Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 519 Forcing the Palace - Changing Owners of the Country【】

Chapter 519 Forcing the Palace - Changing Owners of the Country [[-]]

But, she couldn't kill at all today.

Even if she was killed, Yun Xiaotian's army outside the palace would wipe out the palace, and those firms, brothels, and tens of thousands of unidentified people from the rivers and lakes outside the palace would definitely turn against her.

If they defected to Wanyue Kingdom with their money, Dayan, who lost his army and property... would perish!
Thinking of Mo Wuying's strategies for governing the country during the time he was arrested, he couldn't help but feel sorry for his talent.

In the end, his decision was: Since the tiger has long been a threat, it is better to turn the tiger into a dragon and harvest it for his own use.

Apart from being a girl, Mo Wuying is the best candidate for the new monarch no matter in terms of ability or current strength.

And the arrogance she possessed just erased her softness and cowardice as a woman. The new king must be her!

Originally, he was worried that Cao Ge would misunderstand him as a rebellious courtier if he spoke up to support Mo Wuying, but Cao Ge expressed his position.The deep meaning in the words is also to support Mo Wuying's idea.

So frankly, he claimed to support Mo Wuying.

The ministers who were tortured by the entangled situation in front of them were like weeds, but when they saw that the prime minister, who was under one person and above ten thousand people, all confessed his position, it was more like a reassurance, and they all nodded in agreement.

Seeing that all the ministers seconded and agreed, the prime minister bowed to Mo Wuying who was standing in front of the hall and gave a big gift.

"Mo Wuying, you are the granddaughter of the former emperor's direct line. Your father, His Royal Highness Chen Wang, was the former emperor's crown prince, and the old minister dared to say something that disobeyed the current emperor——

This Great Yanjiang Mountain should have belonged to your father. If your elder brother Yan Yukuang was still alive, he would be the current prince, and you are the princess.

It is only because of the battle for the royal family 14 years ago that the royal family has almost no descendants today.

Veteran, I implore you to think about the country and the country that your ancestors worked so hard to build, and for the people of Dayan to live the kind of life you described yesterday...

Please think twice, the princess, and don't refuse again! "

Mo Wuying raised her eyebrows disdainfully at the new title of "princess", but her heart was full of melancholy.

If she agrees, then Yan Yushuang will be ridiculed by the people all over the world.

If you don't agree, there will be a stalemate.

Seeing that she was unmoved, the prime minister raised the front of his official robe and knelt down. "Princess, please think again!"

The prime minister's astonishing move inspired all the ministers, and they all knelt down and shouted: "Princess, please think twice!"

Mo Wuying looked at the aged prime minister and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty in front of her, and was dumbfounded.

Outside the hall, there was the sound of fighting between swords and soldiers...

(End of this chapter)

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