star wife loves me

Chapter 138 The person you are looking for is me!

Chapter 138 The person you are looking for is me!

Chapter 130 Eight The Person You Are Looking For Is Me!

After drinking for three rounds, Wang Mou finally revealed his reason for coming.

"What annoyance!" Jiang Mou took a sip of his wine and put down his glass.

"Since I came here to film, it has been going smoothly, but recently, I encountered a troublesome thing!"

He sighed: "The theme song that was originally planned has already been agreed upon, and the contract is just short of signing. I thought that that person and I are also old buddies who have cooperated several times, so I didn't pay much attention to the contract. But who knew, two days ago he actually told me that the song was bought by someone else! It was because the price was [-] more than mine!"

"Am I short of the [-]? No!" Jiang Mou pointed to himself.

Then he patted the table again, "Is he short of the [-]? Not!"

"Then why did he do that?" Mom asked.

"Hehehe..." Jiang Mou smiled wryly, "Someone must be trying to trip me up..."


"Normal!" Jiang Mou laughed self-deprecatingly: "I have been living smoothly for the past two years, and some people have long been disgusted with it. I offended some people a few years ago, and they tried to punish me. My drama report During the interrogation, they made things difficult in every possible way, and then they finally started filming, and robbed my actors, and then I managed to find these actors, and now they rob me of my theme song..."

"Steal? You mean..." Su Ze frowned slightly: "They took this song away and used it for themselves?"

"Well..." Jiang Mou nodded, "Not only that, but the other party also wants to shoot a youth love story in the 90s. Obviously, this is going to meet me!"

"How can this be! These people are too hateful!" Mom scolded.

"No way, they are rich and powerful, and the film investment alone is twice as much as ours. We can't compete with people and resources!" Jiang Mou sighed.

Su Ze's heart moved, "You mean..."Flowers Blooming 16 Years Old"?"

Wang Moulue was slightly surprised: "You also know?"

Su Ze nodded, "I heard something."

Su Ze knew about this movie, but it was because when he was recording the album some time ago, an assistant director of "Flowers Blooming 16" contacted him through Pineapple TV, wanting to buy the copyright of "You at the Same Table", and offered The high price of 10 yuan.

However, just as Su Ze agreed and was about to discuss the signing of the contract, the other party repented and said that there was no need.

Su Ze didn't care about it at the time, anyway, he was not in a hurry to sell the song, but he didn't expect that the reason for the other party's repentance was to steal the song that Wang Mou had ordered!

What a coincidence!

""Flowers Blooming at 16", the one directed by Sun Zexian?" Jiang Yu asked.

Wang Mou nodded, fell silent for a while, and sighed softly: "He wants to avenge "City Beauty 2"..."

"Okay..." Su Ze and Jiang Yu looked at each other, but they didn't expect that Wang Mou and Sun Zexian still had entanglements.

Sun Zexian and Wang Mou are similar in age, but their film styles are different.

Wang Mou is good at literary and emotional films with local flavors. For example, his famous work "Grandma in the Fence" tells the simple relationship between a grandparent and grandson, using little stories and small elements in life To impress the audience, it is very real, and it is easy to arouse the resonance of the audience.

When "Grandma over the Fence" was released, almost half of the audience came out of the movie theater crying.

Sun Zexian, on the other hand, is good at youth love stories in the city. His famous work was a movie called "Campus Beauty" five years ago. The movie tells the love and friendship between men and women in a high school in the capital. Made more than [-] million box office.

Afterwards, Sun Zexian geared up and began to make "Campus Beauty 2". This film, which is said to have been polished for three years, was released last year, but it happened to be the same as "Grandma in the Fence".

As a result, under the warm offensive of "Grandma in the Fence", "Cosmo Lady 2" seemed vulnerable.In the end, "Grandma in the Fence" achieved a good result of more than 2 million yuan, while "Cosmo Lady 9000", which had vowed to break [-] million yuan, ended dismal at the box office of [-] million yuan.

In all fairness, "Cosmo Beauty 2" was really poorly filmed, the plot was empty, and the acting skills of several leading actors were obviously not as good as the first one, and some nondescript special effects were used.What makes people complain is that dozens of advertisements, large and small, were embedded in the movie, so that the audience complained that "Urban Beauty 2" might as well be renamed "Urban Advertising Collection".

However, Sun Zexian doesn't seem to think so about the failure of the film.Su Ze vaguely remembered that there were media reports that Sun Zexian complained to his friends at the reception, saying that the failure of "School Beauty 2" was largely due to the suppression of "Grandma in the Fence", and even spread rumors, saying that Wang Mou invited the navy to slander "Campus Beauty 2" on the Internet and post bad reviews on the film review website forum.

However, after the news came out, Sun Ze first denied it, and everyone didn't take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, the two really forged a bond!
"It was originally planned to release the trailer for the theme song a month later, and the preparations have already begun, but I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing. Alas, I just heard that Xiuyun lives here, so I came to look for it. Let the old classmates chat to catch up on the old days, and relax..."

Having said that, Wang Mou took another sip from his wine glass, and smiled wryly: "These things are uncomfortable in my heart, seeing my old classmates, I can't help but say it after drinking a little wine... Come on, let's not say more , Someone introduced me to someone today, saying that he is a newcomer who just debuted, I listened to his song today, he is very talented, I will contact you tomorrow, maybe there will be good news..."


Before Su Ze could react, his mother's eyes lit up, "Who is that person you're talking about?"

"My name is Su Ze. He is a very powerful young man. He is good at writing and singing... Heh, speaking of it, he has the same name as your son!"

Wang Mou said with a smile, and patted Su Ze on the shoulder.


The whole family was quiet, including Jiang Yu, all looked at Wang Mou with weird eyes.

"What's wrong?" Wang Mou touched his nose, "Is there any problem?"

"Uh... Well, if I'm not mistaken, the person you're looking for may be me..."

As soon as Su Ze finished speaking, his mother laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha! Old Mouzi! You are not well-informed! You already found out the name of that person, why didn't you find out that he is my son!" Mom laughed very happily.

On the one hand, I thought it was a coincidence that my old classmate found my son when he was looking for someone. What a coincidence and interesting.

On the other hand, I am also proud of my son.

Those people outside don't know what the son has?A great director like Wang Mou knows it all!
And I have to ask my son for help!

The whole family laughed hehehe, seeing Wang Mou's bewildered expression, even Jiang Yu was no longer uneasy and restrained before, and couldn't help laughing: "Director Wang, I'm afraid the person you are looking for It really is him! "You at the Same Table" and "Those Flowers" are his songs!"

"Ah? Really?" Wang Mou's eyes widened in disbelief.

He originally thought about making a phone call tomorrow and inviting him to come over with nice words, but he didn't expect that person to be far away in the sky, right in front of him!
(End of this chapter)

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