star wife loves me

Chapter 278 Luo Jiasheng's decision!

Chapter 278 Luo Jiasheng's decision!

Chapter 290 The Fourth Luo Jiasheng's Decision!

"Ouch, my stomach hurts!"

Just when everyone was going to prepare for the performance, a female artist sat down again holding her stomach, but before everyone could ask, she murmured a few times, her expression changed, and she rushed out of the cafeteria. To go to the toilet.

"No way, I lost the chain at the critical moment and had diarrhea?" Everyone was puzzled, but before they could discuss it, someone changed their face again: "No, no, my stomach hurts too... I have to go to the bathroom too!"

This time it was a male artist, and he ran out quickly while talking.Before the person reached the door, another person chased after him: "Wait for me, I'm going too!"

Three people in a row suddenly had diarrhea, and now everyone sensed that something was wrong, and a bad premonition began to emerge in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, like a chain reaction, one person after another had diarrhea and ran to the toilet, seven, just ten minutes, four 50 people had diarrhea collectively, and what was even more frightening was that, except for Su Ze who was eating in the cafeteria, all the celebrities and entertainers went to the toilet!

"What's the situation? What's the situation!" Luo Jiasheng was impatient, there was still an hour before the evening performance, and the stars and entertainers collectively had diarrhea, what else is there to do?

"I must have eaten something bad..."

Su Ze said, his eyes flicked on the dining table: "First of all, it must not be a problem with the food. The same food should not be the only ones with diarrhea, so..."

Su Ze stretched out his hand, picked up the milk carton on the table, and looked at the production date, "It was produced in December 2015, with a shelf life of six months, and it has expired for more than half a year..."

As he said that, he checked the milk cartons of several celebrities and artists, and found that they were all expired milk. Looking at those who did not have diarrhea, they were all fresh milk that had just been produced.

"It must be because of the milk!"

Su Ze found out the reason, and the head of the regiment and the political commissar who heard the news also rushed over, furious, and immediately ordered a strict investigation.

These celebrities and entertainers came here from thousands of miles to express condolences, and they should not mention the hardships and sufferings. This is right, but if there is such a big problem with the diet, it is the responsibility of their regiment headquarters.Who purchased the milk and where is the purchaser? These issues must be investigated one by one.

However, for Luo Jiasheng, besides the health of the stars and entertainers, the most important question is, what about the evening performance?
"God bless them to participate in the performance safely..."

Luo Jiasheng was in a hurry, praying all the time, but the unfortunate news still came. Half of the star artists who had diarrhea needed to go to the hospital for treatment. Although the condition of the others was slightly better, they still needed to be treated at the health center of the regiment headquarters. Treatment rest, according to the current situation, very few people can participate in the show.

Fortunately, there was no acute gastroenteritis or other urgent diseases, and the conditions were all under control, and the regiment headquarters had urgently arranged for medical treatment.

"What can we do!" Luo Jiasheng sighed heavily.

This sympathy performance is not an ordinary theatrical performance, because of the participation of China Central Television and the military art troupe, this kind of sympathy performance is tinged with political missions, and it is also a very important item in the Spring Festival publicity activities. The superiors pay special attention to it, and before The news about the condolence performance has also been released. If it is canceled suddenly at this time, it may cause a series of troubles.

"Director Luo, this...or you should ask your superiors for instructions, the show should be cancelled!" A reporter said to Luo Jiasheng.

These reporters are quite depressing. A total of more than a dozen journalists from several media outlets are planning to report on this sympathy performance. But now, almost all the stars and entertainers have been wiped out, and the assistants have also been cut off. Halfway through, there were only about [-] assistant actors left on the scene, and Su Ze and their four star artists.

There are twice as many media reporters and staff as there are!In the eyes of everyone, this performance could not go on no matter what.Even Jiang Lu sighed and said, "There is really no other way..."

"Is there any other way..." Luo Jiasheng murmured, as a director, he expresses condolences for such an accident. Although he is not responsible for the eating problem, if the performance is canceled because of this, it will affect the propaganda of the TV station and military media According to reports, he, the director, still has an unshirkable responsibility.

In addition, from a personal point of view, with the rise of a new batch of directors in CCTV, Luo Jiasheng is also under great pressure. He wants to prove his working ability through this performance.But right now, it seems that things have been messed up, and the next thing waiting for him is likely to be punished, refrigerated, and do some behind-the-scenes work.

"I can't just let it go like this..." Luo Jiasheng was unwilling. He looked at the people in front of him, thinking in his heart that the dance troupe was still there, and a dance program could still be produced. Now, two shows up.Others... might be able to come up with three programs by patching together.

Then the celebrity artist side.

Jiang Lu and Su Ze are both there, two people, solo and chorus, three songs.Ouyang Junsheng a song.Dewey can also have two songs.In this way, these four people can sing six songs.

However, nine programs are definitely not enough.

"Xiao Lu, can you sing two more songs?" Luo Jiasheng asked.

"Of course it's okay to sing, but..." Jiang Lu frowned.

However, Luo Jiasheng waved his hand, interrupted her, and turned to look at De Wei and Ouyang Junsheng: "You two, each one more song?"

"Yes." Dewey nodded.

"I can sing two more songs!" Ouyang Junsheng raised his hand and said.

"Su Ze..." Luo Jiasheng turned to look at Su Ze, but Su Ze shook his head unexpectedly: "Director Luo, I can't sing anymore."

"Why, Brother Su?"

Ouyang Junsheng shouted: "Brother Su, with your level, it is no problem to sing four or five more capitals! If you can't do it, just be like me and sing two more!"

"You misunderstood me." Su Ze shook his head: "Singing is of course no problem. I can sing eight or ten songs in a row, but..."

Su Ze turned to look at Luo Jiasheng: "Director Luo, there are too many songs."

"Yeah..." Luo Jiasheng also nodded suddenly. The four of them all sang, and it would be no problem to add up to a dozen songs, but in this way, the format of the program would be too monotonous. Surging, everyone will get tired of listening to it.

Although there is dance magic that can be adjusted, overall, the types of programs are still seriously unbalanced.

"Then..." Luo Jiasheng frowned tightly, what should we do?
"Director Luo." Su Ze said again: "How about this, singing, I still have the original arrangement, a song with Sister Jiang, and a solo song by myself. In addition, I will prepare a few more stand-up comics, you What do you think?"

Luo Jiasheng's eyes lit up, and he asked, "How many?"

"How many do you want?" Su Ze chuckled.

"That's right! How could I forget, Brother Su's cross talk is amazing!"

Ouyang Junsheng yelled, "If Brother Su can talk about a few cross talks, it will be much better overall! And everyone will like it very much!"

"Then it's settled!" Luo Jiasheng patted Su Ze's shoulder heavily: "Thank you brother!"

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone and walked out. It seemed that he had reported the matter to his superiors. After about half an hour, Luo Jiasheng came back. His face was red from the cold wind outside, and his eyebrows were white. Shuang, but the joy in his eyes could not be restrained: "Great, the leader agrees, just do as we said just now!"

Things finally had room for redemption, Luo Jiasheng broke out with unprecedented motivation, calling everyone to come to the backstage of the auditorium, and began to re-plan and arrange tonight's performance.

Regarding Luo Jiasheng's decision, the head of the regiment and the political commissar could only actively cooperate. At this time, the army's steely sense of discipline emerged. Except for the officers and soldiers sent to deal with the accident, everyone arrived in the auditorium on time before eight o'clock, sat neatly in their seats, and waited for the start of the performance.

However, even though they didn't ask, almost all the officers and soldiers were wondering in their hearts, how can today's performance be performed with so many celebrities and entertainers who have fallen ill?
Those reporters have also set up various tools such as video cameras, and they have all received instructions from their superiors—what should be filmed, what should be interviewed, and everything is going on as normal.

It's just that everyone understands that when the program is broadcast, the whole truth will definitely not be made public, and the impact will be bad.

At [-] o'clock, with the passionate music, the host stepped onto the stage.There are four hosts for the party, two men and two women, two of them are from the performance troupe, and the other two are recommended by the troupe. Fortunately, these four are all fine, otherwise it would be even more troublesome if the rhythm of the host is out of order.

The pressure on the four hosts is not small. The change of the program and the change of personnel made their previous introductions have to be changed. The four of them hurriedly changed some of the previous content just now in the background. Yes, the latter can only be changed while performing.

After a brief opening speech, the performance officially begins, and the first program is often lively in order to drive the atmosphere.But the most lively show right now is only a group dance.Luo Jiasheng, who had no other choice, was directly sent to this program. A dance with the theme of military camp life won loud applause from the audience.

Amid the applause, Jiang Lu sang on stage, and then sang with Dewey, and then Dewey sang another solo.

After the three songs, amidst the cheers, Su Ze stood on the stage and looked at the officers and soldiers off the stage with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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