star wife loves me

Chapter 164 Winding the Road!

Chapter 164 Winding the Road!

Chapter 160: Winding the Road!

Measure live.

This is a professional term for cross talk, which refers to the fans among cross talk actors.

What Li Songling meant was, since Su Ze has this level, why not perform for Su Ze?
Perhaps what most people see in "Happy Childhood" is just funny jokes, humorous self-deprecation.But Li Songling, who studied cross talk, saw more of Su Ze's level of cross talk creation and his ability to perform cross talk.

The same joke is very funny when someone tells it, and those who listen can enjoy it for a long time.But if someone else is speaking, maybe after he finishes speaking, others will only find it boring and a bit cold, and they may not even understand what this person is saying.

Don't look at "Happy Childhood" is not long, but the difficulty of this stand-up comedy is much more difficult than those lively sketches.Because its performer is only Su Ze, and he can't run yet, so he just stands there and talks.

How to tell these jokes clearly, how to arouse the audience's emotions, how to express the laughter and let the audience catch it, there are skills in it, and it is also a profound knowledge.

Based on this "Happy Childhood", Li Songling can judge that Su Ze's cross talk level is not bad!

Sure enough, people are different from each other, and so are geniuses!

"So what kind of cross talk are you going to talk about this time?" Li Songling asked, "Or do you write traditional cross talk yourself?"

"I wrote it myself."

Li Songling's eyes lit up, "Did you bring it?"

"No, you can write it now." Su Ze pointed to his head, "It's all here!"

"I've heard for a long time that you are a genius, and writing songs is effortless. Is it so easy to write cross talk?"

Li Songling smiled, and waved to the waiter who poured water just now, "Xiao Cai, go and get my laptop!"

Soon, Xiao Cai, the waiter, brought the laptop, and Li Songling handed it to Su Ze, "Come on! You write a paragraph, and then we two can try our hand at it! You can't say that I promised you that we will go to the show, and I have to do it first." Say something to reassure you, right?"

Su Ze nodded, then picked up the laptop, created a new document on the computer, and started typing.

Wang Dao and Li Songling didn't speak, just waited there quietly.

But the waiter, Xiao Cai, stood behind Su Ze, looking at the computer screen secretly from time to time, not knowing what she saw, trying to laugh, her mouth tightly pressed so that she didn't dare to laugh, looking very hard.

This scene made Wang Dao and Li Songling even more curious.

You know, in the art of cross talk, performing on stage is very important.

Those capable cross talk actors can tell seemingly ordinary jokes humorously, turning decay into magic.

Most of the jokes, just looking at the text, are not interesting, and some are quite boring.

What did Su Ze write to make Xiao Cai happy?
Su Ze typed for 10 minutes. His hand speed was so fast that he typed out nearly [-] words in a short period of time. Then he handed the laptop to Xiao Cai, "Please print it out!"

"Okay, okay—" Xiao Cai repeatedly agreed, but couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Hahaha——"

After laughing a few times, she realized that she had lost her composure, her face flushed suddenly, and she quickly ran out with the computer in her arms.

The printed script was sent to Li Songling. Li Songling glanced at it for a while, watched a few conversations, and slapped his thigh with a smile, "Hahaha, it's interesting, it's fun!"

"Let me see, let me see!" Wang Dao stretched out his head.

"Look what!"

Li Songling didn't let him read it, "I can't help it because of such a good book, so don't read it either, we'll tell you something!"

As he said that, he looked at Su Ze, "Man, the whole period?"

"Okay!" Su Ze chuckled, stood up with Li Songling, and the two stood side by side.

Just standing there, the temperament of the two of them seemed to have changed, not to mention Su Ze, but Li Songling, who was still laughing just now, now his smile subsided, standing beside Su Ze, his whole body was gentle Peaceful, giving people a very simple feeling, which immediately brought out Su Ze's youthful vitality.

At this stop, Su Ze's eyes also brightened, and he thought that Li Songling was born in cross talk, and he knew at a glance that he must have been a great fan before.

A flattery can't steal the limelight, but it can't be non-existent. How to measure this size is a profound knowledge.As the old saying goes, three points are funny and seven points are flattering, although it is a bit exaggerated, it is by no means unreasonable.

Standing there, Li Songling looked ordinary at first glance. He was not as attractive as the young and handsome Su Ze, but his ordinary simplicity made people feel particularly at ease and secure.

This is a good joke.

Su Ze had a preliminary judgment in his heart, smiled lightly, and said, "Su Ze, a non-famous cross talk actor in the Chinese cross talk circle, pays tribute to everyone, thank you~!"

As he spoke, he bowed deeply, but Li Songling beside him didn't thank him with him, but raised his hand to help Su Ze when Su Ze straightened up, his movements were casual and natural.

This is what a funny actor has to do. A funny actor can tell all kinds of jokes and do all kinds of actions. When the atmosphere is hot, he can fly all over the field, but the funny actor must stand still.He not only wants to support the funny jokes, but also supports the rhythm.

"I'm so happy to see everyone. I feel so beautiful in my heart. I'm so happy that the old and young masters have welcomed me. I can't express my feelings..."

In the guest room, Su Ze and Li Songling started talking one after another, and soon, Wang Dao's bold and unrestrained laughter sounded, and after a while, the waiter Xiao Cai couldn't help it, Then laughed.

Wang Dao and Xiao Cai were very happy to hear it, and Su Ze spoke very well. At this time, he has deeply realized that Li Songling next to him is really a very good actor.

Li Songling just got the notebook, before that they didn't have any rehearsals, they didn't even have time to ponder in their hearts, they just started.And in this case, Li Songling's support is very good.

For Pingfan, how to answer each chatter of teaser, what words to use when answering chatter, how loud the volume, how fast, and what kind of tone are all very particular.Take speaking speed as an example, sometimes it is even accurate to one-tenth of a second. You can’t say it’s too late, or too early; too fast or too slow.A good supporter can only flexibly master this sense of rhythm through talent and long-term learning.

It is also extremely lucky for a funny actor to meet a good fan.

At this time, Li Songling, though seemingly calm and holding it with a smile, but if you observe carefully, you will find that his fingers are trembling uncontrollably, which is a sign of a very excited mood.

Su Ze felt funny when he met such a supportive fan, but for Li Songling, who had been talking about cross talk in elementary school, but had no choice but to give up cross talk but still couldn't let go of it, his mood was even more difficult to calm down.

He knew how funny and attractive the cross talk written by Su Ze was. Once it was successfully performed on the stage, it would surely detonate the audience, and might even cause a stir in the cross talk world.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think, if he could meet Su Ze ten years ago and meet such a cross talk, how great would it be?

In that case, I don't have to give up cross talk for ten years, right?

While Li Songling was talking about cross talk, he was also full of thoughts, which were hard to express.

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, and a voice sounded outside the door at the same time: "Songling! Songling! Open the door!"

The sudden knock on the door interrupted the four people in the room. Su Ze was okay, so he stopped immediately and looked at Li Songling. Wang Dao and Xiao Cai were displeased, but they didn't say anything. Li Songling was a little surprised, "Yun Gang ?Why is he here?"

"Old Guo?" Wang Dao also heard the people outside the door clearly. When Li Songling went to open the door, Wang Dao introduced to Su Ze in a low voice, "The man outside is called Guo Yungang. Songling used to measure his labor for him. Later, Songling Lao Guo persisted in opening a bar in Ling, and even set up a crosstalk teahouse. The business had been deserted before, relying on some regular customers to barely make ends meet. It was a hard life. That is, in the past two years, Everyone is rich and has a lot of spare money, Lao Guo raised the price of the fare, and found a few friends to work together, and the situation improved..."

While speaking, Li Songling opened the door, and there was a square-faced man with slightly dark skin standing outside the door. This man's face was full of anxiety. When he saw Li Songling open the door, he said anxiously: "Songling, it's not good, We've hit the road!"

"Wandering?" Li Songling said in surprise, "Isn't it? What year is this, and there are still winding?"

"It's from Xinfeng Tea House, and you know that my business has improved in the past two years, but they are half dead, so they can't see my business is doing well!" The square-faced man, that is, Guo Yungang, cursed: "Damn! It used to be Stumbling me in the dark, finding someone to seal me up, or spreading rumors to cause trouble, I settled all of those. But I didn't expect him to be so ruthless that he would send someone to me directly to ask questions!"

Speaking of this, he smiled wryly again, "Songling, you also know that I am different from you. I am a wild man without a teacher. Moreover, the people from the Xinfeng Tea House are also ruthless this time, and they invited Senior Jiang Shen. Disciple came to talk. With my identity, I am not even a fart in front of others!"

"Senior Jiang Shen's apprentice?" Li Songling gasped, "Xu Nianchao is the owner of Xinfeng Tea House, right? How did he know Senior Jiang Shen's disciple? If he really knew him, he wouldn't be so downcast!"

Speaking of this, Guo Yungang yelled: "Damn it! Xu Nianchao, a bastard, gave his daughter to be a mistress! Oh, come with me first, we will talk as we go!"

(End of this chapter)

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