Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 105 The Opening Competition

Chapter 105 The Opening Competition
The lively sound of firecrackers here has just finished, and they are "crackling" again over there.I don't know where Dai Rongjun's firecrackers were bought. The sound was so loud that it was unbearable. It didn't give people a festive feeling, but made people irritable and impatient.

In order to avoid the loud firecrackers, Nan Yan and the others retreated into the boat.The common people who stopped and watched on the shore covered their ears, with bitter faces, and stayed far away from the shore.

The loud noise of the firecrackers was nothing more than that, Dai Rongjun bought so many that he couldn't finish them in a while.Dai Rongjun himself didn't take it seriously, and he and the Feng Shui master happily stood on the deck of the ship, with their hips akimbo and their heads raised, laughing.

The loud sound of firecrackers over there finally ended completely. Dai Rongjun also invited the drum team to stand in two rows at the door to beat gongs and drums. It seems that he has spent a lot of money for the opening of this restaurant.Everyone could see that he was competing with the boat restaurant next door.

"This scum is so boring!" That Dai Yingyu scolded her brother so mercilessly.

"Forget it, let him go, he can't set off firecrackers and beat gongs and drums here every day!" Nan Yan said lightly.

The opening ceremony at Dai Rongjun's side is finally over, but the drum team is still beating, and they probably will be standing here for a day.The sanctimonious Feng Shui master took the generous money from Dai Rongjun, grinned happily and left.

Then it's time for the two to officially open for business.It's just that it's not too early or too late, and there won't be any customers for a while.

Nan Yan had already thought of this point, after all, it was just morning, who would come to eat early in the morning, unless it was morning tea.

But Nan Yan runs an exquisite restaurant, and ordinary people would not be willing to spend money to enter the restaurant for morning tea, so...

"Should we wait until noon to welcome the guests?" That Ah Hu asked.

"No, you can do it now." Nan Yan said with a smile, "I brought the cart here, which contains a lot of breakfast I made last night, including steamed buns, steamed buns, pastries, etc. Ahu, Yanzi, you guys Go and open the cart, today the restaurant serves breakfast for free. If you want to take away, you can take it away, and if you want to come in and sit and eat, you can come in."

Ah Hu and Yan Zi understood Nan Yan's meaning, nodded with a smile, and immediately went out to distribute the breakfast.

"I'm going too, I'll help!" Xiangmei, a little ghost who likes to join in the fun, can't stay idle for a moment. Anyway, she used to be Nanyan's good helper, and she is very experienced in buying food from small stalls. But this meal will not cost money earlier.

So the three of them went to the deck of the restaurant on the ship that was docked together, tidied up the small stalls, brought up several layers of steamers, and shouted loudly!
"This is still the opening day of the exquisite restaurant. Free breakfast is provided. You can take whatever you want. You can also take it away, or you can sit and eat in the restaurant. Free tea is provided for diners. Welcome everyone! Come early While stock lasts, first come, first served. Please line up and don't fight or grab." This Ah Hu is indeed from a juggling troupe, and he yelled one set at a time.

Swallow heard that the rhetoric was not bad, and also yelled with a smile.That Xiangmei saves trouble, and only cares about helping to distribute the breakfast.

As soon as the yelling came out, the common people on the side of the road were very happy.There is a free early supply, so naturally everyone queues up consciously.

There are also old customers of Nanyan in this team, who are very familiar with Nanyan's craftsmanship, so naturally they are happy to wait in line to get a free breakfast.

Some people here are really hungry, and some are full, but why not pick it up if it is cheap?It is also good to take it home and keep it hot for the next meal.

Some ordinary people who got the breakfast were so happy that they even said a few auspicious words, wishing Nan Yan's restaurant a prosperous business and a lot of money.

Dai Rongjun didn't expect this. He didn't prepare anything this early in the morning.Although the door was very lively with gongs and drums, but because there was no grand opening ceremony, no one cared about it.

The Wang mother and son glanced at each other, and then at Nan Yan's restaurant next door.

"This little coquettish fox is really thoughtful, why didn't we think of it?" Mrs. Wang wrung her new clothes with both hands, feeling very uncomfortable.

"It's useless if we think about it, mother, the steamed buns you made are hard and dry, and the stuffing is pitifully small, who would eat them?" Zhao Mingda interjected foolishly.

Mrs. Wang slapped Zhao Mingda on the back of the head, "What are you talking about? Did you say that about your own mother? Besides, we are here to manage the ship, not handymen. It's not our turn. Didn't Mr. Dai specially spend a lot of money to invite the chef from the big restaurant in the capital?" Wang said.

"That's right, we are in charge of those handymen." Zhao Mingda reacted immediately, with his hands behind his back, as if he was proud of receiving it.

Dai Rongjun rubbed his chin, looking at the long queue next door, feeling very uncomfortable.At this time, the cook he invited from the capital came to him because he had nothing to do.

"Chef Gu, can you make pasta?" Dai Rongjun asked immediately.

"Of course I will." The cook surnamed Gu responded.

"Then go and get some pastry, it's bigger than theirs, and has more stuffing than theirs..." Dai Rongjun said.


"Why, can't it be done?"

"Boss Dai, it's not that I can't do it, it's just that I don't have enough time! It takes time to knead the dough, chop the stuffing, and steam it in a steamer... It will be noon when it's ready." Chef Gu Why?

"That is to say, there is no way to do it?" Dai Rongjun actually wanted to ask stupidly.

"Naturally." Chef Gu responded politely. After all, Dai Rongjun is his boss, and he spent a lot of money to invite him, so he had to follow his lead.

"Then the lunch dishes are ready?" Dai Rongjun asked again.

"Several helper chefs are preparing." Chef Gu said.

"How fast are the simple dishes served?"

"Needless to say, if it's in my hands, as long as it's not a big dish, it will naturally be served under running water. Don't worry about my cooking speed, Boss Dai." Chef Gu said confidently.

"Okay, what I want is your words! Don't worry, you can go to the back kitchen to prepare for me. Don't be afraid that the ingredients will not be available. I will prepare freely." Dai Rongjun patted Chef Gu on the back and ordered road.

Then he called Wang's mother and son again, and whispered something in their ears.I saw that Wang's mother and son showed strange smiles and nodded repeatedly.

"I don't know what bad idea that scum came up with?" Dai Yingyu wanted to see the situation outside the ship, but she saw Dai Rongjun and Wang's mother and son muttering slyly.

"If he has any good ideas, let him go!" He Chenyi fanned his fan leisurely, sitting at the table and sipping tea.

There are still a few guests sitting upstairs and downstairs in the restaurant. They look well dressed and come to have breakfast and drink tea. They are likely to develop into regular diners of this restaurant in the future.

Xiangmei then moved to the restaurant, and took out the "Still Exquisite Restaurant Survey" prepared by Nanyan and filled it out for these diners. The main content was to see what their tastes are, and what they like to order when they go to the restaurant on weekdays dishes and such.

The free breakfast was distributed in less than an hour. Yanzi and Ahu thanked the common people for their support, then put away the small stall cart, and went to the back room to wash vegetables and cut meat.After all, noon is fast approaching, and lunch time is almost here.

Nanyan hung up a carefully crafted bulletin board at the door, which read, "Today is still the grand opening day of the exquisite restaurant. We will serve all kinds of dishes at half price for three consecutive days, and a lot of special snacks will be provided for free. Welcome everyone to come. "

As soon as the bulletin board was posted, the people passing by the door stopped to discuss and nodded their heads.

"Come here, everyone, come to Jincai Restaurant to take a look. Some of the dishes in this restaurant are free today, and if you come to eat, we will give you money back. A guest will give back a tael of silver. Where can I find such a good thing? Come on, come on, don't miss out on such a good thing that took advantage of today."

It was Mrs. Wang who was leading Zhao Mingda shouting loudly on the deck of the ship...

The boss on the shore whose surname is Wenyan, naturally couldn't believe it, but seeing a few bold people went in to eat food and took a couple of pieces of silver, they all became greedy for big gain, and all flocked to the entrance. Fortune Restaurant.For a while, Jincai Restaurant was overcrowded. In order to control the number and prevent the boat from capsizing, several of Dai Rongjun's servants came to the deck and shore to control the crowd, just in case something happened.

"Meals are free, but money is paid instead? Is this scumbag crazy? Using our Dai family's money as toilet paper?" Then Dai Yingyu heard the yelling from the next door, and she couldn't get angry. He wanted to go up and find Dai Rongjun to settle the score.

"Yingyu, don't be impulsive! Today is the day of Dai Rongjun's opening, don't spoil his interest. He is a stingy person, and this behavior will not last long. We just wait and watch, watch him How will the restaurant be operated for a long time in the future." He Chenyi said.

Dai Yingyu has always listened to He Chenyi's words, so she put away her impulsive actions.

It's just that the guests on this boat also heard the yelling from the next door, and they all got up and rushed over.Now it's all right, all the guests in this exquisite restaurant have run away, and they all went to the next door to queue up to eat for the one or two pieces of silver.

The Yanzi and Ahu of the back kitchen heard the sound, came to the front, and asked embarrassingly: "Boss Nan, do we still need to prepare ingredients?"

Nan Yan replied casually: "Yes, but prepare less, so as not to be in a hurry."

The opening of these two boat restaurants competes, and it is the ordinary people who are greedy for cheap that ultimately benefit.First, I got a free breakfast from Nanyan, and then I went to Dai Rongjun's next door to eat free dishes, and even took a tael of silver...

(End of this chapter)

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