star wife loves me

Chapter 299 Invitation to the Novel Website!

Chapter 299 Invitation to the Novel Website!
Chapter 310 Invitation to the Novel Website!
Emotionally speaking, not everyone feels as deeply as Li Man about "Why Shengxiaomo", but as an editor-in-chief who has been in the publishing industry for at least 20 years, everyone can judge the quality of a book levels of good and bad.

Therefore, in just one day, the price offered by the publishing house to Su Ze has reached a level that many authors can hardly match, and it is still gradually rising.

It wasn't until Li Man offered a 15.00% royalty on behalf of Jingcheng Literature Publishing House, and said that he could pay Su Ze 50 million in cash in advance based on the estimated sales volume of 300 copies, that other publishing houses flinched.

The 15.00% royalty is already the highest royalty share in the publishing industry in recent years.

The Beijing Literature Publishing House was willing to charge such a high price. Li Man's strong recommendation was certainly a factor. The leaders of the publishing house were also very optimistic about this book, thinking that its sales volume would never be only 50 copies.Moreover, they also want to have a good relationship with Su Ze through this book.

An author who can write "Why Shengxiaomo" in two days, his level can no longer be simply described as "brilliant", evildoer, pervert, this is a god!

Once you have a good relationship with Su Ze, wouldn't it be much more convenient if you want to sign Su Ze's new book in the future?
Su Ze didn't bother, and directly signed a contract with Jingcheng Literature Publishing House, but what he signed was only the distribution rights of physical books, and other rights such as film and television adaptation rights and e-book distribution rights were kept in his own hands.

Perhaps only he knows that the value of this book is not only in the physical book, the future film and television adaptation will be even more powerful.

Speaking of this aspect, perhaps because the level of novels in this world is relatively backward, so in terms of adapting novels to film and television, apart from the martial arts novels of the last century, there are very few novels that have been adapted into movies and TV series since the new century. Gain a certain result, but not one.

As for this field, Su Ze is still very interested, but the meal has to be eaten bite by bite, and the road has to be taken step by step.

After the 300 million funds arrived, Su Ze called Luo Jiasheng: "I got 300 million, how is your place?"

"Not a dime."

Luo Jiasheng said, and at the same time praised: "You can do it, you got 300 million so quickly, if you give you another half a month, wouldn't you be able to get 1000 million together? Keep going!"

"Damn... I've never seen such an unreliable director like you!"

"I've never seen a screenwriter with such high requirements! You say that you are a screenwriter, and it's not good to get the manuscript fee honestly? I am obviously a director, but you force me to work as a producer all day long!"

"I'm afraid you'll turn my script into a piece of shit! Okay, I'll figure out a way. When I get 1000 million, I'm the investor and producer. Then you, the director, have to listen to me obediently." !"

After a few words with Luo Jiasheng, Su Ze hung up the phone and continued to think of ways to make money.

It's so fast to write a book, so write another one?
what to write...

Su Ze was thinking about it, and the chat software suddenly flashed, showing that a person applied to add him as a friend.

Su Ze looked at the notes - Xie Nianqun, editor-in-chief of Longzu

Dragon novel network?Fiction site?

Su Ze clicked on the application to pass, and saw a message from the other side immediately: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Su Ze? I am Xie Nianqun, editor-in-chief of Longzu Novel Network!"

"Hi, I'm Su Ze." Su Ze replied.

"Hi Su Ze, I'm your fan, haha, I'm so excited!!"

"..." Su Ze was speechless, and sent a question mark: "?"

"Cough cough, let's talk about the business." Xie Nian sent a message in a group: "I wonder if you have heard of our Longzu novel website?"


"Ahem, okay, then you know about online novels?" Xie Nianqun asked.

"I know." Su Ze replied. Among those memories on Earth, one of them is an internet writer who has worked in the internet novel industry for many years. The understanding of the novel industry is also very clear.

In terms of the development of novels in this world, it is actually equivalent to the budding period of online novels around [-] on Earth. , or the writing techniques of the authors are very, very immature.

And Xie Nianqun at the other end of the chat saw that Su Ze knew about online novels, so he typed a lot of words.

"Since you know about online novels, then I won't be too long-winded. Our Longzu Novel Network is the largest novel website in the country. It has the largest number of registered users, authors, and book collections. And in the future , online reading will also become a new trend, and there will definitely be more and more readers.”

"This is a very promising industry, and you are also a very talented writer, so we sincerely invite you to join our website. If you are interested, our website will definitely show the greatest sincerity!"

Novel site?
Su Ze pondered for a while, and asked, "What types of manuscripts do you accept on your website?"

"All genres are accepted. As the largest novel website in China, our Dragon's Novels website aims to create a giant literary portal covering various genres and themes!"

Xie Nian sent a smug expression, and said, "However, if you are interested, we still hope that you can write another urban pure love novel, like "First Intimate Contact"."

This is Xie Nianqun's purpose, to invite Su Ze to write an urban pure love novel.

In today's novels, there are many novels about love, hatred, grievances and grievances. Some are bloody, some are passionate, some are sad, and some are cruel, and the emotions expressed are very strong.

So when "First Intimate Contact" appeared, that kind of warm and pure love moved countless netizens, and the long-haired Qingwu Feiyang also became the pure goddess in the hearts of thousands of boys and even girls.

After "First Intimate Contact", although many authors followed suit and imitated this pure love novel, they were always unsatisfactory.

Xie Nianqun came to invite Su Ze to write a novel on Longzu Novels. It was also after careful consideration by the senior management of the website. They believed that if Su Ze could write another pure love novel on the same level as "The First Intimate Contact", it would definitely be a hit. Popularity brings a large number of readers to the website.

"What's the highest price you can get for a writer on your website?" Su Ze asked.

Seeing that Su Ze was interested, Xie Nianqun was invigorated and hurriedly replied: "Our website has just signed a few top writers this year, we call them platinum writers. Their highest price is 5 words per thousand words, and the lowest price is also 5 words. Three hundred. But if you want to come, it must be more than this price, at least two thousand words for a thousand words! There is also a [-]:[-] subscription share!"

The guaranteed price of this verbal promise was also negotiated on their website.

The price of [-] words per thousand words is an astronomical figure for ordinary online novel writers, but it is not high for Su Ze.

Not to mention that Su Ze became the best-selling author last year with two books. With his status as a starlet and millions of fans on Weibo, Longzu Novels only needs to send the news that Su Ze went to their website to write a book. When it is announced, this news alone can attract a large number of onlookers.

Let’s just ask a second-tier star to promote the website, and it will cost hundreds of thousands!
What's more, Su Ze is a real writer!
From the perspective of word count, the pure love novel they invited Su Ze to write will not have too many words, ranging from 30 to [-] words to a maximum of [-] to [-] words.So in terms of words, the price is less than one million, which is actually not expensive.

Novel website...

Su Ze thinks it can be considered.

First of all, his "Why Shengxiaomo" will be published in the form of a physical book, and if he writes another physical book, the sales of the two books are likely to fight each other, affecting each other's sales.

In this case, I can go to the novel website to serialize a novel, so that when the novels on the website are almost serialized, and then prepare for the publication of the physical book, I can stagger the release time of "Why Shengxiaomo" , do not affect each other.

This is a good way, but he is not willing to pay a price of two thousand for a thousand words.

Su Ze typed: "It just so happens that I have a draft of a pure love novel here, and the quality is definitely not inferior to "First Intimate Contact"."

"Great!" Xie Nianqun said excitedly, "Are you interested in publishing books on our website? The price is definitely negotiable!"

"I'll send you the beginning tomorrow. You can take a look." Su Ze said, "As for my request, five thousand words per thousand words, and I have to prepay in advance. In addition, I hope that I can prepay 100 yuan in advance for the subscription share of this book." Ten thousand! Moreover, I only sign the e-book distribution rights, and the sales rights of physical books, film and television adaptation rights and other rights must be kept in my own hands."

Even though he was mentally prepared, Xie Nianqun was taken aback by Su Zeshi's open-mouthed answer, and after a long pause, he replied, "I have to ask the leader for instructions."


"Well... just ask me weakly, how many words will your book have?"

"Sixteen to seventy thousand."

"That's okay, okay..." Xie Nianqun breathed a sigh of relief, and said goodbye to Su Ze.

The next day, Su Ze sent a [-]-word sample draft of the novel to Xie Nianqun's mailbox. In the afternoon, he received a reply from Xie Nianqun: "The leader agrees! Su Ze, welcome to the Dragon Race Novel Network!"

Within a few days, Longzu began to publicize the news with great fanfare that "After "The First Intimate Contact", Su Ze, the founder of pure love novels, has launched a new book on Longzu" At the same time, a sum of 200 million yuan was also released from Longzu hit Su Ze's account.

In the ward, Su Ze looked at the reminder text message and smiled lightly: "Half, there is still 500 million left."

(End of this chapter)

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