star wife loves me

Chapter 255 AD Thresh!

Chapter 255 AD Thresh!

Chapter 260 Eighth AD Thresh!

On the big screen in the center of the arena, Su Ze's Thresh was fighting soldiers. However, unlike Fengnv, who gave the last attack of the soldiers to the ADC to make up soldiers, he directly knocked them out and got them in his bag!
"I'll go! This assistant, what the hell!"

"What is Thresh doing, grabbing soldiers?"

Sanmao and Lele exclaimed, and Lele exclaimed incredulously: "No, although this is an entertainment game, it can't be played like this, brother, the support team directly competes with the ADC!"

"Uh... do they think this method of pushing the line is faster and easier to grab the second?" Sanmao said.

"No way, you can't do that if you grab the second one. Brother, grabbing the second level doesn't necessarily mean you can kill people. Generally speaking, it just consumes a wave and suppresses it. If you use this method to grab the second one, you won't be able to kill people after the second level. This EZ of Lemon is at a loss!" Lele said.

"Well, I don't know what they think." Sanmao said.

In the auditorium, most of the spectators watching the game thought the same as Sanmao and Su Ze, but a small number of spectators who noticed something had already sensed something was wrong and guessed Su Ze and Lemon's intentions!
And at this moment, under the brainless push of Su Ze and Lemon, they reached the second level first!
"Back up." Jin Dao of the professional team said, he still wanted to be steady.

"Okay." Yindao nodded, and manipulated Fengnv to retreat.

However, almost at the moment when EZ and Thresh were promoted to level two, Su Ze flashed directly and rushed to Fengnv's side, and then with E skill, he swept Xiaopao and Fengnv at the same time, sending them both towards Fengnv. After sweeping a distance!
"I wipe it! It's broken!" Yindao screamed strangely: "I'm going to die, you're going to die, I'll resist!"

Silver Knife understands the current situation. The first-level regiment has already handed over his flash. He will definitely be killed, but as long as he can hold on and prevent Jin Knife from being killed, it will be fine. He will replenish troops later and find a chance to fight back. .

In his opinion, he should be able to delay for at least three seconds!


Almost in the next instant, his blood volume dropped by more than half!

Moreover, the highest damage did not come from EZ's QW skill, but from Su Ze Thresh's two flat A's!

Two whips knocked out nearly [-] points of Feng Nu's HP!
In two seconds, Fengnv fell limply to the ground, and Thresh and EZ were moving forward when they attacked Fengnv. At this time, Xiaopao hadn't run under the tower!

As for Su Ze, he only used one E skill before!
At this moment, the Q skill is shot!
Jin Dao was taken aback, pressed the F key resolutely, and flashed!

Of course they do!


At the commentary booth, Lele was yelling, "Oh my god, what kind of damage is this? ...Xiaopao wants to escape, Thresh still has Q skills, but Xiaopao flashes."

"It's hooked, flash... Damn it! I hit it! The divine hook of prediction, I hit it!"

"EZ kept up, Thresh controlled and tied A, my God, this damage is still incomprehensible!"

"Xiao Pao is dead!"

"Double kill! Su Ze's Thresh won the double kill! My God, the game time is 3 minutes, and the assist took three heads, what the hell is this!"

While Lele was yelling and explaining excitedly, Sanmao suddenly discovered something. At first, he thought he had misread it, but after blinking, he was sure of his discovery.

"I understand! I understand! Why is Thresh's damage so high? Brothers, look at Thresh's equipment!"

Thresh equipment?
The excited Lele and many spectators looked at Thresh's equipment bar.

Then, everyone exclaimed!
I saw that in Thresh's equipment column, there is no traditional equipment such as the shield of the holy object, nor the auxiliary equipment such as the amulet of ascension or the blade of the thief.

Instead—a Doran sword, and a longsword!
"Dolan Sword! Long Sword! My God, this is actually an AD Thresh!" Lele exclaimed.

"Yeah, brothers, this is the reason why the star team's bottom lane damage exploded. Thresh Dolan sword went out, and after taking the first blood, he released a long sword. This equipment, when the E skill is ordered, With one whip, the damage is higher than that of ADC!" San Mao also said.

"This... knows how to play! All I can say is! Brother Su Ze can play!" After Lele was surprised, he shook his head and smiled: "AD Thresh, he really dares to play. To be honest, I didn't pay attention at first. To her equipment, but if I notice, I will definitely question it, after all, AD Thresh has too many problems! But now, a second-level Thresh has taken three heads, I really don’t know how to hack him! "

"A man of high art is bold!" Sanmao said: "Flash E to kill Fengnv, predict hook to kill Xiaopao, not everyone can use this kind of operation."

Lele nodded: "Okay, this game is more interesting, director, let's just focus on the bottom lane."


At this moment, there is joy in the star team!
"Damn it, brother, this is a double kill? Thresh with three heads, do you want to be such a beast?" Tudou shouted.

"Bull!" Color said concisely.

Zhou Jinlun exaggerated: "Brothers are amazing, AD Thresh won the double kill, this wave of routines is deep enough, it's okay, it's quite like my style back then... Wow, where did this blind monk come from!! Q No Hit! Q missed! Ah! Q hit! Come and save me! Uh...he died! Ahhh, where did the blind monk come from? I am level six, I must kill him! Revenge!"

Su Ze laughed. To be honest, this routine is very risky. Experts can use AD Thresh to abuse low-level players, but playing professional players is not so simple.

Fortunately, with three kills at the beginning, he and Lemon's economy took off, and then they pushed the bot line under the opponent's tower. Even if the jungle jungler on the opposite side came to eat the line, the experience of Xiaopao and Fengnv would undoubtedly fall A lot of it.

Back home, Su Ze directly synthesized the long sword into a jagged dagger.

Going back to the line, Xiaopao and Fengnv were completely unable to fight.

AD Thresh, assisting EZ, this combination may not be easy to play in the later stage, but the damage in the early stage is simply crushing the opponent.

Lemon directly released salary equipment, the blade of stealing law and a fairy amulet, and a QW can destroy a lot of Xiaocan's HP.Xiaopao didn't dare to replenish troops now, even if he moved to avoid EZ's skills, once he accidentally walked into Thresh's attack range, he could knock out nearly [-] HP of Xiaopao with a whip.

E skill plus damage, and the armor piercing of the sawtooth dagger, this damage is no joke.

"Shua!" The level of EZ and Thresh has been raised to level 4. Su Ze saw that Zhou Jinlun's sword master was killing stone men in the lower half of the field, so he clicked on the triangular grass on the bottom road, "Brother Zhou, come here and squat down." , the blind man may come."

"Okay!" Although Zhou Jinlun liked to brag, he was not arrogant, and squatted in the grass according to Su Ze's instructions.

And at this time, the professional team, Jindao was calling for the jungler Xiaoba: "Iori, come and help me in the bottom lane, this Thresh and EZ suppressed me so much that I can't make up troops, and they are still deliberately controlling the line. I'm about to push me out of the experience zone. Come and swim down the road, don't ask to kill, just suppress them!"

"no problem!"

Xiao Ba rushed to the bottom road. His blind monk took a head of the Juggernaut and also killed a wave of wild monsters from the Juggernaut. He had just returned home to replenish his equipment, and his level had reached level 5.

"Iori, Iori came towards the bottom lane, but he didn't know that the Juggernaut was squatting back in the bottom lane!"

At the commentary seat, Lele smiled and said, "Zhou Tianwang's back squat is very spiritual!"

Sanmao also nodded: "This awareness is okay. Next, we will see if the bot lane can fight. I have to say that if there is a fight, the star team will have the upper hand. After all, EZ and Thresh will crush Xiaopaofeng There are too many women! The economy of this auxiliary EZ is higher than that of Xiaobao!"

"Well, it depends on whether the professional team can realize that the Juggernaut is squatting back."

"Oh, the blind monk came from the river, and he didn't go to the triangular grass to insert the ward. He was careless. Then, Tianyinbo kicked EZ, and EZ retreated with the E skill. Wow, it hit, predict Q! After Thresh predicted Q , The Iori blind monk also returned a pre-judgment Q, worthy of being a professional player!"

"Can't you go? Go! Do you want to fight?"

On the big screen, the blind monk kicked directly towards EZ, but Xiao Ba, who was controlling the blind monk, had already spotted the position and put his finger on the W key.He just operated to Xiaoxiu. When Q passed, W went to his minions, and then covered the bottom lane combination to eat this wave of lines. As Jindao said, suppression is enough, and they had better not fight.

The blind monk was flying in mid-air, Xiao Ba pressed W, and the blind monk who was flying towards EZ suddenly turned in the air and flew towards the soldiers of the professional team.

But right now!
A faint green hook stretched out, hit the blind monk directly, and hooked it flying in mid-air!


Following Su Ze's low shout, he and Lemon turned around and started fighting. At the same time, Zhou Jinlun's sword master rushed out of the triangular grass with his sword in hand!

In a chaotic battle, the blind monk and Fengnv of the professional team were killed, and Thresh and Juggernaut each took a head.

However, I don't know if Zhou Jinlun took the head, his self-confidence soared, and he rushed to the tower with his sword to kill Xiaopao.


He was successfully counter-killed by the small cannon turret, which made up for the small cannon's economy.

"Oh, impulsive, impulsive!" Zhou Jinlun began to criticize.

In the auditorium, the commentator and the audience were already erupting.

It's funny that Zhou Jinlun's Juggernaut rushed to the tower to give away the head, but Su Ze's hook was the main reason for their excitement!

You know, Thresh's Q skill is delayed!

In other words, Su Ze got hooked before the blind monk W's soldier!

He predicted the blind monk's operation!

What kind of god-like consciousness is this!

(End of this chapter)

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