star wife loves me

Chapter 297 New Book Sample Draft!

Chapter 297 New Book Sample Draft!

Chapter 310 New Book Sample Draft!

Su Ze's second Weibo post caused a lot of heated discussions among netizens, but for Su Ze, the most valuable thing was a lot of calls from publishing houses.

If we say that throughout 2016, which book sold the best?
There is no doubt that it is "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty".

As a phenomenal book, the sales of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" crushed other so-called bestsellers in the same year, ranking first.Among them, the sales volume of No.2 is less than one-third of that of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty".This sales volume, decades before, is also the first.

So in fact, for those who know Su Ze, quite a few people are still accustomed to defining Su Ze as a writer.

As the publishing house of this book, Landao Publishing House has also become the envy and hatred of the entire publishing industry.It can be said that in 2016, the book "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" brought more profits to Blue Island Publishing House than all other books, which directly made the annual profit of Blue Island Publishing House double that of 2015. It more than doubled, making a lot of money.

Those publishing houses that lost the publishing rights of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" for various reasons were naturally beating their chests and feet. After regretting, some publishing houses contacted Su Ze one after another to ask him for a manuscript, but at that time Su Ze was busy recording Regarding the album, I didn't plan to write a book either.Later, Su Ze went to participate in "Comedy Star", during which he wrote "First Intimate Contact", which was popular on the Internet. At that time, many publishing houses asked for manuscripts, but Su Ze still didn't write it.

But whether it is "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" or "The First Intimate Contact", they all prove Su Ze's creative talent in literature and novels.

Moreover, those popular cross talks and sketches also reflect from the side that Su Ze's creative ability is very strong, with a wide range of approaches, and he does not stick to a certain form.

Generally speaking, in the eyes of these publishing houses, Su Ze is talented and has strong literary creation ability, not to mention whether he can reach the god-level reputation and sales of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" Levels, but most of them have a certain quality assurance, and it’s not too bad.

Therefore, after hearing that Su Ze was going to write a book, the major publishing houses that had long wanted to ask Su Ze to write a book got busy one by one.

Some people were sending text messages, some were sending emails, some were making phone calls, and some were even inquiring about Su Ze's residence, hoping to have an interview with him.

Even though Su Ze hadn't said what book he was going to write, some publishing houses offered their own guaranteed prices.

One hundred words for a thousand words.

One hundred and two thousand words.

One hundred and five thousand words.

The highest open to a thousand characters three hundred.

This refers to buying out the copyright, and from the perspective of royalties, the lowest is 12.00%, and the highest is [-]%.

After all, there is no sample manuscript, so no one dares to set the price too high, but no matter which publishing house it is, they all promise that as long as the quality of the work is good, the price will definitely not be a problem!
With Su Ze's current status in the publishing industry, no one dares to fool him, and all the people who contact him are editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief of major publishing houses, who have the right to speak in setting prices.

After all, Su Ze wrote the book this time to make money, so he directly ruled out some small and medium-sized publishing houses with average economic strength, selected three or five large publishing houses with good reputation, wrote down the contact information, and then spent two I wrote a sample manuscript in two days and sent it to these publishing houses respectively.


Beijing Literature Publishing House.

In the editor's office, Li Man, the editor in charge of literary novels, stretched, yawned, raised his wrist to check the time, and found that it was already ten o'clock at night.

The whole floor was quiet, and if there were no accidents, she would be the only one left.

"I'm so sleepy..." She rubbed her eyes, got up and made herself a cup of coffee, sat down again, sipped the coffee and took a rest, but she didn't intend to leave work.

It's only ten o'clock, take a short rest and work for another hour or two.

For Li Man, working overtime until late at night like this, I don't know how many times in a year, almost every day, she is the last one to leave the publishing house.

Otherwise, how could she, a woman in her early 30s, get the editor-in-chief of the literary fiction section without relying on relationships or showing off her beauty?

"I am a workaholic. Compared with my career, all other things stand behind." This is what she often says to her relatives and friends.

Then relatives and friends will persuade her earnestly: "Career is important, but for a woman, family is the most important. You see, you are in your 30s, and you are already an old leftover woman. While there are still people chasing you You, hurry up and get married, otherwise you will become an old lady in a few years, and you won’t be able to get married, so what’s the point of having a successful career?”

"No matter how powerful you are, you are still a woman. You should have a man to rely on in your life, so that your life won't be so boring..."

When encountering such a situation before, she would find some excuses, either as a joke, or as if she was pretending to be angry.Later, I didn't bother to explain, just smiled and didn't speak.

In fact, why doesn't she understand these principles?

She is very envious of the little girls in the publishing house who are in love. They are picked up from get off work, taken care of when they are sick, and they can hold hands with their lovers to go shopping and watch movies on Valentine's Day.

She is also envious of her girlfriends who are married and have children. The family enjoys themselves happily, busy and playing together. Although there are occasional noises, life is always happy.

Sometimes she would think, otherwise, she would go on a blind date and marry someone with similar conditions.

In fact, among those chasing me, there are also outstanding young people with character and talents. If I agree, I should be able to live comfortably.

However, at this time, a figure could not help appearing in her mind.

That person, whom she had known better than anyone for four years, had disappeared from her world for seven full years.

When he left, he took a piece of her heart with him, so that for so many years, her chest was empty, and she could no longer store any warmth from others.

Li Man rarely took the initiative to think of these things, so when she took a coffee break, she still thought about work.

The day before yesterday, after receiving the news that Su Ze was going to write a new book, she called Su Ze in person immediately, and within the scope of her authority, she offered a guaranteed price of [-] per thousand words, or at least [-]% Ten royalties.

The reason for this is not only because Su Ze is the new darling of the publishing industry, but also because she is a fan of Su Ze personally.

Not to mention the best-selling "Things of the Ming Dynasty", but "The First Intimate Contact", which made her, an older leftover girl, shed a lot of tears.

"I don't know how long it will take for Su Ze's sample to be sent..."

Li Man muttered, she very much hoped that Su Ze could send the manuscript over quickly, but she didn't want to go too fast, because she was afraid that the quality of the work would be poor if the speed was too fast.

Last year, after "First Intimate Contact", many novel authors followed suit, and Jingcheng Literature Publishing House received a large number of manuscripts.

But the quality of these books, most of them are horrible, only a few are not bad, but it is difficult to compare with "First Intimate Contact".

Li Man knows that for a novel, quality is the key to success. A book with poor quality may be able to achieve the goal of selling for a while through hype, but it is difficult to sell it for a long time.

Li Man has high hopes for Su Ze, and she hopes that what Su Ze writes will be a good novel with promotional value.

"Even if everyone says that Su Ze's creation speed is very fast, it will take at least half a month..."

Li Man thought in her heart, drank the last sip of coffee, and prepared to continue working. An hour or two was enough for her to review and price another novel manuscript.

Opening the mailbox, there were all kinds of novel manuscripts in it. Most of these manuscripts were submitted to her by the editors below after a preliminary review, and the quality was not bad.In addition, occasionally some authors directly send manuscripts to her, but basically only old authors with certain sales achievements are eligible.

"Well, this novel is the one that Xiao Hu recommended to me in the afternoon... Said it has some Su Ze's writing style? Well, let's take a look..."

Li Man was about to open a novel handed to her by editor Xiao Hu, when suddenly the mailbox prompted: "You have received a new email."

"It's so late, who could it be?"

Li Man was taken aback. This is her mailbox for receiving manuscripts, which is full of various manuscripts.This time cannot be sent by the editors under him, that is to say, those authors.

She moved the mouse, clicked on the message, and a new email was displayed on the computer screen.

Sender: Su Ze.


Li Man's mind was confused for a moment, then she woke up suddenly, and jumped up from her seat, her scream echoed throughout the publishing house: "Su Ze?"

She widened her eyes, staring at the computer screen.

Su Ze sent an email?
Is it...

Li Man, who had just stood up excitedly, quickly sat down again, looking at the content of the email with full expectation.

"Hello, Editor Li, this is my new book sample draft, please check it!"

"—Su Ze."

New book sample draft!

It really is a new book sample!
So fast!
He clearly said the day before yesterday that he hadn't started writing it yet!
With trembling fingers, Li Man clicked on the attached document in the email, praying in his heart, this manuscript must not be a waste product in pursuit of speed!
blah blah blah!

Double-clicking the mouse, the content of the manuscript came into her eyes.

"I saw him again seven years later, in a crowded supermarket full of weekend shopping crowds."

"Zhao Mosheng was pushing the shopping cart alone, struggling to stop and go in the crowd. She just came back from abroad, and she is not used to such a crowded scene, but such a lively and friendly scene made her smile unconsciously, Listening to this noisy local accent almost with gratitude..."

Seven years!

These two words were like a needle piercing into Li Man's heart. She was stunned for a moment, and continued to read with unknown emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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