Chapter 145

Master Yang and Yang Xuerong cried in each other's arms, on the one hand because the father and son had not seen each other for many years, and on the other hand, Master Yang was sad for losing his wife in the country!

Yang Xuerong did not tell the truth about the murder of his mother and all relatives in the country, because before he came to see his father, Qi Yuhao and Nan Yan repeatedly asked him not to tell the truth in front of Yao Shi, otherwise he would continue to provoke The disaster of killing.When the time is right in the future, tell the truth, it's time to kill Yao Shi without leaving a single one behind.

Yao Shi on the side also wept emotionally, as if he was very sympathetic to the child.

She got up and walked in front of Mr. Yang and Yang Xuerong, knelt down to face Yang Xuerong, and said softly: "Son, don't worry, since you know your father, I will definitely raise you as my own child in the future. If I have two intentions, I will be struck by lightning!"

Yao raised his right hand beside his temple, and solemnly swore.

Yang Xuerong knew very well that this was just an emotional drama for his father.Since you want to act, I will act with you.

Without even thinking about it, Yang Xuerong threw himself into Yao Shi's arms, weeping bitterly.

Nan Yan and Qi Yuhao looked at each other, and they both had a bright mirror in their hearts.Even though Yao Shi and Yang Xuerong hugged each other, they hated each other to the extreme in their hearts. They wished they could each secretly draw a knife from their bosoms and stab each other viciously...

A big show about recognizing relatives is over, Nan Yan and Qi Yuhao are ready to go back home.Master Yang enthusiastically wanted to keep Nan Yan and Qi Yuhao to stay for dinner, but they refused.

Walking out of the mansion, the two were walking side by side, but Nan Yan stopped motionless as they walked.

Seeing this, Qi Yuhao quickly turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Nan Yan remained calm, but looked at Qi Yuhao carefully from top to bottom, "Who are you?"

Qi Yuhao stopped, "Why are you asking such a question again?"

Nan Yan continued: "Why is Master Yang, the magistrate, treating you so flatteringly, not at all as natural as treating ordinary people like me?"

Qi Yuhao bowed his head and remained silent. After all, he had developed feelings for Nan Yan, so he would not treat her as coldly as before, "The answer you want to get will naturally have a chance to know in the future."

With that said, he turned back a few steps, took Nan Yan's hand, and dragged her forward.

Yao shi and the strange man in black masked their faces again.

"I gave you the traces of that kid, but the killer you sent was useless. Not only did he not kill the kid, but the boss of the old restaurant sent him to his house to be a relative. In the future, you want to get rid of this kid again. , it can be said to be even more difficult!"

"Isn't it? When I saw that child, my whole body was numb and I almost fell to the ground. The killers I sent have no news so far, and I don't know if it's because they didn't complete the task, no Dare to come back to see me." Yao was so anxious that he wished he could break his fingers.

"Hehehe, why are you not afraid that your killer will be tied up by the same people?" The man in black laughed.

"No, if they were kidnapped, they could have brought my killer to confront me yesterday and blurted out the fact that I hunted and killed his family. But the child didn't. He seemed to be very afraid of me, and not only did he not say anything. Instead, she lied about the fact that her relatives and mother were killed, saying that her mother died of a serious illness."

"Oh? There is such a thing? No wonder you can stand in front of me today."

"I came here today just to ask you, what should I do next?" Yao asked modestly.

"Hehehe... The child has already been taken to the house, what else can I teach you? If something happens to the child in the house, you will not be able to get rid of it!" The man in black said coldly.

"Then, what should I do then? Just let this wild child from the countryside pass under my nose from now on, and watch my husband focus on raising his only son? I can't do it! I can't swallow this breath in my heart!" Yao Shi Yue The more I think about it, the more angry I wish I could crush Yang Xuerong to pieces right now!
"Then there is no need to be unable to swallow this breath!"

"what do you mean……"

"This child and the owner of the still-restaurant are worshiped. They are called siblings. If you want to get rid of this thorn in your side, you might as well give his sworn sister first..." The man in black made a knife The gesture of wiping the neck.

Yao Shi thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Yeah, why did I forget about this stinky bitch! If she hadn't protected this stinky brat all the way to Yangzhou city, he would have died in that dead forest a long time ago." The stinky bitch brought the stinky brat into the mansion openly, I must settle the account with her!"

The masked man suddenly laughed, "Hahahaha... just understand! With your status, it's not difficult to break her down!"

"Thank you, master, for your guidance!" Yao clasped his hands in thanks.

"Go!" The man in black didn't say any more, and waved his hand to let Yao Shi leave.

There is still a small helper missing from the restaurant on board, which is really uncomfortable.On weekdays, Yang Xuerong helped Nanyan and Yanzi pick vegetables and make a fire in the kitchen, I don't know how much he helped them.

"I still miss Xiao Yang. Now that she's gone, I, a carefree person, will have to pick and choose carefully again." Yanzi sighed.

"Oh, I'm here to help you!" Nan Yan replied with a smile.

"Boss, you can't pick vegetables as fast as Xiao Yang."

"You're the one who said that to the boss!"

Nan Yan and Yan Zi laughed and fought together.

"Boss, Mrs. He has come to see you and is waiting in the private room on the second floor." Ahu suddenly came in to report with a towel on his shoulder.

"Oh, I see. I'll be here in a while. Ah Hu, make her a pot of good tea first."

Nan Yan put down the vegetables she was picking, washed her hands, took off her apron, and walked out of the kitchen.

Every time Hua Zhu came, Nan Yan would feel uneasy in her heart.What's more, recently she has been arranging all kinds of blind dates for her...

"Sister, are you here? Sit down!" Hua Zhu took a sip of the freshly brewed tea and invited Nanyan to sit down.

"Sister, why are you free today?" Nan Yan asked softly.

"What do you think?" Huazhu said meaningfully, "If you don't decide on the important things in your life, I, as a sister, won't be able to feel at ease for a day."

Sure enough, I came here for the blind date...

Nan Yan smiled awkwardly, "Sister, didn't I tell you? I'm not in a hurry about marriage."

"How can you not be in a hurry? Seeing that you are almost 18, you will not be able to get married any later. Look at me, sister, I have passed through the door and enjoyed the blessings, how wonderful!" Huazhu said complacently.

Nan Yan just laughed dryly, but didn't make a sound.

"Sister, tell me the truth, the reason why you don't want to go on a blind date is definitely not just because you don't want to, right? Tell me honestly, do you have a sweetheart?"

(End of this chapter)

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