Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 589 Seeing a lonely shadow in the moon and stealing people at night [2]

Chapter 589 Seeing a Guying Shadow in the Moon and Stealing People at Night [Part [-]]

Kan Shuqin spread the word to Yungeyue in such a panic, the emperor must have sneaked out of the palace.

Yaoxue walked all the way and lowered her head to analyze, and happened to bump into Yungeyue who was coming towards the emperor's palace.

"Yun Shenyi, Sister Shuqin is in a hurry to find you, and Yaoxue is going to inform you..."

Before the words finished, Yun Geyue, who had only heard the first half of the sentence, flew up and fled far away into the night in the direction of the sleeping hall.

Yaoxue, who was ignored, stomped angrily on the spot:
"Hmph, is it great that you can fly? If there is silver on the ground, can you pick it up?"

After saying that, with a bitter face, he took the three-inch golden lotus and moved it back step by step.

The Yingbin Inn is thirty miles outside Yandu City.

The two-storey building stands opposite to each other and is located on the north and south sides of the official road. There are 68 guest rooms, and there are a total of 12 people including shopkeepers and waiters.

The decoration is luxurious, and it is directly under the management of the government. It is usually open to the outside world to earn some expenses.

The real duty is to provide a safe accommodation environment for officials who enter Yandu to meet and discuss politics, and for officials who deliver important secret letters to the city and palace.

A bit like a government guest house in modern society.

The visiting envoys from the Wanyue Kingdom were arranged to live here by the officials of the Great Yan Kingdom who obeyed the emperor's order.

Originally, the official, who was closely following the route of Mo Li and his party, intended to indirectly photograph the new emperor's horse by entertaining Li Li graciously.

But who would have thought that the prince of Wanyue Kingdom arrogantly rejected the proposal to live next to his mansion, and insisted on entering the city as soon as possible to continue on his way.

Helpless, he had no choice but to ride his horse to send each other off, pretending to be sympathetic to each other and sending them away for more than ten miles, his buttocks on the saddle were about to snap into eight petals.

It wasn't until dusk that Mo Li saw that there was no hope of entering the city, so he proposed to stay nearby so that he could travel the next day.

The official finally arranged them at the Yingbin Hotel next to the official road.

Mo Wuying hid her body on the roof of the north building of the inn, looking at the two identical buildings across the road with bright lights hanging high, scratching her head depressedly.

He easily escaped the guards from the palace, climbed over the palace wall as if he was playing, and touched Lan Cang's residence. After a simple greeting, he snatched a horse and ran to the gate of the city.

Taking advantage of the guards guarding the city not paying attention, he flew in front of a few people and swayed his arms in the breeze, and they all fell to the ground as if they had been given an anesthetic shot suddenly.

She climbed two thick walls with a little bit of difficulty, crossed the moat and finally left Yandu City.

She didn't have a horse, and she traveled the remaining [-] miles, relying on lightness skills to fly over several points.

From a distance, it seems to come from the sky with the stars and the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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