Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 592 Seeing Prince Jasmine Again [3]

Chapter 592 Seeing Prince Jasmine Again [[-]]

When Li Li heard this, his deep purple eyes were stunned at first, and then revealed a touch of determination.

Bending down and stretching out the dagger in the boot, aiming at the palm of your hand is about to self-mutilate.

Mo Wuying secretly opened her eyes and saw such a heart-wrenching scene.

He hurriedly reached out to pinch his wrist, and the delicate dagger fell to the ground in an instant.

"Hey, are you stupid? Do you really think of me as a magic stick? I'll just tease you and you still take it seriously!

What's more, my magic stick said that I need a drop of blood. If you swipe your palm like this, you must have at least half a bowl of blood! "

Jasmine's complexion was cloudy and uncertain, and her gaze swept Mo Wuying's pretty face back and forth twice before she finally realized it.

She said in a voice that wished to strangle someone, "Mo Xun met you before? Or was she simply taken in by you?"

Mo Wuying raised her face and gave him an innocent baby smile, and said with an innocent face:

"Hehe, yes. I met her fighting with some ruffians just after I crossed the border.

I am such a kind-hearted 'young man', can I die without saving him?What's more, her love at first sight for Yun Geyue was so obvious?
So, I rescued her and fulfilled her desire to visit Yandu.

Finally...and she was given an amiable grandfather as a gift.

Guess, that little devil should be abusing her new little lover on Lingxiao Mountain now.Hehe~~~”

Mo Li claimed to be the prince of Wanyue Kingdom, with a smarter head and a good logical thinking ability.

However, after listening to Mo Wuying's narration, he was completely dizzy.

"Girl, I didn't understand, you said that Xun'er fell in love with Yun Geyue, came to Yandu again, and gave her a grandfather, what new lover is there?

Didn't Yungeyue hang herself from a tree for you?Why did he become Xun'er's lover again? "

Suddenly there was an unbearable grinding of teeth outside the window.

Mo Wuying laughed coquettishly and said: "Brother Geyue, listening to such an inelegant behavior from the window slit is not in line with your status as a talented young hero.

Since you've been here for so long, why don't you come in for tea? "

Mo Li: ...

Opening the window, Yun Geyue jumped in.There was an unnatural embarrassment on his expression.

He said embarrassingly: "You sneaked out of the palace, I was worried about your safety and immediately chased you from behind. But...

As you know, there is really no place to hide outside.

I sat on the bare branch for a long time, like a monkey, cold and hungry.So come in and ask for a cup of hot water to drink. "

(End of this chapter)

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