star wife loves me

Chapter 234 Critical moment!

Chapter 234 Critical moment!
Chapter 240 Critical moment!
After Zhong Chuchu hung up the phone, hearing the sound of splashing water and whistles in the bathroom, her heart became more and more flustered.

At this moment, besides worrying and praying, she also hated her manager to the core!
He kept saying that he brought him to the capital to meet a certain big director and introduced him to filming, but when he got here, he realized that the person he saw was not a director, but the China Film and Television Administration, which is what people often say A director of Huadian General Administration.

Not the director but the director, Zhong Chuchu was a little disappointed, but she didn't neglect the other party.

After all, he is an official of the China Huadian Administration, and sometimes he plays a greater role than the director. Perhaps a single sentence can determine the future of a small artist.

So the manager took Zhong Chuchu to eat and drink with him, and Zhong Chuchu also accompanied him with a smile, thinking that if he could get in touch with someone from the official organization, it would be worthwhile to come here.

During the meal, the manager kept telling her to "accompany" the director, but Zhong Chuchu didn't feel anything at first, just to accompany the director.

But in the end, the agent actually called her out, hinting that she would accompany the director at night.

Zhong Chuchu really didn't expect her manager to think this way. She didn't want to, but the manager said that if she was disobedient, she would be banned. He also said that this is the capital, and the other party is very energetic. If she doesn't feel comfortable serving people, can she It's hard to say that you can't leave the capital smoothly.

After scaring her for a while, the agent promised that as long as Zhong Chuchu did well, she would arrange for her to participate in several large-scale variety shows, contact the crew, and so on.

However, even though the agent coaxed and threatened him, Zhong Chuchu did not agree.

At that time, the manager didn't say anything more, but let Zhong Chuchu continue to drink with him, so that he could have a good time drinking.

Zhong Chuchu thought she had escaped a catastrophe and relaxed, so she drank a few more glasses, and her manager handed her water to let her relax.

Her alcohol capacity is actually good, but for some reason, after drinking that glass of water, her brain began to be dazed, and she fell into a dazed, half-sleeping state.

Until she was brought to the Dihao Hotel by them.

Just when the perverted director rushed towards her impatiently, the last trace of reason made Zhong Chuchu wake up and realize her situation!

I was actually taken into the hotel!

She thought of the glass of water, and immediately understood that there must be something similar to sleeping pills in it, which made her very easy to get drunk!

Zhong Chuchu suppressed the fear in her heart, and coaxed the director to take a shower, and only then did she have time to make a phone call.

Who to call?
Anyway, calling the agent who sold himself is definitely not enough.

The first person Zhong Chuchu thought of was not Su Ze, but the leader of the company, but after hearing what she said, the leader replied to her like this.

"You can choose to accompany him, or you can leave now. I respect any choice you make, but you must also understand that you have to bear corresponding responsibilities for any actions you do!"

"Don't say the company didn't give you a chance!"

"If you have any troubles in the future, don't blame the company for not being able to help you!"

The leader's tone was very bad, and the meaning was easy to hear. Zhong Chuchu hung up the phone, gritted his teeth and wanted to push the door to leave, but found that the door couldn't be opened!

This door was actually locked from the outside!
It was only then that Zhong Chuchu figured out what the manager's meaningful look meant when he sent her and the director into the room!
She's locked up here!
Zhong Chuchu was anxious and flustered, trying not to let herself cry.

Zhong Chuchu wanted to be a singer since she was a child. She sang on the stage, and there were fans cheering for her in the audience.

Her family is well off, and her parents are in small businesses. Relying on some capital and connections accumulated over the years, coupled with Zhong Chuchu's own musical talent, she got to know Han Tianhou, and that's why she got the "Dream New Song" Special invitation.

But after entering Tianyu Records, she really realized how deep the water in the entertainment industry is, and how difficult it is for a new artist to debut!
No one cares about your ranking in "Dream New Song", it's just a stepping stone to step into this circle, if you want to keep going, there is still a lot to do!

Not only do you have to train, you have to endure hardships, and improve your basic singing skills, but you also need to know how to communicate with people, build good relationships, public relations and entertainment, etc.

Behind the scenery on the stage, there may be unspeakable bitterness and suffering.

Zhong Chuchu doesn't care about the hardships of training, nor does she care about some entertainment. She understands that if she wants to get something, she has to pay, so she also understands that some artists climb into the bed of directors and investors in order to get ahead.

But she didn't want to do it herself.

She hopes that she is frank and clean.

However, when she was suddenly forced into this position, she panicked.

She didn't want to do this, but if she didn't, would she really be banned?
If not, would it really be like what the agent said, that he couldn't even get out of the capital?

In front of ordinary people, she is a somewhat famous singer, but she knows that her identity is nothing in front of some powerful people!
She resisted, she worried, she panicked, she was overwhelmed.

She wanted to go out, but the doors were locked!
She leaned against the window in despair, thinking of the past for some reason.

When Tian Xiaoxiao was kidnapped, when they were molested in KTV, it was Su Ze who stood up.

It would be great if I could have a "Su Ze" to save me when I was in danger...

At that time, she suddenly thought of something - Su Ze was recording a program in the capital!

She thought about it and made the call tentatively.

The phone was connected, but she didn't have time to tell Su Zeduo, because at this time the chief official in the bathroom was already wiping his body and was about to come out.

After hanging up the phone, all Zhong Chuchu could do was pray!

Su Ze should come...

I wish he could arrive sooner.

"Miss Chuchu, what are you thinking?"

After taking a bath, the director came out wrapped in a bathrobe. He looked at Zhong Chuchu lewdly, and said with a smile: "It seems that Miss Chuchu has no experience, I thought you couldn't wait for it... ...However, I like inexperienced ones, so it will be more interesting to train, hehehe..."

"Director Zhang." Zhong Chuchu suppressed the panic in his heart.

"Hey? Don't call me Director Zhang. Just call me Brother Zhang!"

Director Zhang came over with a smile, stretched out his hand to hug Zhong Chuchu, and at the same time pouted his plump lips to kiss Zhong Chuchu's face.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry..." Zhong Chuchu stretched out his hand to push Director Zhang away, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, and he came up with an idea.

"Brother Zhang, how about I sing you a song first?" Zhong Chuchu could only do everything possible to delay the time.

It would be great if I could drag it until Su Ze arrived.

If it can't be delayed by that time, or Su Ze didn't come.


I will resist myself!

The big deal is to threaten with death!
No matter what, you can't just give in like this!
Otherwise, even if the starlight shines, I will regret it for a lifetime in my heart!
Director Zhang obviously regarded Zhong Chuchu as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, so he was not in a hurry, and agreed with a smile: "Okay, let's sing something tender and sweet, to help the fun."

A song can last at least four to five minutes.

Zhong Chuchu deliberately chose a song that took a long time. After singing a song, Director Zhang applauded again and again, "It sounds good, it sounds good..."

"Come on, let me hear if your voice sounds good..." He smiled obscenely, and stretched out his hand again, wanting to hug Zhong Chuchu in his arms.

"Brother Zhang—"

Zhong Chuchu twisted her body, avoiding Director Zhang's hand, imitating the shy looks of those women on TV, "Brother Zhang, I thought of another song, which is very suitable for tonight's atmosphere, do you think Don't want to hear it?"

"Hey, you are so tired of standing there singing, come and sit here and sing." Director Zhang smiled and patted his thigh.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, it will be later."

Zhong Chuchu dragged on for a few more minutes.

Maybe it was because of seeing such a charming and beautiful woman singing in front of him, this Director Zhang couldn't bear it after listening to two songs, "Stop singing, stop singing, hey, come on, let's calm the fire for brother ..."

As he spoke, he was about to take off the bathrobe on his body.

Seeing this, Zhong Chuchu quickly pressed his hand, bit her lip, "Brother Zhang, can I take a shower first? I've been running outside for a day, and I'm covered in sweat..."

She planned to use the bath as an excuse to delay another 10 minutes or [-] minutes, but she didn't expect Director Zhang to hug her tightly, whispering in her ear, "You don't need to take a bath, you, Brother Zhang, I'll just take a bath." I like the original..."

While talking, he put his nose on Zhong Chuchu's neck, took a deep breath, and said with a look of intoxication: "It smells so good...I like this smell..."

As he said that, he wrapped his hands around Zhong Chuchu's waist, and pulled Zhong Chuchu onto the bed at once, and at the same time his body was about to be pressed down.

There is no chance!
Zhong Chuchu looked at the pair of hands that were about to tear off her clothes, her expression changed suddenly in fright, she screamed, and pushed Director Zhang away, "Don't - get out!"

As soon as he yelled out, the director's face became gloomy in an instant!
"What's the matter?" He stared at Zhong Chuchu, with a trace of anger and teasing in his eyes, "Suddenly regret it? Are you unhappy?"

"I...I..." Zhong Chuchu panted heavily, and begged in a tone of voice: "Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang, please don't be like this...I don't want to..."

"What do you not want?"

Director Zhang sneered: "You female artists, don't you rely on this superior position? How do you become a big star if you don't sleep with others?"

"But I don't want to do that." Zhong Chuchu shook her head again and again.

Director Zhang lost his patience and snorted coldly: "I tell you, today you have to obey me if you want to, and you have to obey me if you don't want to, otherwise you will look good!"

As he spoke, he slowly approached Zhong Chuchu.


"Help—" Zhong Chuchu shivered with fright and screamed loudly.

"It's no use shouting louder!"

“The soundproofing effect of this room is very good!”

Director Zhang smiled obscenely: "I'd like to see if your voice calling for the bed can be so loud..."

(End of this chapter)

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