Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 581 Assassination [5]

Chapter 581 Assassinated 【V】

Mo Wuying smiled as amiably as possible to the people in the place, and stretched out her hand to signal, "Everyone, get up, don't kneel on the ground in the freezing weather."

In his heart, he gritted his jade teeth and looked at the soldiers of the Habayashi guards lying on the ground.

It was just a parade of offering sacrifices to heaven that she improvised and acted willfully and recklessly, and they ruined their young lives!

Sorry for the first time!

The aged prime minister tremblingly walked up to Mo Wuying from the ranks of officials behind him, saluted and said:
"Your Majesty, these rebels don't know what kind of organization they are, but they dare to assassinate in this heaven-sacrificing team. I beg you boldly...

Let's end this trip to heaven.If there is another danger on the way, the ministers and others will not be able to bear this huge responsibility even if they die! "

Mo Wuying's obstinate illness was provoked by the assassin, and she stood still and said loudly, "The more they risk their lives to assassinate, the more I will complete this trip to sacrifice to heaven!"

When the prime minister heard this, his face covered with vicissitudes and wrinkles instantly paled. He knelt down in front of Mo Wuying in front of the common people, and comforted him with earnest words:
"Your majesty, you can't risk your own dragon body! The country of Great Yan still has to wait for the emperor to rule it. Those imaginative ideas you put forward cannot be realized with the power of ministers!"

The other accompanying officials also knelt down and begged at the same time: "Please take care of the dragon's body, please drive back to the palace."

Seeing the posture in front of them, the people immediately followed suit and shouted in unison.Mo Wuying was dumbfounded for a moment.

Yun Geyue comforted: "The Great Yan Kingdom worships the heavens once every three years. The last grand ceremony was the year before last. If it doesn't work, just follow the old rules and change it to next year.

Aren't you always anxious about the progress of the textile department? "

Mo Wuying shook her head resolutely and said, "I've spent so much time preparing, how can I stop because of the harassment of a few gangsters?"

The prime minister persuaded again: "The activities of worshiping heaven should be extremely pious. Your majesty, you have been fasting and bathing for the past few days, and now you are suddenly stained with blood in the middle of the way. This is a big taboo for worshiping heaven.

Your majesty, go back!There is ample time. "

In the end, the group turned around and returned to the palace.Back in the palace, Mo Wuying said to Yun Geyue with a gloomy face:

"Brother Geyue, you go out of the palace. Ask Xiao Nan and the others to investigate the identities of those who died."

(End of this chapter)

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