Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 562 The Emperor Climbs the Roof [1]

Chapter 562 The Emperor Climbs the Roof 【Part [-]】

Shuqin and the others widened their eyes and opened their mouths wide again. After realizing it, they hurried to the outside of the hall and looked up together.

The starry sky is dark blue and the moon is round like washing, and the golden glazed tiles of the palace buildings with overhanging eaves glow faintly in the moonlight.

Where are the shadows of the emperor and the cloud guards? ...

Everyone is silent.Shuqin hurriedly said immediately: "Quick, go in and pretend nothing happened.

No ministers would enter the palace at such a late hour, and if the memorial had not been rushed, the others would all have replied that the emperor had gone to bed. "

After finishing speaking, I was drenched in cold sweat and thought to myself: This time I can prevaricate twice, if the emperor gets interested, he will act as a flying fairy at every turn...

In the midst of entanglement, I lamented my own life again, why did I recommend myself for such a position with my head on my skirt!
Although the emperor looks seductive, he is easy to serve in daily life.However, when encountering this kind of thought, it is extremely terrible.

Her Shuqin's head is not made of iron, as long as she is caught by the adults once, she will probably go down and continue to serve her former master.

Mo Wuying sat on the roof beam of the palace on the top of the double-eaved mountain, swinging her legs and looking down at the glazed tiles under her feet.

With a sly smile on his face, he said to someone beside him: "Brother Geyue, the scenery here is much better than the Royal Garden. Why didn't I think of coming to see it before.

Those followers can't come up again, and they can't find us..."

Hearing her say "Brother Song Yue", most of Yun Geyue's precarious anger dissipated.

The voice was cold and pretended to be annoyed: "Hmph. You still have the nerve to mention the Imperial Garden. After you visited the Imperial Garden that day, Eunuch Li mobilized the eunuchs in the palace to renovate it the next day.

Thinking that the progress was too slow, he wrote a letter to a certain minister in the court to transfer gardening craftsmen.Now, the entire imperial garden has taken on a new look, and a plum grove has been specially planted for you, 'Emperor'!
If I had known that a casual suggestion would make such a big stir, I would have found some other reason to amuse you that day. "

Mo Wuying was stunned, she didn't expect that her unintentional actions would lead to such a waste of time and money.

With a gloomy face, he secretly made up his mind that he must be cautious in his words and deeds in the future.But it completely ignores an indisputable fact:

Now that she was sitting on the roof, she might cause others to lose their heads.

Yun Geyue was so depressed that she simply lay down on the beam on the ridge of the hall, staring at the sky full of stars with dazed eyes.

"Girl, you, the emperor, don't you want to be an emperor forever? Then... how can I marry you in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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