star wife loves me

Chapter 228 Thank you, Su Ze!

Chapter 228 Thank you, Su Ze!

Chapter 230 Thank you, Su Ze!

Each group of contestants is full of confidence in their own works.

The lottery process was very lively, everyone came one by one, everyone was terrified, afraid that they would get the first one.

Several cameras filmed the entire lottery process, first to show the fairness of the program, and more importantly, the lottery session will also be edited into the program. Many people like to watch this kind of scenes where celebrities laugh at each other.

The first draw was Sun Xiaoyi. She got No.2. She was a bit disappointed, but she was also glad that she was not No.1.

Then there was Huang Xiaoxia, her luck was better, she got the fourth place, she was very happy.

The third person who drew lots was Song Pingping. He rubbed his hands exaggeratedly, and then prayed there: "The heavens and the earth are so spirited, Taishang Laojun, Tathagata Buddha, and Guanyin Bodhisattva bless me not to draw No.1!"

"You must be No.1!" The old dragon laughed.

"Absolutely impossible!" Song Pingping snorted and reached into the box.

"come out!"

He gave a loud shout, and then took out a small ball.

The small ball is in two halves, and there is a small card with the sequence of appearances inside.

"Open it!" Sun Xiaoyi urged.

"Dangdangdangdang——" Song Pingping had his own sound effect, and then the ball was opened, revealing the card inside.


"Wow! Brother Long, your guess is so accurate!"

The old dragon was also stunned, "Xiao Song, I'm just talking casually, it can't be my fault!"

"Ahhh, brother Long, you have a crow's mouth!" Song Pingping was in a frenzy, wanting to cry, but it was so miserable to get No.1!

After everyone drew lots, Su Ze miraculously drew the last place again.

"Xiao Su, you seem to have drawn the last one several times, right?" Huang Xiaoxia asked enviously.

"Yeah, good luck!" Su Ze smiled, and he also felt very lucky, especially for today's skit, if after touching the audience's emotions, it is diluted by other skits, it would be a real loss !

After the draw, the final show will begin.

Hu Sheng rushed to the Beijing TV station before the opening, and took two tickets from Su Ze, one for himself, and the other for a friend who came with him—the same national ticket. Tang Guodong is a top actor and a professor of acting at Communication University.

Regarding the arrival of these two, Su Ze's reaction was good, but Jiang Lin and Wang Zhongmin were particularly surprised and excited.

You know, as actors, Hu Sheng and Tang Guodong are simply idols and male gods in their hearts!
They really didn't expect that the two teachers would come to watch their performance live, and they were excited and nervous at once.

"Perform well!" Hu Sheng patted Su Ze on the shoulder.

"I saw your performance on TV, it was great, I hope your performance today will be even better." Tang Guodong also smiled at them.

"Teachers, we will work hard!" Su Ze laughed.

Because Su Ze told Shi Quan before that Hu Sheng would come to watch the show, Shi Quan specially prepared a few seats in the front row. At this time, Tang Guodong came again, and Shi Quan was even more pleasantly surprised, very politely Two people were invited to the scene.


The audience entered the arena one after another, and the relatives and friends of each group of contestants also came.

The program group gave two or three tickets to each group of contestants, so that relatives and friends can come to the scene to cheer.

Su Ze's parents were inconvenient to come because of work, and his younger sister was still studying, so it was inconvenient to ask for leave, so Su Ze simply gave two tickets to Jiang Muyun and Jiang Yanyan.

"Mom, mom, when is uncle coming out?" Yanyan sat beside Jiang Muyun, looking around.

"Mom doesn't know, it should be soon, Yanyan sit down, the performances of other uncles and aunts are also very good." Jiang Muyun coaxed her.

"I only like Uncle, and I don't like anyone else!" Yanyan shook her head like a rattle.

"Yanyan, good boy..."

"Mom!" Yanyan suddenly opened her big watery eyes and looked up at Jiang Muyun.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Muyun asked.

Yanyan blinked her big eyes, and asked innocently: "Mom, can I let Uncle be my father?"

"That can't be done, Uncle Su is still very young." Jiang Muyun smiled and scratched Yanyan's nose.

"Oh...well." Yanyan lowered her head in disappointment and muttered, "I like Uncle so much..."

"Heh..." Jiang Muyun chuckled, but somehow a strange emotion appeared in her heart, as if she was a little bit disappointed.

For a person who appeared by her side at a critical moment and warmed her and her daughter's life, it would be a lie to say that she didn't have the slightest affection for Su Ze.

It's a pity that Su Ze is seven or eight years younger than her, and he still has children.


There was a wry smile on the corner of Jiang Muyun's mouth, and she shook her head lightly, thinking that if she was a few years younger, or if Su Ze was a few years older, maybe she would summon up some courage.

"The "Comedy Star" finals, start now!"

Under the announcement of the host Li Li, the finals began.

Song Pingping was naturally the first to appear on the stage. His performance was very successful and he received warm applause from the audience after the performance.

After the performance, Li Li gave him a short interview, when Li Li asked a question.

"Since participating in "Comedy Star" for four months, what do you think is your biggest achievement?" Li Li asked.

"The biggest gain..." Song Pingping said with a smile after thinking for a while, "If we talk about gains, apart from the love and support of audience friends, my biggest gain is knowing someone, and that is Su Ze."

Backstage, Su Ze, who was putting on makeup, was taken aback when he heard this.

But in the studio, under Li Li's surprised gaze, Song Pingping's expression became very serious: "Yes, that's right, meeting Su Ze on the stage of "Comedy Star" It will be something I will remember forever.”

"Without him, I think I would still be stuck in the previous form of acting."

"Without Su Ze, my progress would not have been so fast."

"I have learned a lot from Su Ze, and I am very grateful to him."

Many viewers did not expect Song Pingping to praise his opponent in the final, but after hearing Song Pingping's words, everyone couldn't help applauding Song Pingping's open-mindedness and sincerity.

Looking at the applauding audience, Song Pingping smiled again: "However, I still hope that everyone can vote for me, after all, Su Ze has won the first place so many times, and I haven't won it once! "


Amidst the laughter of the audience, Laolong went down, and Sun Xiaoyi performed next.

Compared with Song Pingping, Sun Xiaoyi's skit script is slightly inferior, but Sun Xiaoyi invited a well-known domestic comedian to act as an assistant, which added a lot of color to the sketch. In the end, judging from the audience's reaction, it is no better than Song Pingping's The acting is poor.

"What is Xiaoyi's biggest achievement?" Li Li asked Sun Xiaoyi this question again.

"My biggest achievement..." Sun Xiaoyi blinked: "I also got to know Su Ze."

"Actually, anyone who knows me well knows that I used to perform in drama, and it took me three to five years to enter the comedy industry. Compared with Brother Long and Brother Song, my experience is much worse, so this The first time I came to participate in "Comedy Star", I also came with the mentality of learning from Brother Long, Brother Song and Sister Xiaoxia."

"But I never expected that the one who benefited me the most would be Su Ze."

"He is too powerful, he is really too powerful!"

"His performance allowed me to see different cross talk and sketches, let me see different forms of drama performance, and also made me understand that comedy actually has a lot of room for imagination and development..."

Sun Xiaoyi praised Su Ze again, and after Huang Xiaoxia's performance, before Li Li could ask, Huang Xiaoxia said first: "You must want to ask me if the biggest achievement is getting to know Su Ze, but I want to say, I I have opinions on Su Ze, very much!"

Huang Xiaoxia's words stunned Li Li and the audience, and then they all looked at Huang Xiaoxia curiously: "Oh?"

what's the situation?Is Huang Xiaoxia dissatisfied with Su Ze?
"Su Ze, listen carefully, I have a problem with you!"

Huang Xiaoxia pointed at the camera. Su Ze in the background finished her makeup and looked at Huang Xiaoxia with interest to see what she had to say.

In the studio, Huang Xiaoxia put on a look of resentment, gritted her teeth and said, "You said that you are such a talented and talented singer, and you don't sing well and release an album. What do you mean by participating in our comedy competition?"

"Okay, you'll come here as soon as you come, but you don't want to be my assistant, what do you mean by going to the competition yourself?"

"If you participate in the competition, just participate in the competition. You won the first place again. What do you mean?"

"If you take the first place, you will take the first place, but you take it endlessly, endlessly, what does that mean?"

Huang Xiaoxia pointed at herself and smiled wryly, "You, a singer, ran wild in our comedy industry and trampled us all underfoot. Have you ever considered the feelings of us professional comedians? We are so miserable Ahhh!"

Although she was complaining, anyone could see the teasing smile between her brows and eyes, and that expression of grief, indignation and helplessness made the audience couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, let's be serious." Huang Xiaoxia smiled and said seriously: "About Su Ze, the thing I want to say most is thank you, thank you for writing "Beautiful Times" for me, and thank him for helping me in creation. help and guidance... Perhaps in the eyes of the audience, Su Ze is just a very good comedian. But for comedians like us, Su Ze's works and creative ideas are a revolution to the entire comedy industry , he ushered in a new era of comedy!"

In the auditorium, Hu Sheng tilted his head and smiled at Tang Guodong next to him: "Su Ze must be under a lot of pressure right now. He is praised so much by them. If he makes a mistake, it will be a disaster."

Tang Guodong said seriously, "I've seen all of Su Ze's cross talks and sketches, and he really deserves these compliments."

(End of this chapter)

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