star wife loves me

Chapter 157 The audience burst out laughing!

Chapter 157 The audience burst out laughing!

Chapter 150 The seventh chapter bursts with laughter!

The audience let out a "haha" laugh, and Su Ze continued to speak solemnly with a straight face.

"How happy children are today. There are three couples and one child. They can't speak Chinese, so they are enrolled in English classes. When I was young, there were five brothers in my family, and my father was the only one who earned money. The child only has four pairs of pants, and I have to stay at home all the time."

"Aren't there any toys for kids nowadays? They're all electric. Computers, video games, electric batons—oh, they're not allowed to play with them. When I was young, there was an electric switch at home, and my dad wouldn't let me touch it."

Five children and four pairs of pants, you always stay at home?When you were young, you didn't even wear pants!

Also, is the switch a toy?Do you still want to touch it?
Hey, by the way, were you so poor when you were a child?

This is the living standard of the five 60s!
Many viewers knew that Su Ze must be exaggerating, but they thought it was funny and amusing, and couldn't help laughing!

"In the middle of school, there is really nothing to do during recess. The monitor organized us to have a competition to see who can get his head into that desk. I was quite competitive. I got in, but I couldn't pull it out."

Su Ze touched his head while talking, "I found my father and took me to the hospital. The teacher in the reception room refused to let me go out, saying that this table is public property, and I can only go to the hospital if I take it off. "


Speaking of this, some people are already laughing so hard that they are overjoyed!
I'll go, I have nothing to do to play the game of getting my head into the table. I don't think it's just you who are a little stupid, everyone in your class is stupid, right?

no no no...

The teacher in the reception room is the stupidest. The students' heads got into the desks and they couldn't get them out. You even said that the desks are public property and you are not allowed to take them out?

If you can take it off, why do people still go to the hospital!
Su Ze's experience is too funny!
The audience laughed, and the whole studio laughed, and in the players' lounge, the comedians couldn't stop laughing too!

However, while they were amused and laughed, their hearts were also full of shock!

This guy Su Ze is actually talking about stand-up comedy!
And said it so funny!

They have never seen it, or even thought about it, that stand-up comics can still say that!

"Oh my's nothing more than a good singer, but he can also speak so well in cross talk! It's incredible!" Contestant Sun Xiaoyi's eyes were full of shock and admiration.

"The most important thing is that he amused us all, but he keeps his face sullen, which is also the most important feature. This kind of contrast will also create a funny atmosphere!" Lao Long said, his eyes wide open. But staring at TV intently.

"Is he trying not to smile the whole time?" Sun Xiaoyi doubted.

"Well, I didn't smile the whole time!" Huang Xiaoxia laughed.

"Sister Huang, how do you know?" Sun Xiaoyi asked curiously, and the others also looked at Huang Xiaoxia.

Huang Xiaoxia smiled triumphantly, "Because we have seen his performance, and Su Ze was recommended by me and Chen Bo..."

"Huh? He was recommended by you?" Sun Xiaoyi stared at her in disbelief.

"Hey, let's watch the show first. If you are curious, when he comes here after the performance, just ask him if he is right!"

Huang Xiaoxia pointed to the TV, signaling everyone not to go astray.

At this time, Su Ze had just finished speaking that he had been hungry for three days, and he took his head out of the desk after being hungry and thin. Then he said that after his head was squeezed by the table, he was a little careless.

"At that time, our family raised a chicken, and it was run over by a car. The driver wanted to lose money, so he asked me, kid, does this chicken belong to your family? flat."


The audience covered their stomachs with laughter, this kid is too stupid, he can't tell if the chicken is crushed to death?
Also see chicken feathers?
Also your chicken is not so flat?
If I were your parents, I would be pissed off by your IQ!
The audience laughed, but Su Ze didn't laugh, and continued to talk about his childhood in a "serious" way.

"I don't listen to lectures in class. The teacher is talking at the top, and I mutter in a low voice. Our teacher punishes me, Su Ze! Repeat what you just said aloud twenty times! Don't dare not say it, go to that stop, the teacher's There are leeks between the teeth, there are leeks between the teacher's teeth, there are leeks between the teacher's teeth..."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Several female viewers laughed so hard that they fell into the arms of their boyfriends beside them, clutching their stomachs and grinning regardless of their image.

There are leeks between the teacher's teeth?
How honest are you kid?

And this teacher, he must be embarrassed to death!
After telling the story in class, Su Ze began to talk about the words and sentences when he was studying.

"At six o'clock in the evening, my father came home from get off work one after another!"

"I thank my dad for doing my homework!"

"It turns out he is my father!"

"Oh, no, no, no, it's too funny!"

Yang Lijiao clutched her stomach and leaned on Sun Hewei's shoulder, laughing and complaining: "This kid has a grudge against his father, why does he keep fighting against his father..."

Sun Hewei couldn't help laughing, "If I were his father, I'd have to beat him to death with a belt!"

After finishing speaking and making sentences, Su Ze's composition made the audience in the studio even more delighted!
The first composition is about the teacher, and I want to flatter the teacher.

"My teacher has a paw face. At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, I came to the door of the teacher's house and saw candlelight flickering in the window of the teacher's house. The teacher corrected our homework overnight. Looking at the white hair on the teacher's temples, my eyes Wet. The teacher endured the pain, corrected the last homework for us, closed his eyes in relief, and left us forever. The spring silkworms will die when the silkworms die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes and tears will dry. We must inherit the teacher's legacy Will be a teacher of the people when I grow up!"

Well, the teacher wrote it to death...

Then he said he wrote a diary.

"It was sunny today, and the teacher led us to climb Mount Everest. The students started a mountaineering competition, and the sports committee member Wang Xiaoming climbed to the top of the mountain in less than 5 minutes. There is an orchard on the top of the mountain, with watermelon trees, winter melon trees, and Christmas trees... ...Across the orchard is the Palace Museum. The students lit a bonfire in the Palace Museum and listened to the teacher tell the story of his war!"

Leading the ascent of Mount Everest?I'll go, your teacher is courageous!

Wang Xiaoming climbed to the top of the mountain in 5 minutes?What is there to learn about this physical fitness, to participate in the Olympics, all the gold medals are his!

The top of Mount Everest is an orchard?I don't read much, so don't lie to me!

And what else, watermelon tree, wax gourd tree, Christmas tree... at least you have one right, okay!
What else is across the orchard is the Palace Museum, light a bonfire in the Palace Museum...

Damn!Is there one sentence in your composition that is reliable!
(End of this chapter)

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