Chapter 121

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the business of Nan Yan's restaurant on board was getting better and better. Some guest officers even made reservations with her a week in advance.But Dai Rongjun's Jincai Restaurant became more and more sluggish, and the music team had already withdrawn, and no one came to listen and appreciate it.

Chef Gu from the big restaurant in the capital city hadn't turned on the stove for several days. He was so bored that he drank tea and played chess with himself all day long.

The best restaurant business is naturally evening business. In the evening, the boats will be moored on the shore, waiting for the guests who have already reserved seats to board the boat. The quiet and beautiful night view of West Lake has a special flavor.

What Nanyan likes most is this hour of the day, working in the kitchen in tacit cooperation with Yanzi, enjoying the joyful process of cooking.After all the dishes are on the table, Nan Yan can take the musical instrument that Qi Yuhao and others gave her, and quietly play a few tunes on the deck of the ship. The process kills two birds with one stone.

It was hard not to hear the funeral music played by the musicians at Jincai Restaurant, and it was quiet for a few days, but today it was noisy again, the sound was weak, and people were bustling.

"What the hell is that scumbag Dai Rongjun doing?" Dai Yingyu stood up and looked at Jincai Restaurant on the bank.

Today He Chenyi and Dai Yingyu came to this boat as guests again, and Qi Yuhao was also there.

The boat happened to change the direction of the boat by itself, and turned its head slowly, so that Qi Yuhao and others could just see the situation on the opposite boat.

On the front deck of Jincai Restaurant, a group of girls in colorful clothes and heavy makeup were waving silk handkerchiefs to invite guests from the shore to board the boat.

"Young master, come up, come up and play!"

"Young master, do you think I am beautiful, girl? Hurry up and get on the boat, the girl will take good care of you!"

"Master, don't keep squinting and squinting, come up if you want! I will take good care of you."

"Prince, it's you, come up quickly. Girl, I'll serve you here tonight!"

It turned out to be a group of brothel girls who are skilled at inviting guests. They were standing on the deck of Jincai Restaurant, trying to be coquettish and coquettish to invite guests to board the ship.

"This..." Dai Yingyu was speechless.

He Chenyi took a sip of his tea lightly, and his eyes never turned back from that side, "It seems that the eldest son of the Dai family is in a hurry, and he wants to change this restaurant into a brothel to attract guest officials."

"I'm so pissed off, this useless scum is going too far!" As Dai Yingyu from the same family, she naturally couldn't bear to see someone in the family do such inappropriate things that ruined the family tradition.

"He's asking for his own death, Mr. Dai will never condone him doing this." He Chenyi said.

"No, if daddy finds out, he will definitely break his dog legs! It's too embarrassing for my Dai family! No, I'm going to deal with him properly!" Dai Yingyu held up the sword beside her and wanted to fly into the air. Qinggong flew to the Jincai restaurant that had changed its meaning.

"Don't worry, don't be like this! You are the youngest lady of the Dai family, and Dai Rongjun is the eldest son of the family. If you go to deal with him, what can you do with him? Why don't you let Mr. Dai come and see him personally? They have done some shameless things." He Chenyi reminded.

"How is it possible? Except for business matters, my father usually stays out of the door. He is a very traditional man." Dai Yingyu said anxiously.

This is also the reason why Dai's family can't do business with He's family. Dai Changshan doesn't have much entertainment on weekdays, so how can he expand his business?

"Then invite him out with business matters." He Chenyi said simply, "Yan'er, prepare a table for me tomorrow, and if you want to serve good food and wine, I will choose what you are good at."

"Okay!" Nan Yan nodded in agreement.

In the evening of the next day, when night fell, He Chenyi and Dai Yingyu came to the Shangjing Restaurant again, but there were two middle-aged men with gorgeous clothes and tough appearance in front of them.It turned out that they were He Chenyi's father, He Baonian, and Dai Yingyu's father, Dai Changshan.

The two biggest salt merchants in Yangzhou came to the door, and Nan Yan naturally felt a lot of pressure.

As soon as He Chenyi boarded the boat, he introduced Nan Yan to the two masters. The two masters had more or less heard about Nan Yan from their sons or daughters, so naturally they didn't feel so strange and were very friendly.

According to He Chenyi's arrangement yesterday, the four of them sat at a table for four on the front deck of the ship.Since it was full today, the table for four was added later.

Nan Yan prepared good wine for this table, and then brought some carefully prepared cold dishes for everyone to eat first.

"Well, this cold dish tastes good. Although I have traveled all over the world, I have never eaten such a delicious cold dish!" He Chenyi's father, He Baonian, took a mouthful of coral-shaped sesame oil cold dish and praised with satisfaction.

"This snack is also good, sweet but not greasy, fragrant and refreshing. It is also the first time I have eaten such a delicious snack." Dai Changshan nodded and praised.

That's natural, except for business matters, he seldom goes out of the house on weekdays, so it's no wonder that he finds it delicious.However, this is indeed specially made by Nan Yan after a long time of research.The masters of the two major salt merchants in Yangzhou City came to the door, Nan Yan dared to neglect.

"Daddy, this is delicious too, try it!" Dai Yingyu coquettishly picked up a hot dish that Nanyan had just served with chopsticks, and put it on the plate in front of Dai Changshan.

"Yes, this is really delicious! Dad, you should try it too!" He Chenyi also helped his father He Baonian pick up a hot dish with chopsticks and put it on his plate.

"Hehehe... It seems that you guys come here often, and you are so familiar with the dishes here!" Then He Baonian picked up the dishes on the plate with a smile, and said with a smile before he could put them in his mouth.

"You two children are playing together, I don't worry! Chen Yi is young, but he is very responsible. My Yingyu has learned a lot with you." Dai Changshan praised He Chenyi.

"No way, no way, Uncle is flattering you!" He Chenyi said modestly.

But Dai Yingyu blushed secretly, ashamed to look at the three big men at the same table.

"Master He, you said that you asked me to come out to discuss business today, what exactly is it?" Dai Changshan asked.

He Baonian chewed the food in his mouth reminiscently, and after swallowing, he politely responded: "There are so many business matters to discuss, if I don't talk about business matters, you will give me face to eat so much A meal?"

Dai Changshan stretched out his index finger and smiled, "You, you, ginger is still hot!"

"How can you say that about me? You and my child have grown up, and you are also an old ginger! Hahaha..." He Baonian joked.

Everyone was talking and laughing while eating food and drinking wine, not to mention how comfortable it was.

Nan Yan was still busy in the kitchen, preparing the dishes ordered by the guests today.

After a while, the Jincai Restaurant on the opposite side began to sing and dance again, and a dozen or so gorgeously dressed Qinglou women began to shake their handkerchiefs again, standing on the deck of the ship and covering their handkerchiefs to invite the men coming and going on the shore.

"The opposite is Qinglou?" He Baonian was the first to ask.

"It wasn't originally, it should be considered now." He Chenyi responded concisely.

"These desolate places are the most annoying, huh!" Dai Changshan snorted while drinking, "By the way, didn't your elder brother open a boat restaurant a few days ago? Where is it?"

Then Dai Changshan suddenly thought of this, no matter how he is his eldest son, how could he not care about it at all.

Dai Yingyu responded angrily: "Don't say he's my big brother, I don't have such a scumbag big brother!" Then she glanced at the boat opposite the singing and dancing, full of charming girls, "That's the scum who drove the boat!" The restaurant on the boat is no different from Qinglou now!"

"What?" Hearing this, Dai Rongjun almost spit out a sip of wine.He stood up and looked at the boat carefully. It said "Jincai Restaurant" on it. That's right, when Dai Yingyu mentioned it before, it was indeed the name of the restaurant Dai Changjun opened.

"He... isn't he the owner of the restaurant?" Dai Changshan was so angry that he couldn't finish his sentence.

"It's a restaurant, but after being tossed about by him, the business is getting more and more sluggish. In the past two days, he came up with such a bad idea. He changed the restaurant into a brothel, relying on these brothel girls to show off their appearances. Greet the guests." Dai Yingyu responded in a straightforward manner.

"What, there is such a thing? This Dai Rongjun is too outrageous, he will itch all over if he doesn't die for a day! He is not doing business, he is obviously ruining the reputation of my Dai family! This unfilial son !" Dai Changshan was angry and anxious, and sighed loudly.

Dai Changshan really couldn't stand it anymore, he wanted the boat to pull over, and then go over and clean up Dai Rongjun, a prodigal bastard.

"Master Dai, don't worry, don't be reckless in this matter. If you just pass by like this, although Dai Rongjun looks at you, but in public, wouldn't you be more embarrassing to Dai's family?" Then He Baonian shook his fan. reminded.

"Yes, Daddy, let's go back and clean up this scumbag. This person has a lot of talk, you'd better suppress your anger first, and then go back to the house to talk!" Dai Yingyu helped Dai Changshan sit down, and helped him to comfort his chest.

"Oh, my family is unlucky, my family is really unlucky! When my Dai family came to me, why did such a prodigal bastard come out and keep humiliating my Dai family? Where can I put my old face? Tell my ancestors!" Dai Changshan kept complaining, and was so angry that he couldn't even take a sip of wine.

"According to me, don't let this scum out of the house in the future. It's not like you don't know what he has done all these years. If you let him go on like this, you will definitely cause disaster!" Dai Yingyu As she said that, she had already thought so, but she couldn't say it out for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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