Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 102 One day before opening

Chapter 102 The day before the opening

From this day on, Nanyan listened to Qi Yuhao's words and stayed in Xihu Village all day to wash and wash, fertilize vegetables and fruits, and prepare three meals a day.When I have nothing to do, I study nutritious diets and formulate recipes.

This morning, Qi Yuhao and He Chenyi first went to the shipbuilding shop of the boss who was interested in money, and brought back the design drawings that Nan Yan had worked so hard to draw up all night.Afterwards, he went to another shop, took back the note that Nan Yan had requested for these things, and took it to Uncle He Chenyi's.

He Chenyi's cousin's shipyard is in another city not far from Yangzhou City, and it takes less than an hour to get there by riding a horse.

He Chenyi gave the blueprints and all the requirements for the required items to his uncle, and his cousin expressed his willingness to take over, and He Chenyi also promised that he would not treat this relative with excellent craftsmanship badly after the matter was completed.

After everything is taken care of, this is much more meaningful than squandering family wealth with that Dai Rongjun.The so-called stupid people will take this method, and smart people will always have shortcuts to find.

Now just sit and wait for everything to be in place, and just open on that auspicious day.

"Brother Qi, go back and tell Nanyan to finalize the recipe as soon as possible, so that I can find someone to make it." He Chenyi urged.

"Okay, I will tell her when I go back."

The two bid farewell, and then separated to do their own things.

These days, Nanyan not only researches more delicious dishes through the magical jade bracelet, but also mixes many kinds of sauces that the ancients have never seen before. It can be said that the taste that human beings can appreciate, and Nanyan can enjoy it here .

Ten days later...

In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed, and this day is the day before Nan Yan's restaurant opens.On this day, Qi Yuhao was finally willing to take Nanyan into Yangzhou City.

When approaching the shore of the West Lake, Dai Yingyu covered Nan Yan's eyes with a piece of red silk according to He Chenyi's instructions, wanting to surprise her.

Dai Yingyu took Nan Yan's hand and followed behind He Chenyi and Qi Yuhao step by step.Nan Yan went up and down for a while, felt her feet stepping on the ground for a while, and felt her body swaying for a while...

"Okay, it's here! Let Yan'er take off the red silk blindfold!" He Chenyi smiled and fanned.

Dai Yingyu stepped forward and gently removed the red silk cloth from Nan Yan's face. Because Nan Yan's eyes had been in a state of darkness for a long time, she felt a little blurry when she untied the red silk cloth.

She shook her head, trying to restore her eyesight as quickly as possible.I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it.What caught Nan Yan's eyes was the interior decoration murals that she had carefully designed before. The two crimson lacquered dining tables and chairs under the boat were carved very delicately. The chairs were spacious and comfortable, and looked very high-end.Looking further ahead is the boss's cashier counter, which is also painted with crimson lacquer, and is carved with flowers and birds of different shapes, so lifelike that people can't bear to take their eyes off it.

"There are still two dining tables and chairs upstairs, you can go behind the curtain and take a look." He Chenyi led the way and opened the curtain made of black pearls with a fan.

"It's the kitchen..." Nan Yan whispered in surprise.

This kitchen is really too clean, everything is made up of her original idea, the pots and pans have been placed where they should be placed, and everything looks wonderful.

Qi Yuhao conveniently opened the cabinet next to him, and there were all kinds of dishes in it, all baked according to Nan Yan's design, in different sizes and shapes!

"Oh my god, all this is better than I imagined!" Nan Yan couldn't help sighing.

"Let's take a look at the right side of the cashier counter. There is a toilet over there, which is also built according to your design." He Chenyi smiled and led the way.

Sure enough, the hut is much more upscale than the stinky and dirty huts in other restaurants. The toilets are all carved Loulan bamboo toilets, and the faucet for washing hands inside is also clear from the bamboo pipes, and then flows into the lake from the waterway below. middle.

"According to your suggestion, two sewage discharge tanks are designed in the lower part of this ornamental boat. One is used to dispose of bad water, and the other is used to dispose of excrement. I also hired two sewage dischargers who can swim for you. , They take turns to come over every day to help with the sewage, so you don't have to worry about that." He Chenyi said.

"Young master He, you are so considerate, you have thought of everything in such a comprehensive way." Nan Yan not only sighed, but also thanked her.

"Hey, don't just thank me, Brother Qi is also credited for coming up with ideas." He Chenyi patted Qi Yuhao on the shoulder.

"And me, okay? I've also opened a lot of small shops!" Dai Yingyu pouted her small mouth and puffed up her mouth.

"Yes, yes, and my younger sister Yingyu's contribution. The crystallization of everyone's wisdom! Hahaha..." He Chenyi laughed heartily.

"I really don't know how to thank you all. You have really helped me so much. I am really grateful to Nan Yan." Nan Yan bowed to everyone.

"Thank you for taking the time, I haven't finished watching it yet!" He Chenyi said.

"Boss Nan."

"Boss Nan."

Before Nan Yan could turn around, voices of men and women came from behind him.Nan Yan took advantage of the situation and turned her head to look around. It turned out that it was Yan Zi who was recruited at the pier a few days ago and the second child who served food, Ah Hu.

"Hey, why did you come here before I had time to look for you?" Nan Yan was very happy to see them, and stepped forward to stand in front of them.

"It was the man who went to the pier to find us, and said that it will open tomorrow, so come here today to get acquainted with the environment." Ah Hu replied.

Nan Yan followed the direction of Yanzi's finger and looked back.It turned out to be Qi Yuhao, he really had a heart, and he had already found these two people.

"Boss Nan, the idea of ​​this exquisite restaurant on the boat is really good. Before, I was wondering what kind of restaurant it would be. When I saw it today, I was really pleasantly surprised. I look forward to starting work soon!" It's Swallow, she looked at this place, full of joy.

"Yeah, I was also taken aback when I came here just now, thinking that this restaurant is too special, so special that I can't believe this is the place where I will work in the future." That Ahu also sighed.

"That's right, this is where you will work in the future. You have to do your best and don't let Boss Nan worry about it. If you do well, you will get double the wages!" He Chenyi stepped forward and said to the two with a smile.

"Yes, yes, we will definitely work hard!"

"We will work hard, Boss Nan, please rest assured!"

Yanzi and Ah Hu patted their chests and promised cheerfully.

"Yan'er, let's take a look outside the boat!" He Chenyi suggested.

"Well, that's natural, I don't know what the outside of this boat looks like!" Nan Yan responded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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