star wife loves me

Chapter 269 Magical skills!

Chapter 269 Magical skills!

Chapter 280 The fifth is amazing!

When Su Ze stood up and took over the task of kneading dough from Jiang Lu, the cooking squad leader actually refused in his heart.

Brother, stop making trouble, a woman is not enough, you are a big man, how good can you rub it?

Alas, these celebrities just like to be funny and join in the fun, they are very curious, they want to touch everything, and they usually do less housework, so they come here to find a sense of presence.

But there is no way, I can't just say no directly.

After all, apart from her status as a star, Jiang Lu is still a real second lieutenant officer, her grade is much higher than her own.

Come on, just stand by and watch honestly, I hope they can finish kneading the dough within half an hour...

"You will?" Jiang Lu also looked at Su Ze suspiciously, no matter how you look at it, Su Ze doesn't look like he can cook.

"Look at it." Su Ze smiled, took off Jiang Lu's apron, and tied it on himself, then looked at the ball of thin noodles, guessed, and grabbed it from the basin next to it. Sprinkle two handfuls of flour on top.

"Don't sprinkle too much, you need to add more water..." Jiang Lu reminded.

Su Ze shook his head: "Don't worry if it doesn't exist."

As he said that, he quickly kneaded it a few times with his hands. Sure enough, there was not too much flour, and it was just right for kneading.

"Ah... just right!" Jiang Lu looked at Su Ze in surprise.

The cooking squad leader was also staring at Su Ze, but what he was looking at was not the face, but Su Ze's hands.

I saw that Su Ze's hands were kneading quickly, and the dough was kneaded and pressed repeatedly in his hands, and it was quickly formed.What surprised the cooking squad leader was that Su Ze's movements were not only very fast, but also very standard, compared to those of the master chefs who have been cooking for many years, the movements of kneading dough are more standard and clean.

What's even more amazing is that Su Ze's kneading movements are not only standard, but also very beautiful. The movements are smooth and smooth, which actually gives people a pleasing feeling.

He didn't seem to be kneading dough, but rather he was juggling.

That surface became a dough, bouncing back and forth between Su Ze's hands and the chopping board, like a ball bouncing back and forth.

The cooking squad leader understood that not only was Su Ze good at controlling the dough, but also the dough itself was kneaded by Su Ze to give it a strong elasticity, so it gave people the feeling of a ball.


Su Ze rubbed his hands together, and the ball of dough spun in his palm, and then he tossed it up lightly, only to see that the dough was spinning from rising to falling, like a small planet, rising , fell, and hit the chopping board with a bang, still spinning slowly.

"Oh my god..." Jiang Lu was already dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that Su Ze could knead dough, and he could make kneading dough like an art performance, full of elegant beauty.

"Oh my god..." The cooking squad leader couldn't close his mouth.

I thought Su Ze was here to join in the fun, but in fact, he is a master. Among other things, just this dough kneading technique beats me by a few blocks, and a few more years of practice will not be enough to see!
"Oh my god..." Ouyang Junsheng's expression was both surprised and envious.

You really deserve to be my idol, Brother Su is amazing, no, I have to find a chance to learn this skill, it is said that men who can cook are very attractive, if I can show this skill in front of others, those girls Don't you see little stars in your eyes?

Not only these three people, but other people in the cooking class were also alarmed, they stopped what they were doing and surrounded them.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes...

Su Ze kneaded this face for 10 minutes, and these people just stared at it intently for 10 minutes, during which no one spoke.

It turns out that kneading dough can also be viewed as an art performance!


Su Ze stopped kneading the dough with his hands, then patted the dough lightly, and wiped it with his right hand, and the dough was flattened.

"Rolling" The cooking squad leader picked up the rolling pin beside him and handed it over, speaking in a cautious voice, as if he was afraid to startle Su Ze.

Su Ze shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't need it.

Don't you need a rolling pin to roll noodles?So what do you use, your hands?
Under the strange eyes of everyone, Su Ze pressed both hands on the bread at the same time, and then...


The left and right hands work at the same time, and the movements are fast. Both hands keep flattening and kneading the dough, and the dough becomes thinner and bigger at an extremely fast speed.

"Fuck!" The cooking squad leader couldn't help but swear in his heart, you really use your hands!
What's even more frightening is that this guy used his hands like a rolling pin!

And it seems to be faster than a rolling pin!


In less than 1 minute, a thin noodle cake appeared on the chopping board. The surface was smooth and neat, without any traces of palm prints or finger pressure. from!

"This..." The cooking squad leader didn't know what words to express his shock.

He turned his head and looked at a soldier who was in charge of making pasta behind him, and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Hu, when you were studying in the pastry school, did those teachers have this level?"

"No, absolutely not." Xiao Hu replied softly, with a firm tone, the previous technique of kneading noodles was just not good, but this trick of rolling noodles with hands has never been heard before!


Suddenly, a voice came, and the cooking squad leader turned his head to look, only to see Su Ze stretching out his right hand without looking back.

"Knife, knife, here." The cooking squad leader quickly picked up the knife and respectfully put it in Su Ze's hand, thinking, fortunately, I still use the knife to cut the noodles, not my hands.

dang dang dang-

Su Ze raised and lowered the knife, and a series of phantoms appeared. I saw the kitchen knife going up and down quickly in Su Ze's hand, and moving at a very uniform speed.

Strips of noodles of uniform thickness appeared in front of everyone. Compared with the beef noodles in ordinary noodle restaurants, the noodles were thicker, but as a cook who has been working for many years, the cooking squad leader could tell at a glance that the noodles must be extremely strong when cooked. !
Su Ze quickly cut the noodles, turned around and saw that the water in the pot had boiled, clapped his hands, and looked at the cooking monitor: "Brother, please cook the noodles, I'll make a seasoning."

"Oh... good!" The cooking squad leader started to prepare the noodles, while Su Ze wandered around the kitchen and took a few things.

A small piece of pork, ham sausage, green peppers, carrots, shiitake mushrooms... There are seven or eight kinds of them, each of which is only a little bit small.

dang dang dang...

Su Ze's hands were busy again. He chopped several things into fine pieces, then turned on the stove next to him, lit the fire, poured oil, and started making seasonings.

One kind of material was put into the pot by him, and he started to stir fry and shake the spoon.

Once, twice, three times, Jiang Lu was stunned again, this skillful movement, compared to those chefs who have been around for more than ten years, is not much more impressive!

"A master!" Jiang Lu exclaimed, and suddenly a burst of fragrance floated into her nose.

At this moment, she was stunned.

It's so fragrant... the smell of meat, ham, vegetables, mushrooms, all kinds of aromas, rich or fresh, mixed together, not only do not conflict with each other, but complement each other, forming a particularly attractive aroma of food.


Jiang Lu was watching Su Ze cook just now, so she forgot about being hungry, but when the aroma came out, her stomach immediately growled uncontrollably and kept gurgling.

Not only that, but her mouth was also drooling, so Jiang Lu swallowed her saliva while carefully pressing her belly, with an embarrassed expression on her face.

She carefully turned her head to look at others, but found that others were not much better. Everyone, including the cooking squad leader who was cooking noodles, was staring at the pot in front of Su Ze.

Ouyang Junsheng's saliva flowed out, ticking from the corner of his mouth, this guy didn't even know it, he stood there blankly, looking like he wanted to swallow that pot in his stomach.

The soldiers' restraint was obviously better, but they were all similar to Jiang Lu's. They squeezed their mouths and swallowed hard, feeling uncomfortable being seduced by the fragrance, but they couldn't bear to move their eyes away.

"Okay." Su Ze murmured, picked up a small pot from the side, and poured the seasoning in the pot into the pot.

Ever since, everyone's eyes changed from that pot to that basin.

"Is the noodles ready?" Su Ze put the seasoning on the table and turned to look at the cooking squad leader who was cooking the noodles.

"Ah?" The cooking squad leader was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he was cooking noodles, "Oh, it's alright, alright..."

Looking back, the noodle soup was almost overflowing, almost embarrassing.

Start to scoop up the noodles.

Because the noodles were repeatedly added several times before, the original three servings of noodles were filled with two more bowls.

"Come on, try it!" Su Ze put the first bowl in front of Jiang Lu, scooped up some seasoning with a spoon, and poured it on the noodles.

Jiang Lu couldn't wait a long time ago, and quickly picked up a noodle dipped in seasoning and put it in her mouth.

The next moment, her eyes widened.

"Hmm..." Jiang Lu held her mouth like that, with the chopsticks still in her mouth, motionless.

One second, two seconds... Seeing Jiang Lu's expression, everyone present did not dare to move or speak, and stared at Jiang Lu one by one.

Finally, Ouyang Junsheng couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing that Jiang Lu was silent, he picked up a pair of chopsticks, dipped them in the seasoning, and put them in his mouth.

Then, he followed in Jiang Lu's footsteps and froze there, neither speaking nor moving.

"Ahem..." Looking at the expressions of these two people, Su Ze secretly laughed in his heart, and coughed: "Well, how does it taste?"

After asking such a question, Jiang Lu and Ouyang Junsheng finally came to their senses. However, before they had time to answer Su Ze, Jiang Lu flicked his arms and stuffed the noodles in the bowl into his mouth.Ouyang Junsheng didn't say a word, he took a bowl of noodles and sat beside Jiang Lu, and started eating.

"Others, let's divide it up..."

Su Ze looked at the brothers in the cooking class and pointed to the other three bowls of noodles.

"Then we won't be polite!" The cooking squad leader directly brought a bowl of noodles, poured a spoonful of seasoning on it, and ran to the side to eat it.

The rest of you look at me, and I look at you.


"This bowl is mine!"

"Mine! Mine!"

"Slow down, I'll get the bowl, save some for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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