Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 118 Nan Yan's Birthday

Chapter 118 Nan Yan's Birthday (Part [-])
Qi Yuhao didn't respond, but there was something wandering in his eyes.

"Is this an agreement between you two? Give me musical instruments." Nan Yan smiled and looked back and forth at these three exquisite musical instrument gifts.

"No, you showed off your musical instrument talents in the competition held in that restaurant a few days ago. We saw it and remembered it in our hearts." Dai Yingyu picked up a deep-fried peanut and chewed it handsomely .

"You are worthy of all these instruments!" He Chenyi praised with a thumbs up.

The guests at the next table heard the movement here, and turned their heads one after another.

"Today is the boss' birthday, congratulations!"

"Happy birthday boss!"

"I wish the boss a prosperous business."

Nan Yan hurriedly cupped her hands in thanks, "Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone!"

"Boss, please bring a piece of each of these instruments, so that the guests on our ship can feast their ears!" Suddenly there was a voice from the guests.

"This..." Nan Yan hesitated in embarrassment.

"This is a good idea, let's have a section each!" He Chenyi took the lead in applauding and inviting.

So everyone applauded along with him and booed Nan Yan for a while, but Qi Yuhao drank calmly, as if he didn't care about the outside voice at all.

"Then... I'll make a fool of myself!" Nan Yan replied shyly, then walked to the guzheng, ready to play a piece of guzheng music first.

As Nan Yan began to play gracefully, the melodious sound of the strings passing by made people's hearts rippling.The sound of this guzheng is very upright, and you can tell that it has been tuned by a professional once you try it.

Everyone pricked up their ears and listened carefully, even the sound of the chopsticks touching the dishes became much lighter.

This was the first time Qi Yuhao heard Nan Yan playing an instrument. When Nan Yan plucked the first string, his hand that raised the wine glass paused in mid-air for a long time, his eyes were full of disbelief.

He never thought that Nan Yan, who usually only knows how to wash and cook, and is busy studying food, can play a plucked instrument like this.

Today in the street market, he just heard He Chenyi and Dai Yingyu mention it in the musical instrument store, so he simply bought musical instruments with them.

The reason why he chose a white jade piccolo, on the one hand, was because he didn't quite believe that Nan Yan could play an instrument, and on the other hand, he wanted to give it a try. Yes, this piccolo is exquisite, small and cute, and it can also be used as a decoration when hung on the body on weekdays.

Therefore, among the presents, Qi Yuhao was the one who gave them the most carefully.Although this piccolo is so small, the price is quite high, almost the same as the price of the guzheng that He Chenyi bought.

The melodious and quiet sound of Guzheng floating in the West Lake in the night is really intoxicating.

"Why is there music coming from the boat?" On the deck of Jincai Restaurant, Dai Rongjun sat alone on the deck drinking wine and eating cold tofu.

Today, his injuries have healed a lot, and he hasn't gone out for several days. Come over tonight to have a look, and by the way, get some Chef Gu's side dishes to go with the wine.

There was still an obvious bruise on his face from the beating, and when asked by ordinary people, he would say that he accidentally bumped it.

When Nan Yan's boat was drifting on the West Lake, when the deck at the back turned around slightly, Dai Rongjun saw the charming appearance of Nan Yan sitting in front of the guzheng and playing quietly.

"What... is it her... she played this piece of music?" Dai Rongjun was shocked by the scene in front of him, a chopstick of tofu couldn't pick it up, and fell back into the plate from mid-air.

Hearing that, Mrs. Wang respectfully stood beside Dai Rongjun, and followed his gaze.Sure enough, the person who played the guzheng was indeed Nan Yan.

Wang's fat face with deep wrinkles immediately twitched. This was the first time she saw Nan Yan playing the guzheng!Nan Yan grew up under her nose, how could she play this stuff of a rich lady or a prostitute.

"Dai... Mr. Dai, do you still remember what I told you when you saw Nan Yan in the painting? I said Nan Yan...she plays, plays and sings, and is proficient in everything..." Wang's face Said twitchingly.

Speaking of that time, she just wanted to fabricate more facts that didn't exist so that Dai Rongjun would pay more money to buy Nan Yan. She didn't expect Nan Yan to really know this stuff.

Mrs. Wang was quite frightened. This guzheng could not be learned in a short while, not to mention that Nanyan has only been away from Shugang Village for half a year.

Dai Rongjun didn't make a sound, but continued to watch Nanyan play the guzheng in a daze.

The guzheng music played by Nanyan spread throughout the restaurant, and the diners came to watch curiously.

Yanzi and Ahu were even more surprised. They didn't expect Boss Nan to know how to cook musical instruments in addition to good cooking, and his pride increased a lot in an instant.


Accompanied by cheers and applause, Nan Yan finished playing the guzheng piece, stood up and bowed to everyone!

"You play really well! Boss, you not only look pretty, but also cook delicious food. It's unimaginable that you can even play the piano so well..." Some of the diners praised.

"No, it's really not vulgar! Good!"

Everyone praised it one after another.

"Pipa, come and play Pipa, we really want to hear it!" Another diner asked.

He Chenyi kept a smiling face all the time, and Dai Yingyu was submerged in it unconsciously.Qi Yuhao rested his chin on one hand and looked at Nan Yan quietly, without saying anything, as if he was intoxicated.

At everyone's request, Nan Yan moved a chair and continued to do it.Holding the pipa in his hand, he began to fiddle with it.

"Pipa...Pipa...she can..." That Wang's jaw almost dropped in surprise, and she exclaimed in a low voice.

Dai Rongjun kept staring straight at Nan Yan on the opposite boat, and completely stopped eating and drinking with his hands, like a wooden man, unable to move at all.

"A strange woman, what a strange woman... She cooks well, is proficient in poetry and songs, can play music, and looks as beautiful as a fairy. Where did this strange woman come from? How could there be such a person in the world... ..." Dai Rongjun stared straight at Nan Yan with dull eyes, and couldn't help sighing deeply.

Seeing that Dai Rongjun had such a high opinion of Nan Yan, Mrs. Wang didn't know what to say.After all, she didn't help Dai Rongjun to marry Nan Yan to be her wife over and over again, Wang felt ashamed.

"This strange woman... I can only have her once in this life, even if I die... I am willing..."

The "possession" that Dai Rongjun kept talking about was precisely because he wanted to sleep with her for a night.Only a scum like Dai Rongjun would have such dirty thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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