star wife loves me

Chapter 304 Zhu Jianghua!

Chapter 304 Zhu Jianghua!
Chapter 320 Five Zhu Jianghua!
"Zhu Jianghua, 32 years old, a new first-line male movie star, the signing agency is Taihe Film and Television. In fact, when I got the script, the first starring candidate that I thought of was him. I just felt that the funds were too small, so I definitely couldn't invite him. give up."

"Later, we had 3000 million yuan in funds, and our budget was sufficient, so we came up with the idea of ​​finding him as the starring role again, and then gave him the script. The price was 20 yuan per episode, according to the budget for 25 episodes. , which is 500 million, you also know and agree to these things."

"Then just yesterday, his agent called me and asked for an increase in his salary, from 20 per episode to 35 per episode! The reason is that Zhu Jianghua is already considered a first-line star, and the last time he filmed a TV series, his salary was 18. One episode, 20 this time is too little!"

"Aren't you kidding? 35 yuan per episode, this price can definitely enter the top ten of the 2017 movie star and TV show salary list! Although Zhu Jianghua is a first-line movie star, he is absolutely crazy if he wants to get this salary! "

"I felt something was wrong at the time, and then I asked someone to investigate, and the result was quickly found out. Xing Xiaohui invited him to shoot "Love in the High Mountain", and the price was 25 yuan per episode, so he just sat down and asked for it. 35! And I also found out that Zhu Jianghua got the script of "Love in the High Mountain" a month ago, but he didn't talk about it until yesterday. This is clearly to threaten us, if we don't give 35, a week Don't even think about turning it on after that!"

On the phone, the Luo family yelled angrily: "Damn! I have encountered this kind of thing when I first debuted. I didn't expect to come back now, and I will encounter the same situation again! Crap! 35 The pay for the episode? They don't even think about it, does Zhu Jianghua have such a great ability! I just think his image is suitable for playing a soldier. In terms of acting skills, he can only be at the bottom of the first-line movie stars!"

Hearing the deafening roar from the mobile phone, Su Ze couldn't help but rubbed his head, "Okay, okay, stop scolding, you were the one who praised him during the casting, and now you are the one who scolded him... 35 The pay for one episode must not be given, otherwise, what would you make Dewey and his other actors think? Just reject it!"

"Well, I'll call his agent later, and I have to scold that grandson!" Luo Jiasheng was still furious: "Damn, it's a coincidence that I originally saw the script "Love in the High Mountain" , As a result, Chen Rui's grandson raised the price. Now I have found Zhu Jianghua again, and he raised the price again, and the drama that he will be filming is "Love in the High Mountain"! All the shameless things like feelings have gone together! "

He cursed for a long time before he sighed: "Zhu Jianghua won't come, what about the starring role? It's only a week away from the original start time, and it must be too late to find an actor now. We.... Postponing it for a month later, what do you think?"

"Don't worry, look for it later." Su Ze scratched his head: "Don't you have any candidate list?"

Luo Jiasheng said helplessly: "Originally there was, and the script of the protagonist was handed over to three people, but then we decided on Zhu Jianghua, and of course the other two gave up and switched to other crews. Now that the schedule is full, it is impossible to shoot again From Soldiers Assault."

"Then..." Su Ze also felt a pain in the head: "In short, let's contact a few more people in the next two days. I don't want to delay the start-up time. If the start-up is delayed until May, it will not be in time for the summer vacation."

"Okay, you are the producer, you have the final say, but I still have to say, it is absolutely wishful thinking to find a leading actor in such a short period of time." Luo Jiasheng muttered: "Unless you are acting yourself!"

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and suddenly shouted: "I'm going! That's right! Su Ze, why don't you try it? In terms of acting skills, I believe you are absolutely worthy of Zhu Jianghua!"

"Me? No, no." Su Ze thought for a while, and then refused.

Not out of politeness, but really not, dare not.

In terms of acting skills, he is certainly worthy, but the problem is that the role of Xu Sanduo is not suitable for him.

Every actor has his own way of acting, which refers to the types of roles that actors can perform.

Some actors have very narrow roles. The typical ones are some popular niches who always appear on the screen as domineering presidents and close brothers. If you ask him to play a crazy murderer, he will never be able to play it. .

There are also some actors who have a wide range of roles. Such actors often have rich performance experience and excellent comprehension, can understand the characteristics of various roles, and can interpret them.This kind of actor is often an old actor with a professional background, and of course there are also some talented newcomers.

But no matter whether your play is narrow or wide, there are always some characters that you can't control, even the actor is no exception.

The control here refers to being able to fully interpret the character and portray its deep-rooted personality characteristics, rather than simply "acting".

Su Ze can play Xu Sanduo, lines, movements, eyes, he is confident that these things can fit the script.But if you want to express this character clearly and profoundly from the spiritual level, it is very difficult.

Xu Sanduo's "cowardly", "stupid", and "stubborn" performances alone are not enough.

At the very least, Su Ze thinks that he still lacks some of Sanduo's qualities.

"Let's try contacting someone else first," Su Ze said.

"Okay then, I'll try again, but before finding a new lead, I still need to make a phone call to scold that grandson." Luo Jiasheng hung up the phone and went to vent his anger.

Su Ze turned on the computer and looked through the list of first- and second-tier male movie stars. When he saw similar ones, he looked through the information again.

Luo Jiasheng sent a message to Su Ze: "It's much more comfortable to scold that grandson!"

Su Ze shook his head with a helpless smile and continued to search for information.

Then after a while, his cell phone rang, and it was a call from an unknown number.

Su Ze connected: "Hello."

"Excuse me... is this Teacher Su Ze?" It was a man speaking on the other side, with a slightly cautious voice.

Teacher Su Ze...

This title made Su Ze feel a little awkward, but he still responded, "It's me."

The man seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "Hello, teacher, I'm Zhu Jianghua."

"Zhu Jianghua?" Su Ze was taken aback, could it be...

"It's the original protagonist of your "Soldier Assault", the actor who played Xu Sanduo." Zhu Jianghua's explanation confirmed Su Ze's guess.

This time, Su Ze was even more confused.

The cooperation talk has collapsed, why did Zhu Jianghua call him?
(End of this chapter)

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