Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 544 Lingxiao Sword Formation [2]

Chapter 544 Lingxiao Sword Formation [[-]]

The prime minister and several other officials suddenly nodded, sighing inwardly that martial arts are mysterious and profound, and the gorgeous performance in the eyes of laymen like them did not expect that there was a deadly danger hidden in it.

Thinking that this formation was studied by the emperor and Yun Geyue when they were young, he felt even more afraid of the emperor's martial arts attainments.

I can't help but believe in the rumors among the people that "the mountains and the seas are shaken, and the first-level clothes of the generals in the army are not torn."

The prime minister squinted at Yun Geyue flying in the sky, pointed at him and asked:
"General Yun, if the old man remembers correctly, that man was... your son in front of the palace that day?"

"It's just that dog who is incompetent and ignorant of the general situation." Although General Yun said self-destructively, his face was full of pride.

I didn't expect that the youngest son had achieved so much in martial arts during the ten years in Lingxiao Mountain.

Looking at his lightness skills and moves, he is even better than his brothers who started eight or nine years earlier than him.It's no wonder that when his son speaks, there is always a trace of loneliness and arrogance in his seemingly calm and clear eyes.

Turning his head to look at Mo Wuying beside him, he thought to himself: Maybe only when the two of them fight each other can they find the tacit understanding of warriors who cherish each other.

Mo Wuying resisted the urge to rush into the sword array and dance at a gallop, and took a sip of tea calmly while holding the emperor's airs.

While putting down the cup, he was distracted by a question from an official...

"General Yun, I have never heard or seen this teacup of white pottery and this strange tea fragrance before, may I ask what kind of tea it is?"

Yun Xiaotian was dumbfounded.He looked up at Mo Wuying.

Mo Wuying had to play a guest role as a narrator: "The white pottery is made by the master who traveled around the world in the early years before coming to Lingxiao Mountain, and came across white clay for firing.

Because I like its clean and dust-free color, I have never abandoned it and preserved it.

As for the tea leaves, it was picked by another master of mine, Master Ling Xiao, from the cracks in the rocks on the top of the mountain when he was collecting medicine and refining poison in this mountain.Later, it was discovered that it has the effect of nourishing the lungs and calming the mind, so I have been drinking it as tea. "


Shocked to hear that the tea he drank turned out to be picked by the demon master who refined poison, a timid minister suddenly lost his composure in panic.

Before everyone could speak from their astonishment, the official immediately knelt down and apologized:
"My Majesty, please forgive me for the crime of losing my temper!"

The minister's heartfelt voice: The imperial tea was sprayed by accident, and the emperor once again studied under that demon master!Sweat drops, sweat drops...

(End of this chapter)

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