Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 107 Finally a visitor

Chapter 107 Finally a visitor

"To be honest, the dish tastes good. Although it's just a simple stir-fried lotus root slice with lily, it has a delicate fragrance and leaves teeth, refreshing and not greasy." said the eldest son of the Zhang family.

"What's more important is that his speed is very fast, and he can serve a dish after a while." The second son of the Zhang family said.

"It is conceivable that this cook is not only good at craftsmanship, but also serves food at a very fast speed." The third son of the Zhang family said.

The three of them spoke very highly of the cook Dai Rongjun invited from the capital.

"Brother, don't you guys turn your elbows out? How can you say that the competitor's dishes are delicious?" Xiangmei was extremely upset when she heard the feedback, and complained with a face.

Nan Yan stepped forward to stop Xiangmei, and said, "What you want is their real taste, why do you do this? It's good if they do well, don't deceive yourself like this."

"That's right. Anyway, Dai Rongjun spent a lot of money to recruit this cook from a well-known restaurant in the capital, and his craftsmanship is definitely not bad." Then He Chenyi waved his fan and took a sip of clear tea.

"Apart from fried lotus root slices with lily, are there any other dishes?" Dai Yingyu also asked curiously.Although she hated Dai Rongjun to the extreme, she was still her own relative, not to mention caring, but just wanted to understand.

"There are also stir-fried potatoes with shredded pork with green peppers, tofu mixed with shallots, and roasted Chinese cabbage..." the third son of the Zhang family said while holding his fingers.

"They're all simple dishes!" Dai Yingyu said disdainfully, playing with her fingers.

"Their family is so busy, so they can only cook simple dishes, which is understandable," Nan Yan explained.

"Aren't there any deficiencies at all?" The aunt Zhang couldn't help asking.



The eldest son and third son of the Zhang family made this sound at the same time, as if they really couldn't find anything unsatisfactory.

"Well... how should I put it? The taste and the dishes are good, but I feel... I feel that there is something wrong with the knife work. By the way, it is the knife work. Those shredded potatoes are cut as thin as they are at first glance. You can see the thickness." The second son of the Zhang family has always been the most sensitive in observation, he said happily.

"That's right, that's the problem of the side dish cook." Yan Zi, who was in charge of serving Nan Yan's side dishes, knew this best, interjected.

"Based on this, the scumbag's side dish chef is really not good. If the ingredients are cut in different sizes or thicknesses, if they are stir-fried or stewed in the same pot, the final dishes will definitely be raw and cooked. But it takes someone who knows food very well to savor it carefully." Nan Yan thought while rubbing her chin.

"Great, let me just say, how could there be no shortcomings at all? It turns out that there is something wrong with his side dishes." Na Xiangmei clapped her hands happily, more excited than getting a high score in the exam.

"Boss Nan, don't worry about this. My knife skills are absolutely fine, and you have seen it before. Let that scumbag restaurant be happy for a while, and we will continue to be a fine restaurant in the future!" That swallow He patted his chest with confidence.

"Yanzi, thank you, I am very relieved to have you!" Nan Yan stepped forward and patted Yanzi's shoulder and said, "We will all work hard in the future!"

"That's natural. I also have the unique skill of tossing noodles. Guests can enjoy them while eating. This is also our specialty!" That Ah Hu also came up at some point, and echoed.

There was a burst of laughter upstairs, and all the worries seemed to have been resolved for a while.

Aunt Zhang's family went back first, but Xiao Xiangmei refused to leave no matter what she said, so Aunt Zhang had to leave her here and go back with Nanyan and Qi Yuhao at night.

He Chenyi still has business matters to take care of, so he said he would come over later.He left, so Dai Yingyu naturally couldn't stay here anymore, followed He Chenyi's footsteps, and left the boat restaurant together.

There were a lot fewer people in the boat, only Nanyan, Qi Yuhao, Xiangmei and two fellows remained.

The boat restaurant next door is still lined up.In order to prevent anyone who had already entered and eaten and took money, Dai Rongjun sent several of his servants to guard the door. Once he found someone familiar with him and came to eat money, he would immediately serve him with thick sticks and throw them to the shore.

"Damn it, he's been here once, and he's still brazen enough to eat money. He doesn't want to live anymore, does he?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of "crackling" beatings, and there was a lot of mourning.

"I've taken pictures of the team, don't crowd around, or I'll throw you into the lake! You, and you, are you disobedient?"

As he said that, he heard only two "bang bang" sounds, someone fell into the water, and then there was a hurried cry for help.

"You want to steal the plate after you've finished eating, how courageous you are! Drag it down and beat me!"

"Ah... it hurts... it hurts to death..."

Throughout the afternoon, all Nan Yan and the others heard here was the clamor and screams from the restaurant on the boat next door.This is not eating, it is obviously here to live and suffer.

That Xiangmei was lying on the window sill with a stick, staring at the neighbor.At the beginning, I was very happy to see such a scene of chaos, and I took it as a joke.After a long time, she began to complain about injustices.

"Who are they? This old man is so old, but he can still kill him."

"Ah, the old woman brought a child with her, and she was pushed into the lake."

"Oh my god, that kid just took an extra steamed bun, and these people actually broke his hand, it's so inhuman!"

He listened to Xiangmei lying on the window sill all afternoon, making a few comments from time to time.

Nan Yan naturally couldn't see it, but what can she do?Could it be that he rushed over to fight for these people?There are many people on the opposite boat, how many people are there?Besides, these people are all greedy for petty gain, and they are not forced to go.

Nan Yan thought to herself, although she will mainly do business with dignitaries in the future, she should also do good deeds on weekdays.She often gives food and drink to the poor people, and she will feel very comforted in her heart.

Qi Yuhao sat quietly at the tea drinking place by the window on the second floor, sipping tea and reading a book, as if leisurely.The Xiangmei called out from time to time beside him, but he also pretended not to hear it, as if he was in a paradise.

"Mei'er, come down quickly! After kneeling on the twig for so long, don't you feel numb in your legs? Come down quickly, stop blah blah blah, it won't be good if it interferes with your brother Yuhao's reading." Nan Yan said.

Xiangmei turned her head to look at Qi Yuhao who was reading seriously, stuck out her tongue, and got off the chair.

"But... I don't have anything to do except watch the good show next door!" Xiangmei suddenly felt bored.

"Accompany me to pick vegetables at the back! Your Sister Yanzi can't do it alone, let's do it together." Nan Yan suggested.

"Why do you have to pick so many dishes? There are no customers." Xiangmei complained.

"Isn't this the restaurant yet? Maybe when it's time for dinner, some guests will come to the door?" Nan Yan comforted herself, but in fact she didn't know what to do.

However, there are not many ingredients prepared today, besides, there is an ice cellar that He Chenyi asked his cousin to make carefully on this boat, food can be stored in it, and there is no fear of it being broken and wasted for a while.

"Okay, okay, Sister Yan, I'll go with you." Under Nan Yan's repeated persuasion, Xiangmei finally agreed to be quiet for a while.

On the one hand, Nan Yan was worried that Xiangmei would disturb Qi Yuhao's reading, and on the other hand, she was always listening to Xiangmei muttering about who was beaten and pushed into the water next door, which made people feel uncomfortable.

The sky gradually darkened, and the time came in a blink of an eye.There is still a queue next door, but the traffic is not as much as during the day.After all, at the end of the day, you have eaten what you should eat, and you have taken what you should have taken.Seeing so many people being beaten or pushed into the lake by the people on board, the people who came later were either afraid or dissatisfied. Naturally, there were fewer people queuing up to eat and get money.

Nanyan's back kitchen has already prepared everything, and she has prepared for the worst. If she doesn't have guests today, she will pack the ingredients and put them in the ice cellar for storage.If there is no way to store it, we have to throw it away. You can't let the guests eat stale food.

Seeing that the meal time was coming, Nan Yan took the sweet and lovely Xiangmei to the deck of the ship to welcome the guests.

"Everyone, come quickly, this restaurant has free meals for three consecutive days, and the taste is guaranteed to satisfy you. Come, come!" Xiangmei, who has potential for business, put her hands on her mouth and yelled.

But after yelling for a long time, no one noticed this side, because the sound of beating gongs and drums next door mixed with Dai Rongjun's servants beating people was too loud, and Xiangmei's shouts were completely covered.

"Don't worry, just wait!" Nan Yan comforted Xiangmei.

Sure enough, not long after, five Pianpian sons dressed in different colors and good fabrics walked up to them.Wasn't that the first five young masters who came to support Nanyan's stall on the first day?
"Hey, girl, you opened a restaurant and became the boss?" said one of the young men in a white coat.

The other person in blue clothes carefully looked at Nan Yan's face, and said, "It's really good, it's the very knowledgeable stall girl, I remember."

"We just saw a new restaurant opened here, and it's a new restaurant on a boat. We wanted to come over to try something new, but we didn't expect the owner of this restaurant to be an acquaintance!" The young man in green clothes laughed.

"Great, I'm glad to meet you. Come and sit inside. There are tables for multiple people upstairs on the boat, please come upstairs!" Nan Yan stepped forward and invited the five young masters into the boat .

"Mei'er, I'm going to the back kitchen to prepare dishes, thank you for being alone outside to welcome guests." Nan Yan did not forget to turn her head to greet Xiangmei.

"Oh, I'm also happy to have a guest. You can rest assured to cook good dishes, leave this to me." Xiangmei patted her chest confidently.

Although at the end of the day, apart from the two diners at noon, only five guests have come to the door so far, but Nan Yan is not to mention how happy she is.Moreover, she still knows a few regular customers of her. Naturally, Nan Yan wants to show her cooking skills to the best and keep these repeat customers.

(End of this chapter)

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