ago, a woman with a big belly appeared next to you. The woman disappeared when she was about to give birth, and the child was born when she came back. At the beginning, you didn't want to keep the child, so you asked the woman to send the child away. Now, I want to ask you, is that woman still alive? If she is alive, where is she? My wife should be that child. She wants to find her biological parents now, so I hope you can tell me the truth, Where is that woman?"

Ye Chuan also didn't want to talk nonsense with him, the basement is not ventilated, smells of blood, sweat, mixed with all kinds of smells, it really hurts the eyes of people who are smoked, so hurry up and get out of this damn place, he can't wait for a quarter of an hour Don't want to stay here anymore.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Is it right to want to tie Tao Hetao to me? Let me tell you that the child was thrown away by me a long time ago. He couldn't live at all. How could he find me here? You Do you really think I'm stupid?"

Guihu didn't believe Ye Chuan's words at all. Since the last time he said something, he was no longer always silent. Sometimes the words he said were very irritating and full of lies. Few of them could be believed. Tao The river has long been bored!
"I'm not very clear about what happened that year, but I can tell you clearly that the child didn't die, the child was sent out by the woman herself, and sent to someone else to be raised by them, so where is the person? Or do you know who the child's father is?" Ye Chuan held the document in his hand, he really didn't want to talk to this uncooperative person.

But if you want to know, you can only ask him, which makes people feel a little aggrieved, but Ye Chuan can still bear this aggrieved.

"I won't believe a word of those of you who talk about people and talk about people. Unless you bring that child here and I want to see it with my own eyes, I won't tell you about that woman for the rest of my life. Where is it, dead or alive!"

Guihu smiled ferociously, his face was covered with blood, he looked like he just came back from the battlefield, his body smelled of gunpowder smoke.

"You are not her father, what do you want to see her for, I can ask you because I have already investigated, that person's daughter is still alive, you hid her, it is very likely that Tao Xiaotao's mother and daughter live in her You are taking care of her, so you don't want to disclose her whereabouts. The goal of the three women together is actually very obvious. In addition, you should use the method of captivity. You will move a position every once in a while. It is only time to find them. It's just a question, I just don't want to waste so much time asking you, since you don't want to tell me, I don't care, I will find someone sooner or later, you can do it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Chuan turned around and left. He didn't want to see this man again at all. As for Ye Susu's father, after this conversation, he also had some clues. Now it's just the final verification. only.
Thinking of the little girl who was still waiting for news from him at home, Ye Chuan couldn't help frowning, drooping his eyebrows, and feeling a little headache.

"Did you ask anything?" Tao He was sitting in the living room, his voice was vicissitudes, obviously he had been waiting for Ye Chuan to come out.

"Mr. Tao has asked for so many days and still hasn't asked anything. I only came here once. How can I ask anything, but I have some clues. I may come back twice in the future. I hope Mr. Tao will forgive me."

Ye Chuan's expression was indifferent, and his manner was moderate. After he finished speaking, he nodded and wanted to leave. There is nothing he wanted here for the time being, and staying here is just a waste of time. Go back early, and find out who the person is. Who.

"Ye Chuan, Guihu said that Xiaotao and the others only have ten days, and now the last two days are left. I found out that there was a very suspicious place before, but after I went there, I found that the place was only once detained. The place where Xiaotao and her daughter lived is already empty. If you have a way to help me get them back, I can give you whatever you want, as long as I have it. I just hope you can help me Find it, where is the person hidden!" After saying this, Tao He's whole body became sluggish, as if he had lost all energy, his eyes dimmed a lot.

Ye Chuan was silent for a moment. When he was asking in the basement, he didn't avoid Tao He's people at all. He would know that Ye Chuan was not surprised by what he asked at that time. It surprised him a little.

He originally thought that this person was looking for someone like crazy just because of guilt and obsession, but he didn't expect that there was really love in it, which really made him a little-moved!

(End of this chapter)

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