star wife loves me

Chapter 197 Signing Event, Message from Su Ze!

Chapter 197 Signing Event, Message from Su Ze!
Chapter 190: Signing Event, Message from Su Ze!
At two o'clock in the afternoon, the doors of the theater were already opened. At this time, the theater was already full of fans. There were probably hundreds of people in the long queue, and there was still a long queue outside the theater!
The fans are mainly young people, and there are also 34-year-old young and middle-aged people, and even a few old men and women can be seen sporadically, probably for grandchildren.

Su Ze noticed that some people were holding an identical small flag in their hands, with Su Ze's cartoon head printed on it, and a few large characters - Su Ze Post Bar Fan Group!

It seems that this is from the fans in the post bar.

There were also small banners held up with both hands, and the words written on them were even more varied.

"Su Ze, I love you!"

"I wish the sales of "Lian Lian Feng Dust" are booming!"

"My favorite brother Su!"

"You make me happy, you make me sad, you make me sing, you make me silent, I love you!"

The entire theater was chaotic and extremely lively. More than a dozen staff members worked hard to maintain order, and finally stabilized the situation. They couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from their foreheads with lingering fear.They have also seen the signings, and the hot scenes, but they are all celebrities who have been famous for many years.

When will the signing event of a singer who has just debuted like Su Ze become so popular?
But there are also some staff members who are busy thinking that they will also find an opportunity to find Su Ze to sign a few albums later, and sell them online later, maybe they can make a fortune, hehe!

At two o'clock, Su Ze came out from the back of the theater and waved to everyone with a smile on his face.

Yu Zhongrui didn't come out. He is an album producer, but he is also a big star. This kind of occasion is Su Ze's home game, so he can't come out to steal Su Ze's limelight.



Several media reporters started to take pictures and videotape. These media were also contacted by Yu Zhongrui and the others. In addition to several local media in Shonan Province, they even invited a reporter from, one of several large domestic websites.

"Ah - Su Ze has come out!"

"Suze, Suze, I love you!"

"Ahh—Su Ze—look over here!"

When the fans saw Su Ze coming out, they immediately became overwhelmed, and the scene became a little chaotic for a while, and the crowd crowded towards Su Ze.

"Line in line! Everyone line up!" The staff was so busy that a dozen people shouted loudly, pushing back the fans who were running around.

But there were hundreds of fans in this room, how could the dozen or so of them hold back so many enthusiastic fans, the scene was a bit chaotic for a while!

"Everyone be quiet! Line up properly!"

Beside Su Ze, Yu Zhongrui arranged for him a young man named Xiaolong. Xiaolong seemed to have expected this situation long ago, and shouted loudly with a megaphone in his hand.Unfortunately, it doesn't work either.

"Give it to me!" Su Ze patted Xiaolong's shoulder, took the loudspeaker and put it in front of his mouth, "cough, cough..."

As soon as Su Ze's voice sounded, the crowd in the whole theater became much quieter. Su Ze looked at the enthusiastic fans and said with a smile: "Hi everyone, I'm Su Ze. Welcome to my album signing event, Su Ze Ze can't thank you enough!"

"Suze Suze!"

"Ahhh——Su Ze, you are so handsome!"

"Su Ze sign for me first!"

The fans screamed again.

"Be quiet, everyone be quiet." Su Ze said with a smile: "I know everyone has worked hard and queued for a long time, and some people came from far away places or even other provinces and cities. For this, my heart is full of gratitude and emotion, because if it were me, I would definitely not travel so far to see a star!"

"Huh?" Several media people next to him were taken aback, what else did they say?

Don't celebrities hope that their fans will be as crazy as possible for themselves?

The fans also calmed down, and listened to Su Ze honestly: "But, everyone, please understand our staff, they have been running around for many days for this signing, and everyone has worked very hard. It’s just to make this autograph session a success.”

Hearing these words warmed the hearts of those staff members. Usually they worked hard beside those celebrities, but how many celebrities have looked at them with straight eyes?

Even if it was a polite remark, everyone felt a little moved.

"You are my fans, in other words, I am your idol, but I don't want me to attract you only by singing, but to bring you the beauty and touch of singing. I hope we can become good friends and work together, Let's work hard together and become a person worthy of respect from others."

Having said that, Su Ze looked around the crowd and raised his volume a little, "Everyone said, can you do it?"

"Yes!" Many people shouted loudly, moving their feet and returning to the team.

"I can't hear you louder!" Su Ze shouted again.

"Yes!" This time, the fans' voices were loud and deafening, which startled the fans who lined up outside, and looked inside curiously, not knowing what happened.

"Oh, you scared me, I must buy a few more albums later to count as my mental damage fee!" Su Ze laughed.

The audience laughed, and the media reporters looked at Su Ze with great interest. There are not many celebrities who can talk and interact with fans like this.

In the hearts of fans, Su Ze is different from other stars. They like Su Ze's songs and also like Su Ze's character. He dares to face danger and fight gangsters bravely. A star, he dares to scold those who hate him in the cross talk, he can bring warmth and touch to people, and can also make people excited.

He's a star, but he's unassuming and sweet, like a big boy next door.

"Okay, okay, sit in a row, eat fruit, you alone, me alone..."

Su Ze muttered with a smile, returned the megaphone to Xiaolong, and sat in his seat for autographing.

Xiaolong also announced loudly: "The signing will begin!"

The first fan was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl. She excitedly placed the album in her arms on the table in front of Su Ze, "Brother Su, I like you so much!"

"Thank you," Su Ze asked while holding the album in his hand, "Are you still studying?"

"I'm in my third year of high school!" The girl didn't expect Su Ze to chat with her, so she replied nervously and excitedly.

"What is your name?"

"Susanshan. Shanshan next to Wang."

"Hey, my family!" Su Ze nodded, picked up a pen and wrote a sentence on the album: "There are roads in the mountains of books, hard work is the path, learning is endless and hard work. I wish Su Shanshan a successful study and a gold list." Title! - Su Ze."

"Here!" After finishing writing, Su Ze handed the album to Susan.

"Ah! Thank you, Brother Su!" Susan was very excited. She really didn't expect that Su Ze would write so many words to herself on the album, and wished herself success in her studies.

There were still a lot of people behind, she was embarrassed to continue standing here, so she walked out with the album in her hands, the fans who were queuing outside the door saw that someone had come out, envious and looking forward to it.

"Shanshan!" After walking a few steps, Susan suddenly heard someone calling her, and when she looked up, it was Sun Yu, her classmate and good friend.

"Xiaoyu, you're here too!" Su Shanshan smiled and walked over, shaking the album in her hand: "I'm the first one to get an autograph!"

"There are too many people, I would have come with you if I knew it." Xiaoyu complained, then stretched out her head to look at Su Shanshan's album: "Let me see Su Ze's signature, I haven't seen it yet!"

"Here!" Su Shanshan handed over the album and said happily, "Brother Su not only signed it, but also wrote me a sentence!"

"There are roads in the mountains of books, hard work is the path, and the sea of ​​learning is boundless and hard work... Ah, this is written by Su Ze? I have never heard of this sentence!" Sun Yu looked at the words on the album in surprise, "This That's a really good sentence, is it Su Ze's original work?"

"I don't know, but I haven't heard of it anyway." Susan said.

"You can search online." Sun Yu took out his mobile phone and searched, but there was nothing.

"It's really Brother Su's original work!"

Susan was even happier, "Brother Su is talented! Hehe, he asked me if I was in school, and I said I was in the third year of high school, and he immediately wrote this sentence!"

"Really?" Sun Yu was extremely envious: "This sentence is really good! I want Su Ze to write me a sentence!"

"Hey, this is my motto from now on!"

Su Shanshan happily took out her mobile phone, took a picture, and posted it in Moments, "I got Brother Su's signature, and Brother Su chatted with me. I am very happy. Thank you Brother Su for your encouragement. I will definitely study hard!"



After a while, there was a series of likes and comments.

"Ahhh, Su Shanshan got Su Ze's autograph!"

"Su Ze is still chatting with you? Is it true?"

"There are roads and hard work in the mountains of books, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and hard work. This sentence is really good!"

"I just checked, there is no one on the Internet, it should be Su Ze's original work! You are talented!"

At this time, in the small theater, Su Ze was still signing autographs, and a boy stood in front of him, holding two albums in his hand, and asked with some embarrassment: "Brother Su, I have a good friend who also I like you very much, but she is sick and can't come today, can I ask you to sign another one?"

Generally speaking, everyone can only ask a star to sign one album, otherwise, if you take out seven or eight albums at once, and all the seven aunts and eight aunts move out, the star will not be exhausted?Has anyone else signed yet?
Su Ze didn't care too much. He looked at the boy who was blushing because of embarrassment, and asked with a smile, "Is your friend a girl?"

"Yeah." The boy's face turned even redder.

"Like people?"

"Yeah." The boy lowered his head into his arms.

"A big boy, don't be so shy." Su Ze laughed and wrote a sentence on one of the albums: "I want you to know that there is always someone waiting for you in this world, no matter where you are Whenever, no matter where it is, anyway, you know, there is always such a person.——Su Ze."

Then he patted the boy on the shoulder: "I wish you success!"

(End of this chapter)

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