Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 142 The Husband and Wife

Chapter 142 The Husband and Wife

Since then, the restaurant has returned to its former peace, and more and more guests in Yangzhou city come to the restaurant to taste the food.

From now on, Hua Zhu has one more thing to do, which is to help Nan Yan find a partner.Although Nan Yan was unhappy, she knew it was Hua Zhu's enthusiasm, so she tolerated it. At worst, she would say "inappropriate" after meeting her blind date and stop dating.

Over time, the news that Hua Zhu helped Nan Yan find a partner reached He Chenyi's ears.

"Miss, why are you so active in finding a blind date for Yan'er?" Although He Chenyi has never performed the ceremony of husband and wife with Hua Zhu for so long, he is still very polite in addressing her.

"Husband, do you know about this? It's not that Yan'er is old enough, it's time for a blind date." Huazhu responded with a smile.

"Yan'er is not in a hurry." He Chenyi said with a slight frown.

"It's her business that she's not in a hurry, and she's determined to throw herself at the restaurant. As a sister, I will help her with the important things in her life." Huazhu still smiled.

He Chenyi bowed his head in displeasure, "Yan'er has a father and a mother, and her parents have never been in a hurry, so why are you so busy?"

Huazhu carefully tapped He Chenyi's sudden change of face, and deliberately amplified her voice: "Yan'er's parents? Hehe... Her stepmother has a heart like a poisonous scorpion, wishing to tear her into pieces; her father is weak and incompetent, and can What kind of heart are you going to do for her?"

"Even so, it's not your turn to worry about her marriage!" He Chenyi's tone obviously changed, and he was no longer as nice as before.

Hua Zhu paused, and circled around He Chenyi a few times.

"What are you doing?" He Chenyi asked displeasedly.

"What am I doing?" Hua Zhu asked back, "If I'm not mistaken, my husband, are you displeased with my finding a husband's family for sister Yan'er?"

"How? I'm just reminding you not to worry too much. Yan'er is a smart person, and she will make plans for herself at the right age."

"Really? I don't look right?" Hua Zhu still turned around He Chenyi, looking him up and down, feeling very uncomfortable, "If I'm not wrong, husband, are you in love with sister Nan Yan? ?” Huazhu deliberately gnashed her teeth and dragged out the last few words.

He Chenyi's eyes were fixed, he didn't look at Huazhu, nor did he refute.

" seems that I guessed it right!" Hua Zhu sat on a chair near He Chenyi, tidied up her skirt, "Husband, you should have admitted it long ago, so that I won't find so many girls for sister Yan." Are you on a blind date? If you want to take a concubine, I don't object, so why hide it like this?"

"What are you talking about?" He Chenyi was slightly annoyed when he heard the words.

"Why do you feel that taking a concubine has wronged sister Yan? There is no other way. Who told you to marry me first? I am your rightful wife, and no one can shake my position." Huazhu's eyes were like Is with a sharp knife.

He Chenyi raised his head to look at Huazhu, his originally tightened eyes gradually showed a smile, "Huazhu, oh Huazhu, your fox tail is about to be revealed, isn't it?"

"Fox tail? Heh, I have nothing to hide from you. You will know that I am an orphan when I walk in the door. The reason why I have the attitude I have today is that you are better than me." Nan Yan said, with one hand heavily Tapped the arm of the chair.

He Chenyi's eyes tightened again, and he didn't take his eyes off Hua Zhu's face for a moment.

"What are you looking at me for? Am I right? Since you came in, you have been very polite and respectful to me, but you have never touched me. Until now I am still a virgin, Is this... is what couples should do?"

He Chenyi flicked his sleeves, turned his back and ignored her.

"Since you don't love me, when Dai's family came to snatch me back, why did you settle things for me and leave me in the mansion? Since you don't love me and don't want to see me, why bother calling you a "lady" all day long?" To wrong yourself?" The more Hua Zhu spoke, the more excited she became.

"Enough!" He Chenyi flicked his sleeves to stop Nan Yan from talking any further!

"Not enough! I haven't finished yet! You fell in love with Nan Yan from the very beginning, didn't you?" Hua Zhu almost growled, "Why do you all like her and help her? She is the only one who loves her. Where is it? You all protect her like this?"

"You?" He Chenyi asked back.

"Isn't it? Don't you and Qi Yuhao both fall in love with her?"

He Chenyi bowed his head and remained silent.

"Oh, I, Huazhu, am an orphan after all. Nobody loves me and nobody loves me. I thought that if I married you, I could grow old together and live together forever, but I didn't expect that you never fell in love with me. After all, I'm just your wife in name only."

He Chenyi was no longer willing to listen to Hua Zhu's complaints, so he hurried over to open the door and walked out.

Huazhu was the only one left in the room. She slumped from the chair and fell to the ground, crying with her head in her arms.

In a dark and remote alleyway at night, a man in black with his back behind his back was quietly communicating with Boss Zhou of a famous restaurant...

"You trash, you opened the famous restaurant in this Yangzhou city, and it was so hot. I thought you were a smart person, but unexpectedly, you not only failed to bring down the person I wanted to bring down, but you wet yourself shoe."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm not good this time, and I hope you don't get angry. Next time, I will do well next time." Boss Zhou bowed and apologized.

"Is there a next time? You can't protect yourself now. Do you think I will give you another chance? Half of the money agreed earlier will be withheld, and you can use the rest of the money to settle down with your family and get out of Yangzhou." Go to the city, and never let me see you again!"

"You can't do this. Although the signboard of my famous restaurant has been smashed, I can do some small work in Yangzhou city and earn a living. You drive me out of Yangzhou city. We don't know each other well. I'm afraid I'll starve to death." Boss Zhou nearly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Don't worry, the silver I gave you won't starve your family to death. Help me keep the secret, and don't let me see your family again in the future, or I will kill one by one. Don't think I'm kidding you. If you don't believe me, I will I can take your dog's life now!"

As he said that, more men in black emerged from the surrounding darkness, holding different sharp weapons in their hands, and quickly approached Boss Zhou.

"Don't, don't...I'm leaving. I'll go back and pack up my things and take my family out of Yangzhou City. I won't go back here! Please spare me!" Boss Zhou was about to cry.

The leader in black made a stop gesture, signaling these men in black not to come closer.

"Why don't you get out?"

Hearing the sound, Boss Zhou stumbled and left the place quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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