star wife loves me

Chapter 242 Policewoman Thresh!

Chapter 242 Policewoman Thresh!

Chapter 250 Four Policewoman Thresh!


Lemon felt a sense of prank joy in his heart. Speaking of which, he hadn't done such a funny thing for a long time.

Presumably, at night, Su Ze in the auditorium would be dazed when he saw himself on the stage, right?

Haha, it's fun to think about it, but it's a pity that I'm just an invited guest, and I have to listen to the official arrangement, otherwise it would be really fun to call Su Ze to the stage!
Also, my Weibo fans are probably going to blow up, haha, being able to have sex with me, and sitting in a private room, this is something that many fans dream of, everyone will definitely be envious!

It's fun to think about it.

Lemon can't wait to read the fan comments.

However, with a beep, they had already lined up their opponents.


After entering the BP interface, Lemon restrained his thoughts for a while, and while banning the hero, he asked: "By the way, I forgot to ask what rank you are, my number is drill [-], and the number I gave you is drill [-]. The opponents we have lined up must all belong to Diamond Masters, can you do it? Or will I find you an account with a lower rank?"

" should be fine." Su Ze said, if it is a diamond rank, there should be no problem.

"That's fine." Lemon smiled, but she didn't believe Su Ze's words in her heart. After all, this is a player who just played League of Legends not long ago and doesn't even have his own account. How can he have the strength of a diamond segment?

Not everyone can do the legendary thing of playing someone else's account and becoming the king!

Forget it, just carry yourself.

As a former professional player and now a diamond master player, Lemon still has the confidence to carry his teammates in the diamond segment.

When Lemon was queuing, he chose the bottom lane and the jungle position. In order to save the queuing speed, Su Ze chose to fill the position. At this time, Lemon was assigned to the ADC position, and Su Ze was the support.

Lemon took Caitlin, a policewoman from Piltover, and turned to Su Ze, "What kind of support do you play?"

"Well... let me take a look." Su Ze looked through the heroes of this account, and found that they are quite complete, there are almost hundreds of them. Su Ze thought for a while, and clicked the mouse lightly.

"How are we going to carry out this delightful torture?"

A hoarse and slightly gloomy voice sounded, and Lemon smiled and said, "Thresh? Yes, Lucian and Bron are on the opposite side. There should be no pressure on our line."

Thresh is one of the most popular support heroes in the League of Legends. Since its inception, it has undergone countless version changes. The mainstream support heroes in the bottom lane have changed again and again, but Thresh has always sat firmly at the top of the pick rate. superior.

This hero can attack first, protect second, has many control skills, high attack damage, and relatively low mana consumption for skills. Among the auxiliary heroes, it is considered a perfect one.

Even if Su Ze is not very good at playing, as long as he has a gold level, Lemon has the confidence to stabilize the bottom lane.

Su Ze nodded, chose the rune talent, and entered the game.

Lemon uses his own big account, and the account ID is "Lemon is a cutie". Many players know that, no, just after entering the game, the opposite bot lane team sent a message.

"I'm your fan, Lemon, please ask for a friend seat!"

"Goddess Lemon, please be gentle, I'm going to be a promotion match from drill four to drill three!"

The mid laner on the opposite side also joined in the fun: "Lemon, I just went to your Taobao store to buy a gift pack of snacks, please be merciful!"

The jungler blind monk on his side was also yelling: "Oh my god, Lemon is actually ranked, goddess, I am your fanatic, this one will live in the bottom lane!"

The words on the chat interface made Su Ze very surprised: "They all know you?"

"Ahem..." Lemon didn't expect this group of people to send a message like this, and coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, "'s just a coincidence, after all, there are not many high-score players, and even fewer female players. So a lot of people know me."

"Oh. That's it." Su Ze nodded in understanding.

Lemon breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately it was over.

Lemon didn't reply to these people, so as not to irritate them, bought equipment, went out with Su Ze, and entered the wild area.

Su Ze and the others were on the blue side. The jungler manipulated the blind monk and rushed to the red BUFF, but saw a few exclamation marks at his feet. Immediately afterwards, Thresh's words appeared on the chat interface: "Be careful the opposite level group."

Lemon glanced at Su Ze in surprise. She didn't expect Su Ze to have this awareness. On the opposite side was Bron, who was a relatively strong first-level regiment, and he was also a wine barrel jungler with control. In comparison, Su Ze and the others fought The first-tier regiment is not strong.

Su Ze manipulated Thresh into the bushes next to the red buff, and cast an eye at the red buff. Sure enough, he saw the figures of five people on the opposite side. When he inserted the eye, Bron reacted, a Q The skill ran towards Su Ze, but Su Ze, who had been on guard for a long time, twisted his waist to avoid it, and then retreated.

The first-level group on the opposite side didn't catch anyone, left an eye in the red BUFF and retreated. After all, the blind man is also a player of the diamond tier. Seeing this, he went straight to F6 and chose F6 to start the game.Su Ze and Lemon went directly to the line.

"Take a second to play a wave? A hook can consume a wave!" Lemon said.

"Okay." Su Ze nodded.

The opposite bottom lane is helping the jungler, Lemon and Su Ze's A-pawn push the line, but the opposite combination is Lucian and Bron, Lucian uses a Q skill on the line, clears three pawns, Bron has two holy shields, clear pawn speed Also very fast.

However, Su Ze was carrying an AD rune, and the damage of the A soldier was not low, so he didn't give the opponent too many opportunities.

"Your Thresh is playing well." Lemon said, although Su Ze has not used a skill so far, but only from the perspective of the A soldier, it is a qualified support.

Many support players know how to help the ADC clear the line and pad the knife when needed, but not every support can do this well. Sometimes they accidentally rob the ADC's pawns, or more or less affect the ADC's The pace of replenishment.

But Su Ze's Thresh, every basic attack seems to have been accurately calculated, and it can always land on the minions when needed, making Lemon's replenishment rhythm not only unaffected, but more comfortable.

Su Ze didn't speak. Looking at the little soldiers on the map, their experience will soon reach level 2, only one soldier short.

"I'm going to take the bait." Su Ze said, and then pinged on the map, "You are a pawn."

At this time, Su Ze, the bloody soldier, and Lucian on the opposite side were in a straight line. Lucian on the opposite side also felt that there was a soldier in the middle, so he wanted to fill up the blue soldier. In his heart, he and the woman on the opposite side At the same time, the police made up for the pawns with residual blood. If Thresh hooked again at this time, he would have time to hide behind the pawns.

However, as he was thinking this way, he saw Thresh's hand on the opposite side shake, and the faint green chain flew out of his hand.

What do you mean?
Q skill to grab the policewoman's soldiers?

The Lucian player was stunned for a moment, but before Thresh's hook arrived, Lemon killed the little soldier with a flat A.

"Not good!" Player Lucian was startled and realized something was wrong.

However, it's too late!
The faint green hook had passed through the soldiers and hit Lucian accurately!

"Clip!" Su Ze snorted while hooking Lucian, and Lemon's consciousness was naturally top-notch. Without Su Ze's reminder, she quickly put a W clip beside Lucian, and at the same time manipulated the policewoman to A got up at Lucian.

As for Su Ze, the Q skill briefly controlled Lucian for a moment, and after dragging Lucian for two steps, the second-stage Q skill flew to Lucian's side, pressed the E skill, and the chain swayed, directly sweeping Lucian to the clip under Lemon's cloth!

"Beautiful!" Lemon exclaimed excitedly, thinking that this time, it was enough to consume more than half of Lucian's blood volume!
However, at this moment, she suddenly saw a flame ignited on Lucian's body, and at the same time, Su Ze's calm and firm voice sounded in her ears: "Kill him!"


Lemon was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that what Su Ze brought was not weakness, but ignition!

But she wasn't too surprised, since all the ignition was used, of course she wanted to kill this Lucian as much as possible!

From Su Ze's Q skill shot, to when Lucian was caught by the trap, and the female policeman hit a critical strike, Lucian's blood volume had quickly dropped to less than half. case!

Lemon was desperately outputting, and Su Ze was not idle. He hit Lucian with an A. After losing control, the Lucian player immediately pressed Heal, but under the effect of igniting, the healing effect was halved, and Lucian's blood volume only increased slightly.


Player Lucian pressed the flash with a trace of blood. With this blood, he fled backwards. The policewoman should not be able to beat him to death!

But at this moment, Su Ze's Thresh also flashed after Lucian, and hit Lucian on the head with a whip!

Immediately afterwards, the policewoman's Q skill flew over, scraping away the last trace of Lucian's blood!

The solemn system prompt sounded, and the jungler blind monk of his side immediately sent a "666", followed by the sentence "The goddess is mighty!!"

However, in the Internet cafe box, the praised Lemon looked at Su Ze in surprise, and asked incredulously, "Are you really a new player without an account?"

She couldn't help being surprised!
Take the lead, let her A pawn hook Lu Xian, and then sweep him to the clip, plus the final flash to make up for the damage, Su Ze's set of operations is so smooth, it is by no means like a novice player!
"Well... I play Thresh more..." Su Ze explained.

After thinking about it, he added: "The main reason is that you cooperated well."

(End of this chapter)

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