Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 564 Yungeyue's Tears

Chapter 564 Yungeyue's Tears
Mo Wuying was stunned for a moment.

She is not afraid of anything but afraid of men crying, but now, it is Yun Geyue who is crying...

She looked at Yun Geyue who was lying on the ridge of the hall and looked up at the sky, and asked with a nervous and guilty voice: "Brother Geyue, are you crying?"

Yun Geyue closed her eyes, and crystal tears flowed into her temples.

The tone was cold: "Who is crying? My eyes are sweating!"

Mo Wuying's forehead was lined with black lines.How dare you plagiarize her childhood terminology!

Then he tentatively used the provocative method: "Yungeyue, men don't flick their tears!"

Yun Geyue snorted coldly: "Why are you choking on the second half of the sentence? I'm just giving you a live performance of 'Because I haven't reached the point of sadness'!"

Pfft... Mo Wuying spat out a mouthful of black blood from the bottom of her heart, she couldn't afford it.

It seems that Yun Geyue's self-taught ridicule skill has become better than blue under her own influence.

She had no choice but to sit silently on the spot, looking up at the night where the stars and moon were shining brightly, pretending to be crazy.

Seeing that he was still, Yun Geyue turned her head to the side and saw her innocent stargazing at night.The voice was even more aggrieved.

"A man's tears are as expensive as gold, Mo Wuying, you don't care if I cry?"

Mo Wuying said indifferently: "The man bleeds but does not shed tears, you rely on my concern for you to shed tears in front of me, if I coax you, I will definitely do what you want.

But, right now, I simply don't have time to take care of those children's personal relationships that you worry about.

I really didn't expect that being an emperor would have so many chores to deal with.However, who can I throw the burden of things that have been brought into this situation by me?
Didn't you notice that I intend to train Brother Lan Cang and Yan Yushuang and hope that they can share my worries in the future?
I thought of your pure nature, lack of scheming and defenselessness against others, so I didn't assign some messy errands to you.

I'm obviously trying my best to protect you, but you make trouble for me unreasonably.

When you were in Wanyue Kingdom, you once stood under the moonlit night and starry sky and swore to me that you would defy the sky for me.

But now you're acting like a spoiled child asking for candy, which makes me embarrassed.

You can cry to me when you are wronged, but where can I cry when I am tired?Where is the place where I, the emperor, can cry? "

Yun Geyue's face turned serious, she sat up and gently embraced her in her arms.

The voice blamed himself and said with a look on his face: "In the future, if you are tired and in pain, and want to cry, you can come to my arms and cry. I will not bother you with these things in the future.

I, Yungeyue, can not only defy the sky for you.I can even die for you..."

(End of this chapter)

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