star wife loves me

Chapter 258 Draven!

Chapter 258 Draven!
Chapter 270 Draven!
The Memory of the Ninth World gave Su Ze a broad mind beyond ordinary people, but the experience of so many people also made him understand that a person must love his country.Maybe you can't feel how good your own country is when you are in the country, but when you step out of the country, you will find that the country is the only backing you can rely on.

A man should love his country.

When you are capable, you should also stand up to safeguard the dignity of the country and people.

Su Ze felt that he had this strength.

It's just that Lemon was a little surprised and worried: "Are you playing AD? Are you sure?"

Su Ze's support and mid laner are both very good. It is very rare to be proficient in both positions. Is he also proficient in ADC?No way?

But facing Lemon's doubts, Su Ze still nodded seriously: "I'm sure, don't worry."

Lemon looked at Su Ze and saw Su Ze's firm eyes.

This kind of look gave her an inexplicable confidence in Su Ze, and she nodded in a strange way: "Okay."

A few people sat down, because Zhou Jinlun and Xiao Ba were selected at the same time, and only one of the two junglers could go to the top lane. Xiao Ba volunteered and threatened to send his barbarian king to break through the top lane.

Zhou Jinlun said that as long as Juggernaut is not banned, he will definitely choose Juggernaut, but he has the same idea as Lemon. He hopes that Su Ze will play mid laner and meet Su Ze's Yasuo again.

Su Ze declined the proposal with a smile.

The player team is on the blue side, and the star team is on the purple side. The two sides drew the election. JOJO and ONCE selected the strong versions of Lucian and Bron respectively.Zhou Jinlun and Xiaoba really chose the Juggernaut and the Barbarian King, the color is still stable, but they chose Galio to play the mid laner, the top laner and the jungler are both crispy, his mid laner must be fleshy, otherwise It's easy to roll over.

When it was Lemon's turn to choose, she looked at Su Ze: "What?"

"Morgana." Su Ze said.

Lemon nodded and chose Morgana without asking why.

The last choice for the purple side is Su Ze's.

It's just that others didn't know, and thought it was still Lemon playing ADC.

"A policewoman? It should be a policewoman!" On the commentary stage, Lele judged, and Sanmao nodded slightly.

However, the next moment, an unexpected avatar appeared on the big screen and was quickly locked.

"Glory Executioner! Draven!"

When Delevingne's profile picture appeared on the big screen and was quickly locked, the scene was full of exclamations, and Sanmao and Lele couldn't help shouting.After all, this choice is really unexpected!
You know, the hero Draven rarely appears in the professional arena.

To be precise, in the LPL division, Delevingne has never played during the entire S6 period. Even if it is pushed forward to S4 and S5, Delevingne does not play more than ten times, and the winning rate is not high.

Although this hero is particularly violent in the low-segment rankings, and is occasionally selected in the master game, but in the professional arena, few people choose it, after all, it has too many shortcomings.For example, there is no displacement skill, the operation is difficult, the hands are relatively short, and it is easy to be targeted when selected, etc.

If the spectator team is purely five passers-by spectators, then the hero Delevingne can of course be chosen.But the opposite bottom lane combination is JOJO and ONCE. In this case, Lemon chose Delevingne. Isn't this looking for abuse?
JOJO and ONCE must have more than one way to deal with Delevingne!

"You want to play this?" Lemon looked at Su Ze in surprise.

Su Ze nodded: "Yes, you exchange your weakness for treatment."

"Ah?" Lemon was taken aback, but Su Ze didn't look at her, but seriously pointed at his talent, and replaced his summoner skills with barrier and flash.

Lemon didn't know what Su Ze was going to do, but he still replaced weakness with treatment.

In the first game, Sanmao and Lele, who were the commentators, didn't notice that Su Ze Thresh's equipment was the Dolan Sword, and they felt dereliction of duty and paid special attention to these details in the next few games.The scene of Su Ze and Lemon exchanging summoner skills did not escape their eyes.

"Huh? Lemon replaced healing with a barrier, and Su Ze's Morgana replaced weakness with healing. Brother, what kind of routine is this?" Lele wondered: "Could it be that Lemon developed Draven's new How to play?"

"Maybe I also think that the conventional gameplay is not easy to deal with JOJO and ONCE, so I discussed a small routine." Sanmao guessed.

"It should be like this, but I don't know how Lemon's Draven is doing... Everyone can notice that Lemon's Draven was left at the end, and Su Ze helped her choose it. It seems that it is still used as a killer. " Lele said.

"I've never heard of Lemon playing Delevingne before..." Sanmao said.

The two of them were talking, and it seemed that the game had entered the countdown, and there were only a few seconds left before loading the game.

"Hey? Didn't Lemon and Su Ze exchange heroes? Did you forget?" Lele suddenly discovered this.

"Yeah, what's going on, don't tell me that Lemon and Su Ze switched positions. Su Ze played AD? He actually chose Draven for himself?" Sanmao was also confused.

At this moment, the countdown ended, the screen flashed, and the game began to load.

Everyone was wondering, Lele, Sanmao, and all the audience wanted to figure out, did Su Ze and Lemon forget to swap heroes, or did Draven belong to Su Ze?
It's not like these two people will exchange seats later in order to increase the laughter...

The director in the background was also puzzled, and cut the camera to a close-up of the faces of Su Ze and Lemon. At this time, the two people were very calm, with serious expressions on their faces, and it didn't look like they had chosen the wrong one or were joking at all.

As soon as the screen changed, the game had been loaded, and on the big screen, the heroes of both sides had quickly bought their equipment and went out.

"It doesn't seem to be an accident, brothers!" Lele was surprised and amused, and couldn't help raising her volume: "This ADC is not Lemon, but Su Ze! Haha, Su Ze's Draven, tell me loudly , are you looking forward to it or not!"


Deafening cheers erupted from the auditorium, even Su Ze and Lemon could hear them clearly with headphones on.The audience was also excited. Who would have thought that the game that was thought to be the most boring would actually have easter eggs appearing one after another?
First ONCE was selected.

Then JOJO is selected.

Then, when everyone thought that Lemon was going to use Draven, the facts before them told them that the user of Draven was actually Su Ze!

He moved from the support position to the AD position!
Could it be that it was because of JOJO and ONCE in the bottom lane that Su Ze switched to AD?

"Many people know that Su Ze is not only good as a support player, but also a good mid laner, especially Yasuo. But for the AD position, I have never heard that he can play..." Sanmao said.

Lele smiled and said, "Brother, he's not a professional player, so we didn't know what he would play, okay? Besides, Thresh and Yasuo are both so good at playing, maybe Draven is also good. "

"That's right." Sanmao nodded: "Let's wait and see."

"JOJO's Lucian VK Su Ze's Delevingne, who is stronger and who is weaker, we will see it later!"

"Hey? Brother, guess who can play the advantage." Lele asked with a smile.

"It's hard to guess." Sanmao shook his head: "After all, the bottom lane is a duo. Besides the ADC, it also depends on the support performance. In addition, in this one, one side is the combination of JOJO and ONCE, and the other side is Delevingne. This kind of hero, the junglers on both sides must also focus on taking care of the bottom lane, there are too many unpredictable factors."

Lele nodded: "It makes sense."


spectator team.

JOJO and ONCE disdain to communicate with other three ordinary passer-by players.

And when his own jungler enthusiastically expressed that he would come to the bot lane more, ONCE coldly refused in his awkward Chinese: "No need, just don't send it off."

Then I only communicated with JOJO.

It made the jungler quite embarrassing.

"The Draven on the opposite side is not Lemon, but their assistant, what's his name... Su... Su Ze."

ONCE said: "Knowing that he is playing against us, he still dares to play ADC, and he chose a hero like Draven who has obvious violence and shortcomings. He seems to have some confidence... By the way, His name is Su Ze...Su..."

He suddenly remembered that at noon, he asked the Yasuo who beat him up, who was he.

At that time, that person replied "su".

ONCE has a certain understanding of Huaxia Pinyin. He knows that su and su have the same pronunciation.

In the clone mode just now, Su Ze's Yasuo also played very well.


ONCE was startled, and remembered that when Lele and Sanmao commented in the entertainment match earlier, they seemed to mention that Lemon and Su Ze were playing together.

Although his Chinese can be understood, it is not that good, and he did not listen carefully to the explanation at that time.

But now that I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I feel like this is the case.

This person's name is su, and he has also had sex with Lemon...then the answer is ready to come out!
Su Ze is the Yasuo who knocked him out this afternoon!

"This Su Ze..." ONCE's expression was startled and angry, and JOJO beside him also judged it, and nodded slightly: "It's that Yasuo."


ONCE suddenly sneered, and gritted his teeth and said: "Although I don't like Huaxia, there is an old saying in Huaxia that there is no place to find if you break through the iron shoes, and it is easy to get here. I thought it would be difficult to meet him again. But I didn’t expect him to be here, hehe, it’s just right! JOJO, let this guy see the strength of our Korean nation’s bot lane twin stars!”

"No problem!" The corner of JOJO's mouth raised a confident smile: "This person may use Delevingne to abuse food at low tiers to gain confidence, but I want him to understand that playing German in front of professional players Levin, you will be beaten until your mother doesn't even recognize her!"

(End of this chapter)

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