Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 683 Chapter 684

Chapter 683 Chapter 680 Chapter [-] Departure to pick up people
Ye Chuan washed his hands slowly in the washbasin next to him, and sat on the sofa while wiping the water stains on his hands, raising his eyebrows.

"You want to know who Ye Susu's biological father is, so I'll tell you?" Guihu spat out a mouthful of blood at Ye Chuan, and smiled happily at Ye Chuan, his white teeth were covered with red spots. The blood looked terrifying and frightening.

"I don't believe that woman's words. I want to hear what you say. If Susu's father is really that kind of rotten person, it's impossible for her mother to give birth to her. She still has such strong feelings for her, so Susu Who is Su's father and where is he now?"

Ye Chuan felt that something was wrong when he heard this on the plane, and after getting off the plane, he turned around and realized the problem. But since Su Su's mother said so, then he probably won't be able to find anything if he asks again. , it is better to change the target.

"Ye Chuan, you should have checked before you came to ask me! When I knew her, her child had already been born. Now you ask me who the father of the child is. How can I know? If you want to know, you can do it yourself. ask."

After finishing speaking, Guihu closed his eyes and stopped talking as if he was asleep.

"You should know Susu's father, and even have a better relationship with Susu's mother. After all, you should have met Susu's mother after he became friends with Susu's father and was introduced by him, so you have been treating her for so many years. Take good care of me."

There are some things that you don’t need to ask yourself. Ye Chuan can guess by just guessing, but the most important point is that he can’t guess it anyway. That’s why he came here late at night to ask if there is any result. It seems that he wants to ask I'm afraid it will be difficult to come out.

Ye Chuan simply didn't make things difficult for Guihu, and with his arms behind his back, he walked upstairs calmly.

Before, Ye Chuan had his own room here because of looking for someone and some other reasons. At that time, he was afraid that he would be sad if he didn't have a change of clothes, so he specially prepared a few sets of clothes and put them in it. Now it just comes in handy!

A night passed without incident. Ye Chuan got up early in the morning and went home. He lightly hugged Ye Susu who was still lying on the bed. He also carefully rubbed himself on Ye Susu, preparing to sleep back into the cage. Sleep,
I haven't slept for a long time, I just feel that my hands have been moved, and then I saw that my arms were empty. When Ye Chuan opened his eyes and sat up, Ye Susu had already opened his eyes and lay on the edge of the bed, looking at him. , It looks like it's been a long time since I woke up.

"A Chuan, you're awake! Grandpa is really looking for you, get up quickly!" Ye An and his mother arrived at about this time as agreed yesterday. When I opened my eyes, I saw him.

"It just so happens that I also have something to tell you. Let's wash up first. After breakfast, I'll talk to you carefully."

When Tao Xiaotao and Su Su's biological mother came over, he always had to talk to her first, so as not to meet suddenly at that time, everyone was unprepared, and in the end it made Su Su sad. This kind of result was not what he wanted to see.

"What's so mysterious about it? Ye An and his mother are coming this morning. Grandpa should want you to pick them up. I heard from grandpa that I really missed Uncle Aaron this time." Otherwise, I'm afraid people won't be able to find it!"

The two walked downstairs while talking about the things around them. After getting married, the two inevitably put the length of the family at the very end. Although it sometimes sounds annoying, to Ye Susu, This is probably a sweet trouble!
"Come with me later to pick up the person. Have the room been settled? The child probably likes simpler decorations. His mother probably doesn't have much time left. When we meet, you should be a little more careful when you speak. ?"

Although it doesn't have much to do with these things, you still need to know what you should know. Usually, this kind of news is managed by a special person, and then reported to him regularly. As for whether he can remember it, it depends on the importance of the matter. or not.

"I see. After picking up the person later, let's take Ms. Ye to the hospital for a checkup."

Although birth, old age, sickness and death are necessary in life, they are still somewhat taboo in the final analysis. After all, Duke Otto’s health is not good, and there should be no such serious illness around him. We must put some lively and energetic people and creatures around him. side.

"Here we come!" Duke Otto was sitting on a chair, holding a newspaper in his hand, and eating breakfast while reading it. Out of the corner of his eye, the two of them came down, raised his head and said a word, then continued to look at the newspaper in his hand. newspaper.

"Grandpa wait at home with peace of mind. I will definitely bring him back safely. I can rest assured that Ye An will accompany you in the future. Don't worry about family affairs for the time being. When I recover, I will definitely I'll report everything to you."

Ye Chuan walked down holding Ye Susu's hand, sat on the side, squinted his eyes and said with a smile.

"You brat just wants to be the shopkeeper. From now on, the affairs of the family will depend on you and Susu. I'm already old and I can't take care of so many things. I just hope that I can see you before I die." From my little grandson, I don’t expect anything else.”

While speaking, Duke Otto put down the newspaper in his hand, looked at Ye Chuan with a pale face, and just let out a soft snort.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? You can live a long life, and our child is still waiting to call you grandpa!" Seeing that Ye Chuan was speechless by the team, Ye Susu couldn't bear it. As a result, the chatter said.

"I know that he is bound to talk. Men can't be used to it like this. Susu, you should be more aggressive. If he bullies you in any way, you must tell grandpa. Grandpa will definitely avenge you!"

"A Chuan won't bully me. Grandpa, you will definitely not find a chance to teach him a lesson. Well, the food is almost ready. A Chuan and I set off to pick up Ye An and the others. The airport is far away!"

After drinking two mouthfuls of porridge, seeing Ye Chuan had already put down his chopsticks, Ye Susu pulled his wrist and ran outside.

"Be careful on the road, come back early, you know!" Seeing that the two had run away, Duke Otto yelled softly.

"Understood, grandpa doesn't have to wait for us, A Chuan and I will send Ms. Ye to the hospital and come back later."

After saying these words, Ye Susu and Ye Chuan completely disappeared in the car.

It was said yesterday that it would be around ninety o’clock, but now it’s less than nine o’clock, and it takes about an hour to get to the airport. When we got there, the time was just right. After several precise calculations, Ye Susu asked the driver to turn the car over. drive out.

"A Chuan, what did you want to tell me just now? You just have time to tell me first!"

Sitting bored in the car, Ye Susu leaned on Ye Chuan, twisted her body, and asked in a low voice!

(End of this chapter)

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