star wife loves me

Chapter 103 A mockery from a Hong Kong singer!

Chapter 103 A mockery from a Hong Kong singer!
Chapter [-]: A mockery from a Hong Kong singer!
"I don't know how to open my mouth to ask you to forgive me. What happened to me today was like a lightning strike. At that time, my whole body was weak and my mind was muddy. Later, I passed out directly to the ground."

"After waking up, I felt that the whole world had changed, from color to black and white, and the way everyone around me looked at me also changed. I knew they were mocking me and despising me, just like the Internet Same as you."

"I know that this is all my own fault. I have committed such a heinous mistake, which is simply unforgivable."

"Since I debuted, everything has been smooth sailing, and this has also caused my character to gradually become arrogant and unreasonable. I don't care about the consequences in order to achieve my goals, and all these things happened later."

"For the mistakes I made in the past, I don't want to justify anything. I am grateful for all the exposure that made me sober and realize the outrageous mistakes I made in the past!"

"I'm sorry for the family, Tilly and the children, and the fans who have always supported me. I'm sorry, and I pray that you can accept my apology and regret from the bottom of my heart!"

"I will work hard in the days to come to make up for my past mistakes and mistakes."

"For our family, and for our children, I pray that you will give me this opportunity..."

Fei Song’s Weibo is very long, with thousands of characters. In it, he expresses his infinite remorse and pain for the mistakes he made in the past. forgiveness, and used the very humble word "beg".

As soon as this Weibo came out, someone replied under Weibo.

"I sincerely apologize, and I hope Brother Fei can be forgiven by his family and everyone!"

"Everyone will make mistakes in life, but the most important thing is to have the courage to admit mistakes and the belief that mistakes can be corrected. Come on Fei, we will always support you!"

"It's enough to sing well, some people are just meddling in their own business!"

However, the vast majority of netizens do not buy it!
"Paralyzed, it must be another navy hired by Fei Song! Why didn't I see Fei Song's sincerity?"

"Did you think of your child after cheating?"

"Use the child as a shield to block our mouths?"

"There is also a buddy who said it is also very ridiculous. People will definitely make mistakes in their entire life, but they are not worth the score. If I put a green hat on you and apologize to you, you can forgive me? It's ridiculous! "

"Fei Song's Weibo is very long. At first glance, it seems to be full of touching regrets and apologies from beginning to end, but if you calm down and analyze it carefully, you can easily find that it is just a post. No nutritious public relations article. I suspect that this is probably not written by Fei Song himself, maybe it is written by the public relations team behind him. But in any case, I only saw hypocritical tears and trying to use pathetic words The despicable intent of language to gain sympathy!"

"After making such a big mistake, you still want to be forgiven? I suddenly thought of the song that Su Ze sang before Fei Song's cheating incident was exposed on the Internet. Song committed a heinous crime, it is not an exaggeration for such a person to be arrested and sentenced!"

"That's right, it seems that Su Ze also said that it was God's will to sing this song on the show. This sentence is simply too wonderful, as if he has foreseen everything!"

"Could it be that Su Ze did this?"

"Don't be kidding, Su Ze sings and writes books, but this is all about literature and art. It has nothing to do with hacking technology, okay? You think you can hack the data system of Pineapple TV station by just learning computer programming, and can Unknowingly sending emails to major media websites?"

Fei Song's apology Weibo was full of excitement. Fei Song's loyal fans, or the water army invited by the public relations team, and ordinary netizens started a fierce quarrel and battle. apologies for confrontation.

But the confrontation didn't last long.

Because, the Weibo of Fei Song's wife, domestic first-line singer Sun Tili was updated.

Her new Weibo only has four words, but she expresses her attitude without reservation.


And under these four words, there is a picture attached, which is the chat record between her and her manager Xiaojuan.

In the chat history, there is only one sentence from her.

"Xiaojuan, help me draft a divorce agreement!"

That's all the content of Weibo, but as soon as this Weibo was posted, Weibo exploded in an instant!
"The big boss has made a move, sharp!"

"Simply neat, Sister Li is domineering!"

"Well said! A person who has cheated on more than 20 bitches, absolutely don't talk about repentance with him, it's all bullshit!"

"Support Sister Li, a scumbag like Fei Song should get rid of him as soon as he recognizes his true colors!"

"Sun Tili must have felt very sad when she posted this Weibo. I feel sorry for Lili, so Lili won't cry!"

"Give Lili a thumbs up!"

"Give Lili a thumbs up!"

Whether it's Sun Tili's fan or someone who doesn't like her, at this moment, they are all willing to give this woman a thumbs up!

This night was destined to be an uneasy night. Many people, including Zhu Junwu and Su Ze, were involved in this incident. The hustle and bustle on the Internet did not show any signs of subsiding until the next day.

It wasn't until the third day, with the efforts of Pineapple TV and some other public relations teams, that the disturbance gradually showed signs of abating.

But at this moment, another person suddenly broke into everyone's sight.

This is a second-tier singer in Hong Kong, named Huang Dongwei, who is also well-known in the Mainland.

It's just that his reputation in the mainland has never been a good one. This guy makes money in the mainland, but he often makes remarks that despise the current situation in the mainland and ridicule the mainland artists.

Often when something happens in the mainland entertainment industry, this guy will jump out and take this opportunity to make some remarks to stimulate the nerves of the public.

This time, he was no exception.

But this guy didn't know what he was thinking. The target was neither Fei Song nor Sun Tili, nor those little actresses who messed with Fei Song, but aimed directly at him... all people!

"There was a small incident in the entertainment industry in the mainland, and it turned out to be a storm in the city. When I opened the website in the mainland, it was full of that shit, talking about it over and over again. I have to say that the people in the mainland just haven't seen the world, aren't they just cheating, no A trivial matter worth mentioning deserves such a large amount of coverage?"

"Who is Fei Song? Who is Sun Tili? I haven't heard of it. I only know Shu Yi, Cai Xiang, and Zeng Qianqian. They are all very good singers, and they are all Cantonese singers."

"In my heart, Cantonese songs are the representative of Chinese songs. In the Chinese music scene, only Cantonese songs will be widely accepted by the international music scene."

"And that Su Ze, I really can't see how powerful he is!"

"Are the songs he sang nice? I just think those songs are just noise. My new album is [-] times better than his songs! If he is really talented, write a Cantonese song and sing it?"

(End of this chapter)

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