Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 116 The Guest Officer Finding Faults

Chapter 116 The Guest Officer Finding Faults ([-])
"Why is this man like this?"

"It's too brainless, so I want to lie and ask for an explanation."

"No, this is too clumsy!"

The guest officials all pointed and poked the short man's face, thinking that this man was unreasonable.At the beginning of the incident, everyone was still on his side, but the more he observed, the more something went wrong. It turned out that he was a liar who came looking for revenge.

"Have you pointed enough? Let me see who dares to scold my boss again!" At this moment, the thick man suddenly stood up, his face tensed, as if he wanted to kill someone.

Seeing this posture, all the guest officials immediately kept silent and watched the changes quietly.After all, the guy does look big, like bodybuilders these days.

"Tell me... what kind of explanation do you want to ask for here?" Nan Yan was not afraid at all, she folded her hands on her chest and asked angrily.

"Easy!" Seeing that the thick guy he brought intimidated the big guy, the short man couldn't help but startled again, "Either give me 200 taels of silver as compensation, or I'll ruin your restaurant's reputation! Anyway, this mouse was indeed picked out of your hot and sour soup, and it is still stained with soup, so I will take this mouse and this bowl of soup and go outside the boat to reason with the big guys."

"You are such a rascal!"

"Obviously you are the one who planted the blame!"

Yanzi and Ah Hu couldn't stand it anymore, and pointed at him and angrily reprimanded him.

"Huh?" At this moment, the thick man snorted.A pair of thieves' fierce eyes stared at Yanzi and Ah Hu closely, as if they could tear them to pieces at any moment.

"Tell me, should I give you money, or let me ruin your restaurant's reputation? You think about it yourself, and I'll give you half an hour." The dwarf put the mousetrap on the table, and sat down again. on a brand new mahogany chair.

Nan Yan still stood there with her hands folded calmly, and responded: "I can tell you right now, these two choices... I will not follow you! I didn't do anything wrong, why should I listen to you?" Are you at the mercy of me? Go ahead and make your dream come true!"

The short man looked at Nan Yan in a daze, then slapped the table and shouted, "Okay, you bratty bitch is really brave, I see who else is going to protect you on this boat today Go up, go up for me, teach this stinky bitch a lesson!"

The short man ordered, and then the thick man clasped his hands tightly, making a "cackling" sound.

Just when the thick man stretched out his hand to slap Nan Yan, his thick black arm was suddenly blocked by something, and then it stayed in midair...

It turned out to be Qi Yuhao, when did he appear beside the burly man?It turned out that he blocked the strong man's hand with a folding fan.

Before the little man could react, the back of his head was pushed vigorously by Qi Yuhao, and the whole face came into close contact with the dead black fat mouse!
"Woo...huh...uu..." The short man was so overwhelmed that he hummed sullenly.

The burly man saw Qi Yuhao's face clearly, and immediately shrank into a ball, leaning against the wall tightly.He still clearly remembers the day when he beat the shit out of him that day.

"You, why did you suddenly appear here..." The thick man was so frightened that he couldn't even speak, and was completely suppressed by Qi Yuhao's formation.

What's the use of a fit body, if there is a nemesis, not to mention that the nemesis is not as burly as him.

"I would like to ask, how did you two appear here?" Qi Yuhao pressed the short man's head hard with one hand, and looked directly at the thick man with cold eyes.

The stout man was too frightened to say anything, and hid silently in the corner.Everyone laughed out loud at this scene, it was so ridiculous that such a burly person would be frightened.

At this moment, Qi Yuhao let go of the hand that was holding the back of the short man's head, and the short man hurriedly raised his head and looked at Qi Yuhao.

"Hero, hero, it's you...Hero, be merciful, I didn't do anything, I didn't say anything, I just came to eat..." The short man became frightened, but he was able to make up immediately. nonsense.

The hot and sour soup all over the face is stained with mouse hair, which is very disgusting!

"Come with me!" Without saying a word, Qi Yuhao picked up the collar of the short man and dragged him into the hut.

"Hero, spare me, spare me..." The short man knew he couldn't escape, and desperately begged for mercy.

Qi Yuhao pressed him against the wall, then took out something from his robe, and showed it to the short man carefully.

The short man's face changed in shock, and he was so frightened, " are from the palace..."

"You have good eyesight!" Qi Yuhao said coldly.

"My lord, my lord, I'm sorry, it's all small faults today, the small one shouldn't come here to make trouble at the restaurant, and I won't do it again in the future, just forgive the small one once!" The short man has a bright mind. , Immediately changed his name to "adult".

"You serve diners with dirty oil in your restaurant. It stands to reason...I should have sent you to the government to deal with it, but I didn't. Do you know why?" Qi Yuhao asked him.

The short man rolled his eyes a few times, and then replied: "Because my distant relatives are from the government."

"Don't talk about the relationship that you can't reach in front of me!" Qi Yuhao still said coldly, "It's because I saw you at the back of your restaurant that day. For the face of a child who is studying hard. If you are arrested by the government, the two of them will be helpless. I will give you a step down, but you come to make trouble again today..."

It turned out to be like this, the short man suddenly thought of his poor son, immediately burst into tears in repentance, and knelt down in front of Qi Yuhao.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! I'm not a human, I'm such a beast. My restaurant was exposed by you that day, and since then, no one has come to eat in my restaurant, even stray cats and dogs are unwilling to come. I had no choice but to close the door. Then I heard that the girl who discovered the dirty oil in my back kitchen opened a restaurant here. I was jealous and came to trouble her! For this reason, I stepped on Many times, I deliberately chose to come here when you were not around... I'm sorry, I was wrong, sir, you have a lot, so please forgive me this time!"

The short man cried so much that he wished he could finish the tears of regret in this life.

"Go back, go back and do conscientious business, you will surely have a lot of money in the future. Don't do anything to hurt others, and do good for your children!" Qi Yuhao finally warned.

The short man came out of the hut, admitted that he had brought the dead mouse, and made a deep apology to everyone in the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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