star wife loves me

Chapter 275 Green Flower in the Army!

Chapter 275 Green Flower in the Army!

Chapter 290 Green Flower in the Army!

These people are so disrespectful...

Su Ze slandered in his heart, but he also understood everyone. After all, it was really not easy to compete with these officers and soldiers in singing.These people seem to have endless energy, singing one song after another without stopping, and they don't feel tired.

They are used to this way of roaring, and they don't pay much attention to throat maintenance, even if their voices are hoarse, it doesn't matter.

But these singers are different. Their voices are hoarse, not to mention how they should perform on stage at night. It will be even more difficult to maintain their voices in the future. For singers, a good voice is their greatest asset. With flaws, how can I get along in the music scene in the future?Everyone is a sensible person, you can be passionate when you should be passionate, but you are still rational in your heart.

Anyway, you, Su Ze, provoked the matter, and these officers and soldiers originally wanted to sing to thank you, so you can deal with these tiger and wolf divisions by yourself, haha!Even Ouyang Junsheng folded his arms, cheerfully preparing to watch the excitement.


When the officers and soldiers saw that these stars were "cowarded", they began to cheer and applaud, and then they didn't know who started it, and a group of people shouted in unison.

"Come one! Come one!"

"Let you sing! Just sing! It's not good to be coy!"

"Like what?" The regiment leader shouted loudly, with a smirk on his face.

"Big girl!" The officers and soldiers of the whole regiment answered in unison, and then laughed.

The celebrities and entertainers were suddenly unhappy.

"Su Ze, sing one!"

"Su Ze, sing a song and crush them!"

"It's up to you, Su Ze, come on, hehe!"

Jiang Lu also patted Su Ze on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Su Ze, it's up to you. You know, we are here to perform for others. If they PK out of singing, then It's so embarrassing, how can I perform on stage at night? Anyway, I don't have that face, so you are even more embarrassed. After all, you are an original singer... I heard that your songwriting speed is very abnormal. Is it suitable for the military camp? Come on, let’s have a song and kill them all in seconds!”

"Don't worry." Su Ze chuckled, already having an idea in his heart.

Because he wanted to participate in this condolence performance, Su Ze also knew something about Huaxia's army songs before, and then found that most of the army songs belonged to the kind of passionate type, whether it was the original war years or the past 20 years. The new songs are almost all cheering and inspirational, or praising the glory of the military.

So the previous songs were sung more surgingly and louder than the other.

Over the years, the inheritance of Huaxia military culture has also been based on this concept, so when it comes to soldiers, many people subconsciously understand that they are men of iron, steel and iron, and heroes are invincible!
Because of this discovery, Su Ze decided to do something different.

"In that case, let me sing a song..." Su Ze said with a smile, "Come one you haven't heard before, okay?"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The officers and soldiers responded one after another, but they were puzzled in their hearts, haven't we heard of it?
No way, I usually sing songs in the army. Many well-known and unknown songs have been sung. There are not hundreds of songs, but there are still dozens of songs. Basically, all the good and good army songs are summarized. , Where can Su Ze find someone they haven't heard of?
Is it some ordinary song, or a popular song?But what's the point of that.

However, the difference between officers and soldiers and ordinary people is that they are puzzled, but they don't talk about it.Now that Su Ze said so, everyone quieted down, waiting for Su Ze to sing.

On the contrary, the celebrities and entertainers were discussing in low voices curiously.

"What song do you think he will sing?" Jiang Lu asked Dewey.

Dewey smiled: "I guess it's a pop song, a relatively unpopular one... Uh, maybe it's a rock, after all, if he is alone, his voice volume is limited, so he can only choose the more imposing one... By the way, didn't Su Ze sing a rock song before, what is it called Tang Dynasty?"

He turned to look at Ouyang Junsheng: "You must know."

"Dream back to the Tang Dynasty." Ouyang Junsheng replied, but said softly: "I don't think Brother Su can sing rock and roll. He said that he sang a song that no one else has heard. It should not only be aimed at these officers and soldiers, but also us .So I think it’s going to be a new song that hasn’t been released yet.”

Speaking of this, this little fan of Su Ze is a little excited: "Brother Su's creative ability is simply the pervert among monsters, the best among perverts! Let's just wait and hear it. I have a hunch that this song will definitely Bring surprise and shock to everyone!"

Dewey didn't believe it: "It's too exaggerated... Troop songs are different from popular songs. Whether it is lyrics or melody, they are completely different from popular songs."

This is true, the difficulty of creating army songs is actually much greater than that of popular songs, there are more or less good pop songs coming out every year, but when it comes to army songs, it seems that there has not been a new popular song in recent years.Even since the 21st century, the most popular army songs can be counted on one hand.Most of the songs circulated in the army are old songs from the 90th century, and the oldest one has a history of [-] to [-] years.

A troop song cannot be measured in the form of a popular song. It must not only be catchy, but also have positive energy.Songs that can be accepted by the general public may not necessarily be accepted by the military.And being accepted by the soldiers does not mean being accepted by the army.

So if Su Ze wants to create an original army song that can be accepted here, it is really not easy!
"It's really difficult." Ouyang Junsheng nodded, but he was still full of confidence in Su Ze: "I believe Brother Su can do it, and he will!"

The cafeteria became quiet, and everyone was looking at Su Ze.

And Su Ze took a light breath and began to sing.

"The cold wind blows the leaves,"

"Army is a green flower,"

"Dear comrade, don't be homesick,"

"Don't think about mom..."

It was completely different from the roaring and shouting that everyone imagined. Su Ze's voice was warm and soft, and the lyrics he sang were not ambitious, but instead mentioned home and mother.

"Sounds that I call day and night, how many words are in my heart,"

"Don't cry when parting,"

"The military camp is our warm home..."

In this quiet cafeteria, Su Ze's voice clearly wafted into the ears of every officer and soldier. In this icy and snowy environment, in this enthusiastic cafeteria just now, it was as if pairs of little hands appeared out of thin air, Caressing the chests of the officers and soldiers, they opened their new houses quietly.Then, the singing sounded like a gentle wind blowing in, making the whole person warm.

(End of this chapter)

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