Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 531 Little Witch Sees Big Witch [4]

Chapter 531 Little Witch Sees Big Witch [[-]]

Dou Yu and Mo Xun, as well as their ambiguous postures, were frozen in front of Mo Wuying's eyes.

Dou Yu's acupoints were restrained and unable to move; Mo Xun was tightly clamped in the arms of a certain man, although he could break free with a little effort, he was also petrified.

because of her……

My stomach doesn't hurt anymore.When I realized that I was held in Dou Yu's arms, I blushed, my heart beat faster, and I acted...

Mo Wuying leaned in front of the two of them: "Mo Xun, Dou Yu gave you the antidote for abdominal pain, and the effect of the dumb medicine is still there.

If you want an antidote, put away your anger and answer me a few questions honestly, nod if you agree, and shake your head if you disagree.Are you willing to cooperate? "

Mo Xun nodded fiercely.Dou Yu gritted his teeth and stared fiercely.

"When you decided to take the first pill, did you think I wouldn't hurt you or give you poison?"

Mo Xun nodded aggrievedly.

"When I gave you the second same pill and you threw it on the table, did you completely disbelieve that it would be the antidote?"

Mo Xun continued to nod.

"Then have you ever thought that every time you fool others, they believe you at first, but the more times you are fooled, even if you are true, no one will believe you anymore?"

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, then nodded in confusion.

Mo Wuying said earnestly: "Actually, I used to be very troublesome, and was called a little devil by my seniors. But you have to remember, don't make fun of other people's bodies and lives.

You just had a stomachache just for a while, but have you ever thought that your brother Dou Yu had a stomachache all night yesterday, and you have to go to the toilet in the cold again and again? "

Mo Xun looked up at Dou Yu who was close at hand, and shook his head apologetically.

Mo Wuying continued to carry forward the spirit of Master Tang Seng:
"You can't kill casually in the future. You are not allowed to use those poisons in the future!
Poisoning small animals doesn't work either, and they only have one life.

If you are interested in medicine, go and learn from Sister Fat Er in Juechen Palace.She is good at medicine.

The best poisoners are often very professional physicians. "

Mo Xun continued to nod, his eyes were filled with emotions.

Mo Wuying smiled like a flower at her, but the hand that was stretched out in the air to release the acupuncture point suddenly stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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