star wife loves me

Chapter 124 When the blue rain falls, the fireworks are easy to be cold!

Chapter 124 When the blue rain falls, the fireworks are easy to be cold!
Chapter 120 Four: When the blue rain falls, the fireworks are easy to be cold!
Let me tell a story first.

Everyone is used to Su Ze's unexpected actions, so no one questioned and interrupted.

Su Ze sorted out his thoughts and began to tell the story softly.

"During the time of Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty, a general guarding the city was ordered to garrison Luoyang City. During this period, he met a local woman. The two hit it off immediately and soon made a private appointment for life."

"But at this moment, the Northern Wei Dynasty came to invade, and the general was ordered to go out to fight. When he was parting, he took the woman's hand and told her that after I win the battle, I will definitely come back to marry you..."

"The two bid farewell, the woman stood guard at the gate of the city, watching the general walking away on the saddle..."

"The general followed Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty. The Song army lost to the Northern Wei Dynasty and retreated across the board. The general was seriously injured and was exiled in a place called Jialan Temple. The defeated general has no face to face the world, let alone the woman he loves. He can only commit himself As a monk in Jialan Temple, I pray that the war will subside one day and return to the woman's side."

"And at the gate of the city where they bid farewell, there was a woman who often sat on a stone slab and waited for her beloved to come back. Whenever she met someone returning from the front, the woman asked if she had seen the general. She never heard of the general returning victoriously. But never gave up, still waiting day after day..."

The scene where there was still some discussion gradually quieted down. Everyone looked at Su Ze and listened to the story he told seriously.

"I don't know how many years later, the war is finally over. For the first time, the general walked out of the sloping gate of Jialan Temple, which seemed to be collapsing, and came to the already dilapidated Luoyang city gate, and stood at the place where they parted. However, that woman is no longer there."

"People passing by told the general that there was a woman here who was waiting for the return of her beloved."

"The general stood beside the dead tree, touching the stone slab where the woman waited for him to come back every day. It began to rain heavily in the sky. The past was like smoke, and everything was like a dream..."

"He has always believed that she has been waiting for him..."

"She's always been alone."

"Until the day I die."

"The general returned to Jialan Temple, returned to the futon, sat quietly, and beat the wooden fish."

"And the rain from the sky is still falling, falling on the stone slab outside the meditation room..."

Su Ze's voice fell, and at the same time as the story was finished, the lights softened, and the sound of the jingle-like piano sounded. Su Ze stood on the stage and began to sing.

"The sound of prosperity escapes into the empty door and breaks the world,"

"The dream is cold and tossed about a lifetime of love debts and a few books,"

"If you acquiesce, life and death will wait,"

"Waiting for the annual rings round and round..."

There is still no supporting dancer, no gorgeous lights, only line by line of subtitles appearing with the patter of raindrops on the big screen.

Singing the first few lines, the first feeling of many audiences is that it sounds good, very good!
But Yu Zhongrui was shocked in his heart!
The style of this song seems to be really special!

At first glance, it looks like ordinary pop music, but if you listen carefully, you can feel the huge difference between this song and ordinary pop music!
Not to mention the melody, just from the first few lines of lyrics, it is not written in pop music!

Do you really want to create a new style of music?

"Whose soul is broken by how many floors of the Futu Tower?"

"The pain went straight to the mountain gate where a broken lamp collapsed,"

"Let me wait a little longer, history turns around,"

"Wait for the wine to be mellow and wait for you to play a zither..."

On the stage, Su Ze's voice was full of deep sadness, and the pitch rose slightly.

Yu Zhongrui's heart beat, and he suddenly realized that what he had to do now was not to think about these messy things, but to appreciate Su Ze's singing.

But at this moment, the audience at the scene and in front of the TV, I don't know how many people are quietly immersed in Su Ze's singing...

"It's raining, and the vegetation in the old hometown is deep,"

"I heard that you are always alone,"

"Mottled city gates, entrenched with old tree roots,"

"What echoes on the slate is to wait..."

"It's raining, and the vegetation in the old hometown is deep,"

"I heard that you are still guarding the lonely city,"

"The sound of the reed flute on the outskirts of the city falls on that wild village,"

"It's us who are destined to take root..."

On the judging panel, Jin Yana gently covered her mouth and murmured in amazement, "Oh my God—it's so beautiful!"

When we praise a song, we often say it sounds good.

But this song, everyone feels the same as Jin Yana, and thinks it is beautiful.

This beauty not only comes from its special melody, but also from the ancient and beautiful lyrics.

A line of lyrics is like a vivid painting.

When Su Ze sang this song, the story Su Ze told earlier appeared involuntarily in front of everyone's eyes.

The general who has not returned from the expedition, the woman waiting at the city gate, the raging flames of war, endless thoughts...

The vicissitudes of life, the time is like smoke, the city gate is mottled, the old trees are entrenched, and the raindrops are pouring down, falling on the stone slab that has long been unattended...

"Listening to youth ushers in laughter envies many people,"

"The annals of history are too ruthless if they are gentle and refuse to write,"

"Fireworks are easy to be cold, and personnel are easy to divide,"

"And you're asking me if I'm still serious..."

"Thousands of years later, who will be waiting for the love of the world?"

"How can Qingshi not be true to Weishu Luoyang City?"

"If you are with me, pass through the door in the previous life,"

"Follow the world of mortals and follow me wandering all my life,"

She, keep forever, read forever, resent forever.

He dreamed for a lifetime, regretted for a lifetime, and searched for a lifetime.

A song sang the melancholy and desolate life of two people, and also sang the questioning of the vicissitudes of history, the ups and downs, and people listened to it without seeing ancient pictures in front of them.

There are many pagodas, and they become empty in an instant;

The profound artistic conception of this song makes people immersed in it unknowingly, dejected and unable to extricate themselves.

"The sound of the reed flute on the outskirts of the city falls on that wild village,"

"It is we who are destined to take root,"

"It is we who are destined to take root,"

"Jalan Temple listens to the sound of rain and looks forward to eternity..."

After Su Ze finished singing, the melody of the music gradually disappeared, but the scene fell into a mysterious silence.

When "Those Flowers" finished singing, the scene was quiet for a few seconds, and then warm applause broke out.

But now...

One second, two seconds, three seconds... ten seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds...

A full half a minute passed, and the scene was still silent.

Everyone quietly looked at Su Ze on the stage, but it seemed that everyone was not looking at him, but at the miserable love story thousands of years ago.

It is as if the rain from the Nagaran Temple has passed through a thousand years and has been pattering down in this studio.

Wet the vegetation and soaked the hearts of the people.

I don't know if it's been 1 minute or 2 minutes, or even longer.

Finally, Yu Zhongrui's voice sounded.

The voice of the platinum godfather was cautious, and his admiration and admiration turned into full of awe, "Su Ze, can you tell me what this style of music is called?"

On the stage, Su Ze smiled lightly, "It's called... Huaxia Feng!"

(End of this chapter)

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