star wife loves me

Chapter 323 Take Li Youyou to the hotel!

Chapter 323 Take Li Youyou back to the hotel!
Chapter 340 Take Li Youyou back to the hotel!
That Ou Shao was lying on the ground, covering his face and moaning, but Su Ze ignored him and took Li Youyou away.He was sure of the strength of his punch, and he could bruise him with no safety risk.

Su Ze walked in front, and Li Youyou was holding his hand, and timidly followed behind him step by step, only playing drums nervously in his heart.

In fact, she came to participate in "Dream New Song Season [-]" because she was influenced by Su Ze, hoping to realize her music dream through "Dream New Song", but she never expected that she would encounter such a thing.

Today, a fellow student was dragged to a dinner party, saying that she wanted to introduce a big man to her, but when she arrived, she found out that it was the son of the deputy director's family. She was quite happy despite being nervous.After the meal, the son-in-law proposed to send her back alone. She realized that something was wrong and wanted to go with the fellow, but unexpectedly, the fellow smiled and left with the others, leaving only her to accompany Ou Shao.

Only then did she realize that she had been betrayed by that fellow.

She wanted to leave alone, and then the scene just happened.

When Ou Shao threatened her with her family members, Li Youyou was desperate, wanted to give up resistance, and was ready to compromise.However, she never expected that someone would appear at this time, and this person was actually her idol—Su Ze.

She walked with Su Ze like this for a long time, only to realize that her hand was still being held by Su Ze, but she was embarrassed to break free, and she was also a little reluctant. Su Ze's warm palm made her sensitive heart that had just been frightened There is a gentle security in the fragile heart.

The two of them walked for hundreds of meters, and they didn't stop until they couldn't see the slightest sign of Ou Shao when they looked back.Su Ze let go of Li Youyou's hand, looked at the pretty girl in her 20s with red eyes, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's...not bad..." Li Youyou buried his head in his arms, not daring to look directly at Su Ze: "Thank you!"

"It's okay." Su Ze smiled: "Where do you live? I'll send you back."

"Okay, thank you." Li Youyou said softly.

"Hey, no!" Su Ze slapped his head: "Does that guy know where you live just now?"

"Hmm..." Thinking of Ou Shao, Li Youyou was still very scared and couldn't help shaking.

"It's okay, it's okay." Su Ze patted her on the back lightly, thought for a while, and said, "Well, if you find another place to live, don't go to the place where you used to live."

"Yeah." Li You nodded.

"Then... where are you going to live? I'll take you there." Su Ze said, looking around, saw a chain hotel not far away, and pointed: "That, is it okay?"

"it is good."

The two came to the chain hotel, and when they asked, there were no rooms.

"Find another one." After a while, another one was found, but there was still no room.

In the next hour or so, Su Ze took Li Youyou to find another four or five hotels, and without exception, there were no rooms.

" have discussed it? It's not the New Year or the festival, will the hotel be so full?" Su Ze was speechless, and looked back at Li Youyou: "Why don't you go to the hotel where I live, see Is there any room over there?"

"Oh...Okay." Li Youyou followed Su Ze for more than half an hour. Although there was not much communication between the two, Li Youyou had already developed a sense of trust in this little star who took the trouble to find a hotel for him .

So Su Ze took Li Youyou back to the hotel where he was staying, and then...

"Sorry, our hotel is fully booked and there are no other rooms."

Hearing this answer, Su Ze almost collapsed. Could it be that the lovers are all coming out to open a room together tonight? God, the earth, can't you give me a room?

Su Ze looked back at Li Youyou, and Li Youyou also looked at him, without speaking.

"How about it." Su Ze sighed and scratched his head: "Or...will you live with me?"

"Huh?" Li Youyou seemed taken aback.

"Uh... The room I live in is quite big, with two bedrooms, and you can live in one." Su Ze didn't know what to say, it was the first time that she invited a strange girl to live in her room. Once, it was awkward and a little embarrassing.

Li Youyou never expected that Su Ze would invite her to live with him, but she couldn't find a hotel right now, and it was midnight, so she could only lower her head and say in a weak mosquito voice, "Okay. "

If it was someone else, Li Youyou would never agree. Even if she sleeps on the street today, it is impossible to live with a man she met for the first time.

However, Su Ze is not only her idol, but also saved her just now, which gave her a kind of trust in Su Ze from the bottom of her heart.

The two went upstairs, Su Ze arranged for Li Youyou, then sat down to rest, his stomach growled again.

Only then did he remember that he originally planned to go out for dinner, and then encountered such a incident, and took Li Youyou around to find hotels, but forgot about the meal.

It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and Su Ze didn't bother to go down to find something to eat. He took a bucket of instant noodles from the hotel, soaked them in some hot water, and started eating.

"Mr. Su."

Li Youyou came out of the room and stood in front of Su Ze: "Thank you so much for today!"

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Su Ze waved his hand while stuffing instant noodles into his mouth: "Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will help, so don't take it too seriously."

But Li Youyou was still worried: "That Ou Shao, his name is Ou Yunsheng, and his father is Ou Qiang, the deputy director of Pineapple TV..."

Although Li Youyou is a fledgling, he also knows that the status of a deputy director is not something an artist of Su Ze's level can easily resist. Su Ze stood up for her today and offended Ou Yunsheng, and Ou Qiang will inevitably make trouble for her in the future.

"You don't have to worry about this." Su Ze interrupted her, and said nonchalantly: "If you want to get revenge on me, it depends on whether he has the ability... Eh? Are you hungry, do you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry." Li Youyou shook her head slightly, her eyes were slightly red, and she felt grateful and guilty.

Meeting Su Ze today was the luckiest thing in her life.

She knew that if it were someone else, she might not stand up like Su Ze.

"Then go to bed early, or sit down and watch TV for a while." Su Ze said, got up and took a bucket of instant noodles. After a day of hunger, a bucket of instant noodles is not enough to eat.

After soaking another pack of instant noodles, Su Ze saw Li Youyou sitting on the sofa, silently lowering his head, wondering what he was thinking about. Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Su Ze asked, "Are you here to participate in "The New Song of Dreams"?" of?"

(End of this chapter)

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