star wife loves me

Chapter 142 Slow in the past!

Chapter 142 Slow in the past!
Chapter 140 The second was slow!
"I remember when I was a teenager,"

"Everyone is sincere and sincere,"

"Say a word, it's a sentence,"

"Train station early in the morning,"

"The long street is dark and empty of pedestrians,"

"The small shop selling soy milk is steaming..."

Different from the previous song "Juvenile Jinshi", the song Su Ze is singing now has a slow melody and is very simple.

At first glance, the lyrics are not like lyrics, there is no rhyme, and they are not catchy.

But anyone can clearly feel the poetic flavor contained in these few short lyrics!
"Once upon a time the sun grows slower,"

"Cars, horses, mail, all slow,"

"Life is only enough to love one person,"

"The old locks were nice too,"

"The keys are beautiful and presentable,"

"If you lock it, people will understand..."

As soon as these lyrics came out, Wang Mou's eyes widened!
In the past, the sun has become slow, cars, horses, and mail are slow, and there is only enough love for one person in a lifetime.

Wang Mou savored these few words carefully, and the more he tasted, the more flavorful and profound they became.

There is only enough to love one person in a lifetime, not just to love one person in a lifetime, one more word, but a more natural meaning.

In such slow days, I only have time to love you alone!
So, a lock, a key, me and you, a lock is a lifetime.

Su Ze hummed a faint melody in a nasal voice. There was not a single line of lyrics in the last part of humming, but everyone felt that it was enough. The simple words before had already made the song contain deep affection and beauty. Expressively.

Until Su Ze's nasal humming ended, the guitar melody gradually dissipated, and the whole living room was still very quiet.

Even the parents who are nearing the end of their lives are infected by the melody and artistic conception of this song, and the younger sister even puts her hands on her chin and closes her eyes, looking deeply intoxicated and unable to extricate herself.

Jiang Yu looked at Su Ze deeply. Now she has a better understanding of Su Ze's strength.

Even though she was still a little bit unconvinced in her heart, she had to admit that these two songs by Su Ze were really great!

If the previous "Juvenile Jinshi" lacked depth, then this song is perfect in terms of melody, lyrics, and connotation!

The song is short but meaningful.

So much so that Wang Mou was silent for a full two minutes before slowly opening his mouth, "What's the name of this song?"

"Once Upon a Time Slow."

"Good name, good song." Wang Mou nodded with emotion, "I have finally seen what a genius is!"

After a pause, he said again: "Now I am very grateful to that person for taking away the theme song I had planned, otherwise I would never have met two such good songs... In this way, I will do as you said , "Once Upon a Time" is the theme song, and "Juvenile Jinshi" is the interlude, with these two songs, I can definitely plan two MV promotional videos!"

"But..." He changed the subject and said with a smile: "Ah Ze, my song budget is only 10,000+. I'm afraid I can't give you 20 for these two songs..."

"They're all my own people, why are you being polite!"

My mother agreed ahead of Su Ze, "Anyway, I can see that this kid can write songs, it's just a song, it's no big deal!"

no big deal……

Wang Mou really didn't know what to say.

Whether it is the lyrics and music of "Juvenile Jinshi" or "Once Upon a Time", as long as they are available in the market, some people will definitely be willing to buy them at a high price, and the price may not be lower than 20 at all.

Especially "Once Upon a Time Slow", presumably even many first-line big-name singers will be moved!

This is a song that really touches people's hearts and can be on the hall of elegance!

Su Ze's parents didn't understand the truth, so Wang Mou didn't say much, he said with a smile, "20 can't be paid out, but 15 is still fine. If Ze is willing, then it's settled..."

After a pause, he looked at Jiang Yu with a smile, "Don't worry, I will take good care of Jiang Yu!"

Jiang Yu and Su Ze were stunned for a moment, but his mother was overjoyed and nodded again and again, "Yes, yes! Lao Mouzi, Xiao Yu'er is very obedient and obedient. You, a great director, should teach her well. If she does something wrong, just say it, but don't be angry, after all, she is still a child, it is inevitable..."

My mother talked a lot, but Su Ze was speechless.

Well, it sounds like a parent of a student meeting a teacher...

"Mom, let me tell you, have you been a teacher for a long time, and you have heard too much of this kind of talk, so you want to nag everyone you meet..." Su Ze interrupted quickly, otherwise I don't know how long my mother will go on and on .

"Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk, this child is still shy! The eldest is not young, what's the matter with falling in love! When Mom is your age, you will crawl all over the ground..." Mom curled her lips.

It's not the same thing at all, okay... Su Ze couldn't complain, so he stopped talking.

Turning his head to look at Jiang Yu, he found that the girl lowered her head "shyly" again, soaring her acting skills.

Her acting skills are really good, at least Wang Mou, the big director, didn't see that it was a fake, he laughed and said: "Xiuyun, don't worry, Jiang Yu is a good kid, I will teach her well... A Ze and Jiang Yu, She is also a man and a woman, and she is a good match!"

Hearing these words, Jiang Yu's head drooped even deeper, and Su Ze pushed her wordlessly, "Hey, it's almost done, if you lower it, you'll get under the table..."

"I want you to take care of it!" Jiang Yu groaned, making everyone laugh.

"Okay, it's getting late, and it's almost time for me to go back..."

After chatting for a while, Wang Mou got up to say goodbye, and his mother also got up quickly, "I'll see you off..."

"It's just these two steps, what to give, maybe I will come to eat again tomorrow!" Wang Mou said with a smile: "Don't go out, let Aze give me a walk, let's talk..."

"Okay, then you slow down! By the way, bring your things, we don't want them!" Mom picked up the things Wang Mou brought and stuffed them into Wang Mou's hands.

Of course Wang Mou didn't want it, "Keep it, and it will be my prepaid meal!"

Saying that, he opened the door and ran out.

Su Ze hurriedly followed, and the two went downstairs and walked on the street. Wang Mou asked with a smile, "Ah Ze, how long have you been with Jiang Yu?"

"Uh... a week!"

Su Ze didn't know what to say. He really wanted to tell the truth, but he was worried that it would leave a bad impression on Jiang Yu in Wang Mou's heart, and at the same time look like his parents were stupid.

"Surely her family doesn't know about it?" Wang Mou asked again.

"I probably don't know..." Su Ze said, Jiang Yu probably wouldn't tell his family about this kind of bluffing and deception.

" are still young and have a lot of time. Your talent is very good, work hard... Jiang Yu's father's place... If Jiang Yu is with you wholeheartedly, the problem shouldn't be too big... Even if it doesn't work I can ask someone to try and talk to you! Well, don’t send it away, go back!”

Wang Mouyu patted Su Ze's shoulder earnestly, and then strode away.

(End of this chapter)

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