Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 579 Assassination [3]

Chapter 579 Assassinated [Part [-]]

Mo Wuying no longer cared about the image of the emperor, and flew up from the imperial chariot.

The bright yellow figure was so fast that it left only a yellow shadow that was suspected to be hallucinatory in the air, and rushed to Yun Geyue's side.

Before everyone saw her movements clearly, they heard the sound of bones breaking.

Hearing the sound of metal falling to the ground, the assassin who was holding a knife and attacking Yun Geyue fell to the ground together with his knife.

Judging from the movements of lying on the ground and struggling, it is obvious that both arms were smashed and broken...

Seeing Mo Wuying make a move, Yun Geyue's handsome facial features were full of worry:
"Their weapons are highly poisonous, you should go back and sit down quickly! Your clothes are not suitable for fighting with people at all!"

As soon as Mo Wuying made a move, a strange whistle suddenly sounded from the crowd in the distance.

Suddenly, seven or eight of the assassins who were attacking frantically stopped attacking and retreated quickly.

Mo Wuying didn't answer Yun Geyue's words, she stretched out her hand with a sharp palm and waved away an assassin who was attacking her face, and looked at the seven or eight people who fled away and were closely pursued by the Habayashi guards.

Those people obviously had the best martial arts among this group of assassins, but they ran away inexplicably when they heard that strange whistle.

As the emperor, Mo Wuying couldn't pursue him in full view.Can't help being annoyed for no reason.

Turning to Cao Ge, he yelled angrily: "Commander Cao, let's keep a few more alive! I want to find out who is behind the scenes."

Hearing her words, a masked man who was fighting Yun Geyue let out a low growl and cursed:

"Damn it! A few of them ran away! Brothers, you know what to do!"

As soon as his words fell, the remaining few assassins began to fight desperately, all their moves were suicide attacks.

During the fight, Yun Geyue reached out and pushed Mo Wuying several feet away, and said loudly: "Habayashi Wei, protect the emperor and don't let her do it!"

Turning around, raised the Lingyue sword, danced out dazzling sword flowers, and entered the crazy counterattack...

The woman who just assassinated Yun Geyue, these three-legged cat kung fu guys are getting impatient!
The man who issued the order was the first to become the target of Yun Geyue's vent.

After performing a set of fierce sword moves, the clothes on the man's chest could no longer cover his body.

A series of hideous sword marks pierced the flesh, but the flesh and blood wounds were just right where they were about to touch the internal organs.

Seeing the man fell to the ground in pain, Yun Geyue said coldly: "Hmph! Master, I will let you live or die, lie there slowly bleeding and wait for interrogation!"

(End of this chapter)

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