Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 548 Assassination in the Bedroom [2]

Chapter 548 Assassination in the Bedroom [Part [-]]

The court lady looked surprised: "How do you know that I am the Queen's man?"

Mo Wuying hooked her lips, her smile was still frivolous: "I can't help but know that you belong to the queen, and I also know that you have been following her since you entered the palace at the age of 12.

Before entering the palace, you had no father or mother and only had a seven-year-old younger brother. Because of poverty, your uncle sold him into the palace to be a maid.

Originally, you were going to be a slave in this deep palace for the rest of your life, but now I am amnesty for the court ladies to freely choose to leave the palace, why don't you take this opportunity to take Fengyin and leave?
Or is it because your younger brother died of illness in the second year after you entered the palace, so you didn't have the courage to leave the palace to face life again, so you found a high-sounding reason for yourself, and borrowed my hand to seek death? "

Yaoxue's face turned pale in an instant, and her voice trembled: ""

Mo Wuying untied her acupuncture points and threw her a brocade handkerchief: "Wipe your tears! Don't be surprised, I'm not investigating you alone.

Instead, they conducted a detailed investigation of the family backgrounds of all the masters in the harem, as well as the backgrounds of their trusted maids and eunuchs.

There is no purpose, just thinking... How should I use it according to my aptitude after entering the palace. "

Yaoxue bit her lower lip tightly, widened her terrified eyes, and finally choked out a word after a long time: "You, so scary!"

Mo Wuying smiled evilly: "Maybe, I am scary in the eyes of some people. If you get in touch with me for a long time, you will find——

In fact, I'm just a soft-hearted idiot.

For example, today, if you assassinate me, I should kill you on the spot.

And the few words you just said, calling me 'you' is a crime of disrespect.

And I'm not going to kill you either.If you don't want to leave the palace, but also feel that there is no good master to turn to.

Just stay with me.

However, I would like to defend myself against your earlier accusation.Just in case in the future, you will be so engrossed in your master's death that you will deliberately assassinate him.

I don't want to be surrounded by a maid who is thinking about how to kill me every day.

You said that I killed your master, which in itself is nothing.

I like Yan Yufeng, and I want to train him to be a young emperor in the future.Your master blindfolded and poisoned Yan Yufeng because of power disputes and desires.

Not to mention how heartbroken Yan Yufeng's mother and concubine will be, your master's death from the emperor's gift of poisoned wine is also your own fault.

I want to fight for the throne, but I have no intention of embarrassing your young master Yan Yushuang.

The position of the monarch is occupied by those who are capable.I also nodded in agreement with Yushuang's concession and the entreaties of the officials.

All these facts, I think you don't need me to explain them in detail.

Because the harem was originally a huge secret service department with secret intelligence.

Although I won the throne, I was very unhappy.Because——I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

My heart aches for Yufeng's early death, and I also feel sorry for the passing of the Queen and Concubine Yan.

It is even more sad that you are an indirect victim who cannot see the essence of the matter. "

(End of this chapter)

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